Every season of The Vampire Diaries expanded on the world, giving more flashes into the past or revealing the existence of more supernatural beings. Season four was no different. From introducing new supernatural elements, such as the immortal Silas and the cure, to the continuing love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and Damon, season four was jam-packed with details. However, the season also had essential storylines with Bonnie, Caroline, and the Original siblings. Season four was the last that the Mikaelsons were heavily included in The Vampire Diaries, moving on to their spin-off The Originals by the season’s conclusion.

Season four had vital information running throughout it, and plot-twists came regularly. Overall, these are the ten best episodes of season four, according to IMDb.

10 A View To A Kill (8.7)

Jeremy’s powers, as a member of The Five, give him a map to the cure as he kills more vampires. To get a completed map, Elena and Jeremy plan to kill Kol because, as an Original, if Kol dies, every vampire in his sire line dies too. Meanwhile, Stefan agrees to help Klaus and Elena by distracting Rebekah and seeing if he can get the dagger to put down Kol. All the while, Klaus watches over Damon because Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy.

9 Down the Rabbit Hole (8.7)

Alliances shift when everyone discovers that there is only one dose of the cure. Elena, Stefan, and Rebekah have all expressed interest in becoming human again. Still, the new information changes their perspective of how to go about attaining it, especially when Stefan and Elena realize they may have to force it on Klaus.

“Down the Rabbit Hole” can also be remembered for a tragic death. To retrieve the cure before anyone else, Katherine sacrifices Jeremy, feeling him to Silas.


8 The Originals (8.7)

In the backdoor pilot for The Originals, an hour episode is a Klaus-centric event. Focussing on existing characters Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley, the episode introduces a brand new cast of characters and one historic location. Taking place in New Orleans, the Mikaelson siblings discuss the possibility of moving to the city they once called home after learning that Klaus and Hayley’s one-night stand ended in a shocking pregnancy. “The Originals” also launched the character Marcel, who would go on to become the Mikaelson’s friend and foe.

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7 The Walking Dead (8.8)

Elena continues her obsession to kill Katherine as her newly awakened emotions focus only on rage. Elena’s only goal is to end Katherine’s life even when everyone else says they think it’s a bad idea. Bonnie’s plan to lower the veil to contact Qetsiyah goes south when she is never able to speak with her. Instead, Alaric, Jeremy, Lexi, and more return to Mystic Falls to help their friends. With the veil lowered, Bonnie takes a massive risk to bring Jeremy back to life permanently. Unfortunately, Bonnie exerts herself too much, and while Jeremy’s status remains unknown, the penultimate episode concludes showing Bonnie has died.

6 Stand By Me (8.8)

Elena faces grief as the last remaining member of her family is killed. Clinging to hope that Jeremy will wake up, it is Bonnie’s suggestion to sacrifice twelve people and a phone call for Jeremy that finally breaks Elena. The devastation is too much for Elena, and she decides to burn down her house.

Although Damon interferes, catching the match before it lights the house on fire, Elena goes through with the plan later when her humanity is turned off. The final moments reveal that Bonnie had not been interacting with Shane, hinting that it was Silas.

5 O Come, All Ye Faithful (8.8)

Bonnie, Shane, Elena, and Damon work to find a way for Jeremy to ignore his killer instinct in favor of remembering that Elena is vital to him. Although, due to the sire bond, Damon and Elena should not be together as Damon needs to set her free. Meanwhile, Stefan and Caroline get caught in the middle of Tyler and Hayley’s scheme to kill Klaus. But, there’s a twist. While Tyler planned on protecting the hybrids, Hayley was dooming them to die. Setting up the twelve hybrids to die in a sacrifice, Hayley admits she had made a deal to find her biological family. However, Klaus wouldn’t be who he is without taking revenge, and because of Tyler’s attempt on his life, Klaus kills Tyler’s mother.

4 Memorial (8.9)

As Elena comes to terms with being a vampire and needs to address the heightened senses that come with it, Stefan and Damon argue over what is best for Elena. Stefan’s belief in animal blood fails Elena when she can’t keep it down. However, blood bags and Damon’s blood don’t work either. Instead, the only form that succeeds is Damon’s belief in drinking directly from the vein. When a mysterious new vampire hunter comes to Mystic Falls, his techniques bring questions.

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3 My Brother’s Keeper (8.9)

Jeremy struggles to keep his new hunter powers in check when he has nightmares of killing Elena. But, when Stefan has Jeremy kill a vampire, those instincts become more powerful, leading to Jeremy nearly killing Elena at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant.

Meanwhile, Elena agrees with Damon much more than usual about everything from a dress to Jeremy’s whereabouts. Between that and her growing feelings for Damon, Caroline can not understand where Elena’s head is. It is only when Caroline talks it out with Stefan do they realize that Elena is sired to Damon.

2 Growing Pains (8.9)

After Elena’s worst nightmare comes true, Bonnie risks her life to save Elena from becoming a vampire. However, Bonnie’s attempts not only fail but leave her with an ominous message from her grandmother not to use dark magic. But, when Klaus threatens Tyler’s life, Bonnie follows through with another dark spell, and the spirits take vengeance against her grandmother. Believing that Bonnie will find a way out, Elena doesn’t complete her transition, but such a choice only threatens her life further when the council takes her along with Stefan and Rebekah. With less time until she dies from not drinking, Rebekah and Stefan must work together to supply Elena with human blood.

1 Graduation (9.2)

Everyone deals with the aftermath of ghosts returning until the veil can be put up again. While friends are out and about, so are foes. Kol Mikaelson leads the ghosts’ desire to return to being alive. “Graduation” also sees Klaus Mikaelson’s brief return and a shocking plot twist for Katherine. However, one of the most massive reveals of the season comes during “Graduation” when Silas reveals his pure form to be a doppelgänger of Stefan.

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