Voltron: Legendary Defender is a show filled with action-packed scenes and tense situations. However, it doesn’t shy away from the emotional and sad moments either. Since the show is set during an intergalactic war, naturally many tragedies happen, and they are very upsetting to watch.

Throughout the show, viewers see characters die, family members get torn apart, and every character suffers from the scars of what they’ve been through. This has led to a lot of crushing scenes, which include incredibly sad quotes, that deserve to be looked at.


When Allura And Alfor Said Their Final Goodbyes

“Goodbye, Allura.”

Allura is possibly the most tragic character in the whole show, as the series begins with her entire planet and all its inhabitants being wiped out. This includes her beloved father. She is still able to talk to him through the castle, but when the castle gets corrupted, she must destroy the ghost of her father in order to save everyone else.

This leads to an incredibly heartbreaking scene, as she is bombarded with memories of her late father, but she hugs him one final time and says goodbye. And for a split second, her father seems his old self again, and he sadly says a last goodbye before shattering completely.

When Shiro Watched Allura Get Captured


During a mission that involves Allura and Shiro breaking into a Galran ship, Allura gets captured, but not before throwing Shiro into an escape pod in order to save him. She does her best to smile at him as she is grabbed and he is flown away, the slow-motion highlighting the emotions of the scene.

Shiro, who is usually pretty collected, yells out his anguish in this moment, which highlights just how upsetting this scene is. This kind of epic and emotional scene proves that Netflix is great at making sci-fi shows, and thankfully there are plenty of Netflix sci-fi and fantasy shows coming out in 2022.

When Lance Missed Earth

“I Just Wanna Go Home.”

One of Lance’s defining characteristics is that he loves his family and home a lot. This makes him endearing, but it also leads to a sad moment when he tells Coran about all the things he misses back on Earth. While Lance recognizes that it’s his responsibility to save the universe, he just wants to go home.

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This is incredibly moving, as it reminds the audience that Lance is just a teenager who’s been given far too much responsibility. Furthermore, a bomb blows up next to him immediately after this scene, and for a few scary moments, it seems like Lance may never be able to go home ever again, making his desire for that even sadder.

When Lance Felt Insecure

“Maybe I Don’t Have A Thing. Maybe I’m Just A Fifth Wheel, A Seventh Wheel If You Count Coran And Allura. That’s A Horrible Wheel To Be.”

The way that Lance has been updated from his earlier iterations to a much more emotionally interesting person proves that Netflix should reboot more cartoons. At first, Lance seems to be very cocky, but it is later revealed how insecure he actually is, and this insecurity plays a large part in his character arc.

During one mission, he confides in a Yupper that he often feels like a seventh wheel to the Voltron group, because everyone else seems to be really talented at their own thing. Of course, Lance brings a lot to the team, including his leadership skills and his sharpshooting, but it’s incredibly sad to hear him doubt his own abilities.

When Keith Yelled At Hunk

“Are We Even Really Friends? Is There Anything Holding Us Together Besides Some Messed-Up Series Of Coincidences?”

“The Journey Within” is perhaps one of the most emotionally dark episodes of the whole series. In it, the Paladins get stranded, and become more and more paranoid and irritable the longer they are stuck floating through space. This leads to them all yelling at each other, and despite Hunk’s best efforts to keep the group together, Keith lashes out, claiming that none of them are actually friends.

While Keith probably doesn’t mean what he’s saying, it’s very upsetting to imagine that after all their time together, none of the group actually feels like friends. This kind of dramatic tension is why this is a cartoon series that adults shouldn’t ignore.

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When Allura Sacrificed Herself

“I’m Afraid This Is Where We Part Ways.”

Allura’s death is a topic that many fans of the show take issue with, as it seemed to come out of nowhere, and many fans believe that it was in bad taste that a survivor of genocide was the one Voltron member to die in the end. However, fans still manage to agree that her death scene was incredibly sad.

She states her goodbyes to each of the Paladins, but arguably the saddest moment is when she first reveals that she is going to sacrifice herself. The confusion that ensues from the other Paladins is heartbreaking, and despite Allura’s attempts to appear strong and brave, the weight of her sacrifice is felt through everything that she says.

When Keith Tried To Reason With Shiro

“You’re My Brother. I Love You.”

Shiro and Keith have a very strong bond with each other, so it is heartbreaking to see this bond get ripped apart when Shiro, who is revealed to really be Kuron, becomes a tool for Haggar and starts attacking Keith. As Keith struggles to return Shiro to normal while simultaneously defending himself against Shiro’s attacks, he yells out how Shiro is his family and that he loves him.

This is what finally snaps Shiro out of his bloodlust, but seeing Keith so helpless and afraid for his brother is incredibly heartbreaking to watch. In the moment, Keith is about to lose the fight, so the idea that these could have been his final words is incredibly sad.

When Pidge Found Matt’s Grave

“I’m So Sorry. I Was Too Late.”

Pidge is one of the smartest cartoon characters out there, but she couldn’t solve everything.  Throughout the earlier seasons, Pidge was desperate to find her family, who had been taken prisoner by the Galra. During season 4, she believes that she has found the coordinates for her brother Matt, only to find that it’s the coordinates for his grave.

Thankfully, Matt does end up alive, but at this moment viewers are given a haunting scene of Pidge falling to the ground, and crying and apologizing to her brother’s grave, as she believes that she has failed him. And the fact that both Pidge and her brother are very young only adds to the tragic atmosphere.

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When Coran Worried About Allura

“Please Hurry Princess.”

Coran is usually considered the main comic relief character, but even he gets his sad moments. Like Allura, he is one of the few remaining Alteans, and it is clear how much he feels like he needs to protect Allura. He cares about her deeply, so when she is stuck in a dangerous situation, and he is stuck back on the Castle of Lions, all he can do is beg her to hurry back to safety.

It’s very emotional to watch, especially since Coran delivers his plea in a whisper. As he is Allura’s guardian, he must have felt so helpless and vulnerable at this moment, and that pain can be felt through his words.

When Hunk’s Parents Were Imprisoned

I’m Going To Get You Out.”

When the Paladins return to Earth, they are horrified to see that it has been attacked by the Galra. While Earth is doing its best to fight the alien invasion off, many Earth residents have been forced into Prisoner of War camps, and this includes Hunk’s parents.

Hunk is often seen as a gentle, if somewhat cowardly, character, but as he watches his parents being shoved into a cell, he tearfully vows to save them. Watching Hunk cry makes it almost impossible to not cry along with him, as his words seem like a way for him to hide the pain that he feels while watching his parents suffer in such an awful way.

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