Warning: Contains spoilers for Morbius.

Sony’s Spider-Man universe is a bit of a mess right now, and the only thing that can save it is The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Currently, the universe only exists to set up Spider-Man villains, but it has no Spider-Man for them to fight. Although some enjoy the movies being free of that connection, the universe’s three films have been heavily criticized for the lack of Spider-Man ties. But Sony could easily salvage it by adding Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man and making The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

The Amazing Spider-Man films were originally intended to spawn several spinoffs, allowing Sony to make their own cinematic universe with movies like Sony’s canceled Sinister Six movie. However, once Spider-Man was introduced into the MCU through a partnership between Marvel and Sony, the Amazing series was canceled. Sony quickly realized something, though: they could scrape some money off the top by making their own movies that were vaguely connected to the MCU. Since Sony had the rights to the Spider-Man villains, they started making movies based on them. So far, Sony has made two Venom films and Morbius, with many more movies to come in the future.


While at its release it seemed like Venom may take place in the MCU, it is now confirmed that Sony’s Spider-Man films take place in a different universe. However, it has not yet been confirmed what that universe is. Out of the three movies that Sony has made, none of them have shown a direct connection to the Spider-Man Raimi-verse or Webb-verse, meaning that they likely take exist independently. The films have more than just canonical issues, though. Most viewers believe that none of Sony’s films are as good as the MCU’s films, meaning that there isn’t a hook to keep audiences coming back. This can all be fixed, though, if Sony makes The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

Sony’s Spider-Man Universe’s Future Has More Problems After Morbius

While the Venom movies raised many questions about the universe’s status, Morbius has caused even more problems. Firstly, Morbius exists in the same universe as Venom, meaning it does not take place in the MCU. That also means that this is a universe without a Spider-Man. While Sony could just continue making movies where the villains are portrayed as antiheroes, it turns out that a far more bizarre path is being taken.

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Morbius‘ end-credits scenes raises far more questions than they answer. The first scene shows Adrian Toomes, the Vulture from the MCU, being transported to Sony’s universe through the purple rift that is shown at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home. The second scene shows Adrian in his Vulture suit approaching Morbius and suggesting that they form a team, hinting at a future Sinister Six movie. This creates many problems. First, the scenes add plot holes, contradicting the MCU by pulling characters away from its universe even though No Way Home only brought characters to its universe. Second, it hurts the Vulture’s character. Adrian Toomes doesn’t have a motivation for wanting to form a Sinister Six, so his actions only really serve to set up a future movie. Third, it undermines the MCU’s own plans, as Spider-Man: Homecoming‘s post-credits scene shows Vulture making plans with Scorpion, something that can’t happen if they are universes apart. Finally, it means that a Sinister Six team is being formed in a universe that has no Spider-Man.

Sony’s Spider-Man Universe Really Needs A Spider-Man

The Sinister Six is one of the most iconic villain teams in comics, so having them make their first cinematic appearance without their arachnid archenemy would be a shame. As of right now, Adrian Toomes is the only potential member of the team that is a villain. Morbius is a hero who presumably has no knowledge of Spider-Man and Venom is also a hero twice over who has only ever seen Spider-Man on TV. Unless Sony is setting up an Ocean’s Eleven-style heist film for the Sinister Six, they have no motivation to form a team. However, by giving the Sony universe a Spider-Man, there would be a hero that gives the Six a reason to unite.

The other big reason that the universe needs a Spider-Man is that the movies don’t connect in any meaningful way. Morbius does make references to Venom, but past that they don’t connect at all. Venom takes place in San Francisco and Morbius takes place in New York City. Upcoming movies like Kraven the Hunter and Madame Web aren’t likely to have major connections to the other films, so, as of right now, there isn’t a reason for these films to share a cinematic universe. Having a shared Spider-Man, though, gives these movies a connective tissue. Having a hero that fights each of these villains makes the universe more meaningful. Although it is a mess now, adding Spider-Man to this universe would fix almost everything.

Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man Is Perfect For Sony’s Universe

The best option for Sony would be for them to retroactively go back to their plans for an Amazing Spider-Man shared universe. If they were to add a Spider-Man to this universe they only have three options: Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man, or an entirely new one. Tobey Maguire’s wouldn’t be the best option because the Raimi Spider-Man films are so tonally unique that these very dark and gritty characters simply wouldn’t fit. A new web-slinger is a bad idea because audiences currently are keeping up with Tom Holland’s MCU Spider-Man and Miles Morales from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. On top of that, both Maguire and Garfield have already had their own movie series, so a fifth cinematic Spider-Man really isn’t needed right now. That leaves Andrew Garfield and The Amazing Spider-Man universe, which is the perfect candidate.

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Garfield’s Spider-Man is the ideal hero for Sony’s universe. The main reason for this is that his universe meshes perfectly with the one Venom and Morbius currently exist in. Both universes are darker and grittier than the MCU, don’t have incredibly stylized tones, and lack copious amounts of heroes. Furthermore, while a lot of time has passed between Raimi’s Spider-Man films and now, not nearly as much time has passed since The Amazing Spider-Man series. Andrew Garfield is still in his prime, so he alone would be enough to rejuvenate Sony’s universe. Garfield still has plenty of years left where he could be a believable Spider-Man, meaning that he can act as the main character of these films for however long Sony wants to keep making them. Also, these movies don’t contradict Garfield’s movies at all, as they don’t feature Venom or Morbius.

The biggest reason to bring back Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, though, is that it will finally pay off the plans Sony made so many years ago. VenomSinister Six, and more were originally supposed to be connected to The Amazing Spider-Man movies. While some didn’t like the two films, many fans were excited to see this larger universe. Now that Sony has had time to reevaluate, and finally got Garfield right with No Way Home, there is no better way to bring back these original plans than to pay off Morbius‘ Sinister Six setup in The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

Will The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Happen?

After the positive reception Andrew Garfield got in No Way Home, it would not be a surprise if Sony were working on The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Sony has wanted to have the same status as the MCU for so long, and now that audiences are finally clamoring for a new movie in the Webb-verse, it would be shocking if Sony didn’t respond. Although it hasn’t been confirmed yet, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is an exciting and very likely film, and it is the best way for Sony to fix their shared Spider-Man universe.

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