The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Parts 1 & 2 marked the definite end to the rise of the Young Adult genre. When Twilight was released in 2008, the world was taken by storm with the power of fangirls and the next several movies in the series only got bigger in popularity and commercial success. What made these films very successful were the handsome actors and the real-life relationship between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. This blend ensured that from 2008 to 2012, the world saw regular Twilight Saga films and studio developers were all the richer for it.

The behind-the-scenes happenings from the series got more scrutiny as each film passed. There were the Team Edward and Team Jacob fanatics who would annoy just about everyone out there with their constant whining, and every year end the new Twilight Saga film would be released with much fanfare. Unfortunately, the final “behind-the-scene” happening that we know of from the series is when Kristen Stewart was unfaithful along with the director of the films. However, let’s not forget all the fun the cast had while making these movies.

By the time the series had reached its fourth installment, everyone was in a comfortable space and it was only a waiting game until the end of production as filming these movies had become second nature for the actors. You’ll love seeing these pictures where you can see how these films were made.

Here are 24 Behind-the-Scenes That Change the Way We See the Later Twilight Movies.

24 Kristen And Robert Receiving Instructions

No matter how many films deep you’re in, you still need to follow the instructions of the director. The Breaking Dawn films marked the actors’ fourth and fifth films in the series, and they were more than accustomed to playing these parts. But no one can argue with the director.

It is, after all, his vision that will make the movie what it is supposed to be, and here you can see Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart leaning in to hear their instructions.

23 Esme And Carlisle Laughing

The members of the Cullen family remained largely stoic throughout the series and barely cracked any smiles. It should be a weird sight for dedicated fans to see Esme and Carlisle being so happy in this picture.

Then again, it isn’t Esme and Carlisle you see here. Instead, it is the actors who are portraying them. It’s always fun to see actors who are supposed to be playing serious roles suddenly flashing light smiles. Some people will just go ahead and consider this canon.


22 Jacob And Renesmee Backstage

It was very weird when it was shown at the end of the series that Jacob would one day end up with Renesmee, who was the daughter of the girl Jacob had earlier been in love with. In that way, you could say Jacob could’ve been Renesmee’s father had he been given the chance.

All the creepiness aside, Taylor Lautner certainly does look parental here as he shows the young actress where the camera is supposed to be. The actress is now 18-years-old while Taylor is 26-years-old, making them eligible to be love interests now. Yikes!

21 Everyone In The Library

Usually, photos of first looks for the movies are filled with happy faces, but this one here seems to be taken while the actors are in character. This is a photo session in the library where the characters are supposed to look determined, and you can see this reflected in the actors’ faces.

They all sit in resolute positions and their faces are showing off what their characters were supposed to feel in that particular scene. We bet they started laughing once the camera stopped rolling.

20 All Actors Around The Green Screen

Earlier on, we showed a picture of a water hose while everyone ran forward to complete the great battle sequence— but in this one, the actors are all goofing around in front of the green screen.

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They might look like they are forming some kind of position, but in actuality, all these people are clowning around and dancing. It must have been something for the blooper reel as everyone involved has no intention of getting back into character; instead choosing to dance away their troubles.

19 Renesmee And Aro Green Screen

Aro was no friend to Renesmee in the film series, but seeing that this is basically Michael Sheen standing around with a little girl, you could forgive him for not being so antagonistic. Even funnier still, Renesmee has a sassy thing going for her as she stands like she’s telling Aro off for being naughty.

This must have been during a break from the battle sequence, but this is quite a cute break from filming and Michael Sheen doesn’t seem to mind whatever sass the little girl is throwing at him.

18 Making Of Pregnant Bella

This should scare the bejeezus out of you because we know it scared ours. It might seem like Kristen Stewart is standing next to that man in character, but in actuality, that’s not even a real person. The set made a lifelike figure of Kristen to be placed during the sequence where she gives birth.

It really looks like a very sad version of Kristen standing there. This just goes to show the incredible work done by the production department; we think it could even be a crime to make things that realistic.

17 Edward, Bella, And Renesmee Green Screen

Once you get a peek on the other side of filmmaking, it can be hard to take scenes seriously. This is also what plagues this still of Edward and Bella with Renesmee as the fact that a green screen is behind them takes away any chance of us taking them seriously.

Although the actors are in character, judging by the expressions they carry on their faces, the scenery is yet to be made into what we’ll see in the film, so it just looks like three people standing awkwardly in front of a green screen.

16 Family Scene

If you couldn’t see the production people standing in this shot, it would fool one into thinking the people being filmed are actually looking at someone with particular venom. As it happened, they are actually just waiting for instructions from the director and the crew, but it looks like this was just after the director yelled cut because all of the people involved in the scene still carry that serious look, save for Edward who looks amused for some reason.

15 Dakota Fanning Laughing

Filming in front of large crowds is always awkward. It must be a challenge to be in character when so many people are around you knowing that you’re essentially playing make-believe for the cameras. What’s more is that the actors are always hidden from the public so as not to give their costumes away and spoil certain scenes.

In this picture here, you can see Dakota Fanning wearing a robe to hide the dress underneath. Seeing as that is something from the costume department, she’s not at liberty to reveal the dress.

14 Renesmee Sitting On Fake Dog

If you were wondering why we said it was near impossible to take things seriously where a green screen is involved, then feast your eyes on what’s happening here. First of all, the actors involved need to pretend there’s a landscape behind them, and it needs to be a cold backdrop because they are all dressed heavily.

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Mainly, though, they need to pretend that Renesmee is actually sitting on a werewolf. In actuality, it’s just a hollow imitation of a wolf’s body.

13 Cutting Off Michael Sheen

Everyone knows an actor getting beheaded in any scene is not actually losing their head, but it needs to be filmed in such a way that at least the process of removing the head looks realistic. This is why this scene here is being filmed where Bella is on top of Aro’s shoulders, ready to decapitate him.

A whole lot of people are around to capture the various camera shots that were needed to get this scene in the film. This is the part that was needed right up until the actress could imitate ripping the head off.

12 Hollowed Bella Prop

Earlier on, we had shown you a picture of the fake Bella who looked emaciated while delivering her baby. This Bella was so lifelike that it was enough to give people nightmares; however, the actress herself is clearly not one of faint heart.

Kristen Stewart can be seen here placing an arm around her faltering imitation and having a light moment with it. This is the kind of sense of humor you need in awkward situations.

11 Picking Up Fake Trees

Vampires in the Twilight movies were supposed to have super strength and, to illustrate this, the movies had several scenes that showed just that. The trees seen in this scene are made in such a realistic manner that you would think the actor really was just that strong.

But your bubble would be burst when catching a glimpse of the actress behind him who is not even half the size of the stump she’s supposed to be carrying.

10 Bella Hooked To A Cable

Two decades ago, actors were really made to do a lot of dangerous scenes that would make it seem like they were doing all those fantastical scenes we saw in the movies. After development in technology, cables were made to give the effect that the characters were really flying or jumping extremely high.

Here, you can see Kristen Stewart hooked to a cable in the scene that showcased Bella’s new vampire powers and she’s having a blast. Looks like pretend-flying is fun.

9 Pregnant Bella Makeup

Before Bella had her big birthing scene, she was shown in a pretty bad state earlier in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 when she was pregnant with Renesmee. It was at this point that the characters were all discussing how she would cope with giving birth when she was clearly not in the best condition.

In this picture, we can see Taylor and Kristen getting ready to film a discussion about this topic, but first makeup duties beckon. Kristen’s pregnancy looks so real you’d think she really was with child.

8 Edward And Bella Wedding Scene

Which one of us can forget anytime soon the “First Look” picture for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 when photos of Edward and Bella were seen in their wedding day. It caused a real frenzy with all the fangirls who acted as if it was two real people getting married and not fictional vampires.

Knowing the crazy reaction fans would have for this, a special photo session was commissioned where Robert and Kristen dressed up in wedding clothing.

7 Birthing Scene

Now that we’ve seen so many shots of the fake Bella, we’re not sure if that prop is the one Robert is crouched toward or if it’s supposed to be the real actress. Either way, this shot shows how the camera perceives the scene. The run-time of the cut is shown on the bottom and the green screen is also visible in the background.

The camera quality, however, makes it look like we’re watching a scene from the movie and not just a rough cut that is obviously going to go through the process of post-production.

6 Jacob Hooked To A Cable

Unlike Bella, whose jumping around was something that was supposed to be a big deal, Jacob did a lot of running and jumping around throughout the series’ events. In this picture, you can see Kristen Stewart seemingly trying to appeal to the film’s crew for some reason.

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You’d think she was in a level of distress and it was a serious issue, but it’s hard to take it seriously when you’ve got a shot of a cable inserted in the clothing of Taylor Lautner.

5 Edward Looking Out To Green Screen

In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, Bella and Edward went on their honeymoon and several minutes were devoted to showing how steamy things were getting between them – even though all of this was unnecessary and frankly very uncomfortable to watch.

Some shots were also dedicated toward showing us how gorgeous the location was where they went for their honeymoon, but this picture should tell you that it wasn’t the case at all, and there was nothing for them to look at out the window.

4 Injured Bella And Jacob

Okay, this time we’re 75-percent sure that the person lying down on is the fake version of Bella and not the real Kristen Stewart. It just doesn’t seem logical that the producers would go through so much trouble in making that fake Bella and then have Kristen act out the part herself.

In this scene, Bella isn’t even supposed to be doing anything other than lying lifeless and it is Jacob who is the focus of the camera’s attention.

3 Waterhose On Set

Someone’s got to keep the set tidy, you know? When you’ve got a scene where everything is supposed to take place on a blanket of ice, there needs to be a clean platform for the actors to run.

To this end, you can see the water hose that was used on set to keep the grounds clear. In the distance, you can see the actors hurrying forward to complete the fight sequence, but it’s funny to see a water hose lying around unattended on a battlefield.

2 Michael Sheen Laughing

The people who love to criticize how bad the Twilight films are can’t comprehend why a good actor like Michael Sheen would ever agree to be in it. Admittedly, Michael Sheen was underused in the film series and was out of place for the most part; however, you can see just how much he enjoyed being on set judging by this picture of him.

In what is supposed to be an intense scene, you can see Michael flash a happy smile. There must have been some shenanigans going on behind the camera.

1 Romantic Scene

Ph: Andrew Cooper

© 2011 Summit Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.[/caption]

It’s a shame these two actors couldn’t stay together in real-life because as this shot attests, they did have real chemistry. This isn’t a still from the film, rather it is during the filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. We’ll never know if this was during a scene or if these two really were looking at each other with such affection in their eyes.

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