Following the acquisition of all of Bethesda’s games studios by Microsoft, the Xbox team is now actively teasing a team-up between Halo‘s Master Chief and Doomguy. It’s the one crossover between the two portfolios that instantly lept into the minds of gamers upon the announcement of the merger. Both Master Chief and Doomguy are lone space marines up against an overwhelming opposing force, be it religious zealots from another world or floating meatballs and fireball slinging imps. Both characters are also traditionally not much for words, although Master Chief has piped up considerably more over the years.


It could also easily be said that both the DOOM and Halo franchises have left a huge impact on the first-person shooter genre. id Software’s 1993 Doom and its sequel were the games that made the genre rise to prominence, establish so much about the tone of what was to come that games in the genre were initially called DOOM clones. Bungie’s Halo: Combat Evolved in 2001 not only established the Xbox as a console but it also established what shooters would look like for a decade with its cinematic presentation and more down to earth weapon loadouts. A game where these two styles clash alongside their heroes would be an interesting one indeed.

Posting art originally credited to Frankie Donnadio on the official Halo Instagram page, the post asks fans who they would team up with to take on the two legendary first-person shooter protagonists. Serious responses to the query elicited responses ranging from Darth Vader to Kratos from Xbox’s rivals at PlayStation. Other players took the opportunity to comment on the ongoing controversy regarding Halo Infinite and armor colors in multiplayer becoming microtransactions. Either way, the entire exercise is an official acknowledgment from Microsoft that Doomguy and Master Chief belong in a crossover.

The best part is that not only can Microsoft deliver on this idea if it so chooses, but it would work in the universes of both games. Doomguy has already trekked between three dimensions in his recent travels, and Spartans have been known to show up in fighting game tournaments with a little in-universe slipspace jumping. It’s completely conceivable that either character could fall through a portal into the other’s world, and that both characters could end up in each style of game over the course of a campaign.

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The question is, how will Microsoft take advantage of this fan demand for some sort of connection between Halo and Doom? Will players see Doomguy armor show up as a bonus unlockable in Halo Infinite? Will the next DOOM game see Doomguy pick up a Needler in a room hidden behind a super-hard platforming challenge? Or, will both franchises actually converge in some sort of once in a lifetime Freddy vs. Jason-style crossover event? Players will likely have to wait a while to see anything come of this partnership, but it’s not out of the question that the two could cross energy swords by the end of the Xbox Series X’s lifespan.

Source: Halo/Instagram

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