Thanks to its unique form factor, the PlayStation 5 has caused the phrase “wifi router” to trend on Twitter. At long last, Sony finally pulled back the curtain on PlayStation 5, showing off the system and many of its launch window games, including Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Resident Evil 8: Village. The presentation ended with a close-up look at the next-gen console, revealing a curved system that leans away from the angular design of the PlayStation 4 and the boxy look of the new Microsoft system, the Xbox Series X.

While the PlayStation 5 showcase event did not reveal details like a release date or price point for the advanced system, the presentation did confirm two models of the hardware; one with a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray drive, and one that is entirely digital. This second version will likely be cheaper than the alternative, but no price point for either system was announced. Regardless, both versions of the PlayStation 5 feature a nigh-identical form factor with smooth edges and a futuristic aesthetic sensibility.


The unique shape of the PlayStation 5 instantly became popular on Twitter, with many comparing it to a wi-fi router due to the particular design. Meanwhile, the more boxy look of the Xbox Series X is being compared to a mini-fridge. Thus, thanks to the dubious magic of social media memes, the next-generation console wars have been redefined as “Wi-Fi Router vs Mini Fridge.” Another Twitter user used a pair of envelopes around their own wi-fi router to humorously simulate the aesthetic design of the PlayStation 5.

In today’s age of social media connectivity, big video game events are under harsher scrutiny than ever before, especially as video games continue to grow in popularity with each passing console cycle. For years, the online mobs have put pressure on Sony and Microsoft to unveil their next-generation hardware. Now, with the next-gen console wars finally starting to heat up, these ravenous fans are latching onto any detail they can in order to build hype for the next wave of gaming, and maybe carve out a bit of internet fame for themselves in the process.

The PlayStation 5’s unique and curvy design looks vaguely like a wi-fi router. The Xbox Series X looks kind of like a miniature refrigerator. Back in the day, the launch model version of the PlayStation 3 looked like a George Foreman grill. The leadup to the launch of a video game system is always a time of excitement, hype, and good-natured joking, and the PlayStation 5’s particular form factor is ripe for the type of internet fame that only helps boost awareness for Sony’s highly-anticipated next-gen machine.

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Sources: @nemesisssss_ – Twitter, @LqveLust – Twitter

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