Now that players are getting to test out the Early Access version of Scavengersthey are quickly realizing just how difficult this game can really be. There are many different dangers that the player has to face off against during the course of a single match of Scavengers, so knowing exactly how to combat all these difficulties is very important. Players will need to remain sharp if they hope to survive for very long.

Those who are just now getting into the game though are going to have a lot issues compared to those who already have several hours under their belt. This is why new players will need to develop some strategies to help themselves perform better in a given match and fight against all of their enemies. This guide will show beginners some tips and strategies for playing Scavengers for the first time.


Scavengers: New Player Guide

Don’t Play Like a Battle-Royale – The very first big thing that players need to learn when playing Scavengers is that, despite the similarities, this is most definitely not a battle-royale game. Players may be dropped defenseless on a map and be expected to search for weapons while fending off a deadly storm, but there is a lot more going on here. Rather than going go being the last person standing, players are hunting for data around the map. This means that the team with the most data rather than most kills is the one that will win in the end. Additionally, the player needs to rethink what “winning” means in this game. If the player’s team manages to collect data and make it off the planet on the dropship then they should consider that a win.

Be Sneaky and Avoid Other Players – One of the best tactics that the player can employ during the course of a match in Scavengers is to honestly try and avoid all other players if possible. If the player is killed by other players they will lose half of their current data points, which can be awful for the team’s overall prospects. This is why its better to just completely avoid other players if at all possible when playing. Instead, players can hunt for data points by attacking AI-controlled enemies or working towards clearing data points. The player can better avoid other players by crouching, which removes them completely from other player’s mini-maps or by looking at their map to determine which areas are least likely to have other players.

Learn The Different Movement Mechanics – There are several different movement mechanics that the player can employ to make themselves better at navigating through the game’s world. One big one is to make use of the game’s sliding mechanics. When the player is sprinting they can hit the crouch button to turn it into a slide. Sliding is actually much faster than other methods of traversal in the game, and it won’t cost the player any stamina at all. The more momentum that the player has will cause them to slide longer. On top of that though if they decide to slide down a hill they will be able to slide infinitely as long as they are going downhill, and will pick up more speed the whole time. The player can dodge roll by pressing the middle mouse button. This may not seem useful in a shooter game, but it’s perfect for avoiding a close-range attacker or throwing off an opponent’s aim.

Pay Attention to Stamina and Cold Meters – One of the biggest things that players will need to worry about when playing Scavengers is the Stamina and Cold meters that show up in the left-hand corner of the UI. Both of these meters are incredibly important for the player to watch because they can spell doom at the worst possible times. Stamina allows the player to sprint, dodge, or perform melee attacks, and running out of stamina in the middle of a firefight can get players killed. Additionally, every time that the bar is depleted then the lower the player’s max stamina will be. this is why players should always keep rations from berries or hunted animals around. Players will also want to keep track of their cold meter as well to make sure that they don’t freeze to death. The best way to handle this is to search for sources of fire or indoor areas when the cold meter gets very low.

AI Controlled Enemies are Still Dangerous – Players really shouldn’t underestimate the AI-controlled enemies in the game just because they aren’t as tough to bring down as other players. AI enemies come in much larger groups than players which means that teams who aren’t prepared can easily become overwhelmed before they know what is going on. There are also several boss enemies that can appear throughout the game’s world, which can be extremely difficult for players to bring down without powerful weapons at their disposal. Players should go into every firefight like they are fighting real people and not get overconfident.

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Don’t Blindly Rush To the Dropship – The biggest mistake that a group of players can make in a game of Scavengers is rush into the Dropship right after it appears. This is because other teams of players are going to be making their way to the dropship as well at this time, which means this area is going to turn into a chaotic battlefield within moments. If the player is further ahead in the game then they should definitely try to avoid the dropship as long as they can to give themselves more chances to get off the planet alive. Players who are very desperate to rack up some extra points in the final minutes of the game though can try to make it to the dropship first and wait to kill any players who try to approach the area. This is risky, but it’s possible to bring down a couple of top teams and earn the highest spot.

Remember to Invest In Researching and Crafting – Players should also try and invest a decent amount of time into researching and crafting new items to gain an edge over their opponents. By collecting materials and spending them on different kinds of research the player will be able to unlock new crafting recipes in the game. They can then bring these recipes with them into a match to craft new items and weapons in the middle of the game. By collecting pieces of scrap throughout the world players are able to craft all kinds of different items like weapons, shields, and even grenades.

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Spend Your Free Chips On A New Character and Research – Those who are taking part in the Early Access version of the game right now will actually be able to claim 1500 free chips for themselves. This is enough to purchase a new character, so the player will want to take a look and see which one they will be willing to play as. The extra chips they are provided with can be used to speed up research projects.

Scavengers can be played in Steam Early Access right now.

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