Few Star Wars characters embody the physical look of a Jedi more than Obi-Wan Kenobi. While Obi-Wan’s canon costumes have always maintained the iconic whites and browns whether in the original trilogy or the prequel trilogy, one comic gave him a costume that would make Kenobi look completely unrecognizable to most fans of the galaxy far far away.

In Star Wars canon, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the apprentice for Qui-Gon Jinn. After Qui-Gon dies at the hands of Darth Maul, Obi-Wan agrees to train young Anakin Skywalker, who is ultimately fated to become Darth Vader. During this early saga, the look of the Jedi is solidified with robes. This was not always known, however, as the first Star Wars movie only showed Obi-Wan in his Tatooine clothes. It wasn’t known if that was the same thing he would have worn during his days as a Jedi Knight during the height of the Jedi Order.


In Marvel Comics Star Wars #24 by Mary Jo Duffy, Carmine Infantino, and Bob Wiacek, Princess Leia recounts an early adventure of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who she refers to as Ben. This story was told to her by her father and involves Obi-Wan going aboard a pleasure cruiser to stop space pirates. Most notably, however, is that Obi-Wan doesn’t wear his trademark Jedi robes. Instead, he’s wearing a black bodysuit more akin to a sleek Marvel spy than a protector of the Galaxy. Kenobi also has a full-on dashing goatee that finalizes his suave look.

If the prequel movies had run with this comic as canon, the way the Jedi could have been depicted on screen may have been very very different. They could have been more brash and confrontational, maybe like a pulp action hero, as that is what Obi-Wan Kenobi looks like in this comic. They would have never been the optimistic monks that are portrayed throughout the prequel trilogy. Obi-Wan in the comic even kills someone quite coldly, an act fitting given his look.

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The issue obviously isn’t canon now, but it’s still an interesting note in Star Wars history. It shows that even during the franchise’s early days there was still interest in tapping into what life in the Star Wars galaxy might have been like under the expansive Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as opposed to the Empire. It’s unclear if George Lucas had anything to do with not just the comic story but Kenobi‘s look, as well. Either way, it’s clear that writers and designers were always eager to take a crack at expanding the look and feel of Star Wars’ past.

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