Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince is the penultimate entry into the story of Harry Potter. In book-form, it’s a harrowing tale that continues the adult themes introduced in The Order Of The Phoenix, bringing in some of the most heartbreaking moments in the franchise. The film was the darkest in tone of the series, but it brought much more humor to the forefront than fans were used to.

As such, the audience was delivered many incredibly memorable quotes in both the book and the film adaptation. Here are 10 of the greatest quotes from the sixth entry into the franchise.

10 “Tend To People’s Teeth …”

A lot of the time, the humor amongst the main characters in Harry Potter comes from Ron. But every now and again, Hermione steps up to the plate and delivers a moment of clueless comedic brilliance.

After explaining that her parents were dentists, Slughorn asks: “Fascinating, and is that considered a dangerous profession?” She replies, “No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed 10 stitches,” to confused silence.

9 “I Have To Do This …”

On the other end of the emotional spectrum is Malfoy’s own realization of his lack of autonomy. “Don’t you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you … or he’s gonna kill me.”

The desperation in his voice combined with the pleading tone suggests that he really doesn’t want to kill Dumbledore, but he knows he has to show loyalty to Voldemort. It’s quite sad, really.


8 “Farewell, Aragog …”

Slughorn is a strange character who is quite hard to place in the Harry Potter world. However, his speech mourning the loss of Aragog is both funny and strangely touching:

“Farewell, Aragog, king of arachnids, whose long and faithful friendship those who knew you won’t forget! Though your body will decay, your spirit lingers on in the web-spun places of your forest home. May your many-eyed descendants ever flourish and your human friends find solace for the loss they have sustained.”

7 “Not To Mention The Pincers …”

Speaking of Aragog’s death, the scene also provides us with the funniest moment ever delivered by Harry.

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The Liquid Luck seems to have had basically the same effect as a recreational drug, and Harry is now happily strolling around Hogwarts, carefree and ecstatic. His expert delivery and the little hand movements he makes when he says “not to mention the pincers” are priceless.

6 “Your Courage …”

One of the most annoying things Harry Potter does throughout the franchise is attempt to be the one and only hero in the world. Luckily, Hermione is on hand to tell him how unnecessary that is:

“I’ve always admired your courage Harry, but sometimes you can be really thick. You don’t think you can find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you? You need us, Harry.”

5 “Too Much Of You …”

“Once again I must ask too much of you, Harry,” says Dumbledore. It’s an understandable thing to say because Dumbledore really does ask a lot of Harry.

Considering The Half-Blood Prince is the closest Harry has been to adulthood so far in the franchise and he’s already had so many life-endangering missions, Dumbledore’s apology is rather meaningful here. Especially when one knows what’s going to happen next.

4 “Make The Unbreakable Vow …”

“Make the unbreakable vow” is what Bellatrix whispers to Severus Snape in order to help Draco carry out his mission to kill Dumbledore.

This line, combined with Severus’ final act, is what proves his loyalty to the Dark Lord. Except, it wasn’t. It was part of a genius plan that made Voldemort trust Snape fully while helping to bring him down.

3 “Tom Riddle …”

“Now as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, who like you, sat in this very hall, walked this castle’s corridors, slept under its roofs. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name: Tom Riddle.”

Dumbledore is never one to shy away from being honest and truthful to his students. He did so at the end of The Goblet Of Fire when Voldemort returned, and he continued to do so here, when he was at the height of his power.

2 “I Am The Chosen One …”

Slughorn was introduced into Harry Potter as he was the one with access to the true memory of Voldemort learning about Horcruxes. When Harry admits out loud that he is the chosen one and demands that Slughorn help reverse his actions, it is both powerful and very helpful in their fight.

“I am the Chosen One, only I can destroy him, but in order to do so, I need to know what Tom Riddle asked you all those years ago in your office, and I need to know what you told him. Be brave, sir. Be brave like my mother. Otherwise, you disgrace her. Otherwise, she died for nothing. Otherwise, the bowl will remain empty, forever.”

1 “Severus, Please …”

Chock full of double meaning, Dumbledore’s final line, “Severus, please,” sounds like the desperate plea of a dying man. Please don’t kill me, right?

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That’s how Dumbledore’s emotional death hit fans for many years until the reveal that this was Dumbledore simply asking his associate to carry out their pre-planned task. Genius.

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