In the Season 4 Premiere of Supernatural, Castiel was revealed as the angel who pulled Dean out of hell. He left a handprint burned on Dean’s arm and fans quickly dubbed this partnership “Destiel”. Twelve years later, In the 18th episode of the last season (Season 15) titled “Despair,” Destiel fans finally saw their suspicions become canon.

Castiel said “I love you” to Dean and achieved his moment of pure happiness, completing the curse and the deal he made with The Empty to save Jack and take his life. He told Dean that there was one thing he could never have but that just saying it was enough for him. Destiel fans took to Twitter with their reactions to what was confirmed by showrunners as Castiel’s last goodbye.

10 Tumblr Throwback

The Destiel fandom first became big on Tumblr so, when Castiel declared his love to Dean moments before his final death, Tumblr put out a tweet reading “Hey @cw_spn fandom, how ya’ll doing?” one user’s answer was the perfect expression of outrage and sadness, along with a Destiel compilation that told exactly where they were coming from.

9 The Punchline That Took Over A Decade

It was a slow burn indeed! Season 4 debuted in 2008 and Castiel’s speech in Season 15 happens in 2020. While Destiel fans searched every episode that included both Dean and Castiel for clues, both characters died and came back to life over and over. They fought through wars, stopped more the apocalypse (several times), and learned about life in many ways. When Castiel finally gets out the definitive answer fans waited over a decade to hear, it was with his last words.


8 Symbolism Comes Full Circle

Castiel pulled Dean up from the depths of Hell in Season 4 and left a burn mark on his shoulder in the shape of a handprint. After Dean falls to the floor when Castiel pushes him out of the way of The Empty, his position onscreen clearly shows a bloody handprint on his jacket. It’s not on his skin but it’s in the exact same spot as the burn mark from their first meeting. The symbolism was not lost on Destiel fans.

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7 Castiel Never Got What He Deserved

In the Season 15 episode “Our Father, Who Aren’t In Heaven,” Adam Milligan, possessed by the Archangel Michael, returns. Michael, in Adam’s body, tells Castiel “Since when do we get what we deserve?” As Castiel says goodbye to Dean, he tells him, “The one thing I want, it’s something I know I can’t have.” He goes on to tell Dean that he believed this meant he’d never have his moment of true happiness and would never complete the curse for The Empty to take him.

Castiel came to the realization that simply saying the words, even if he couldn’t have what he wanted would bring him true happiness. Destiel fans were vindicated, seeing that Adam/Michael knew all along what Castiel wanted most. After all, as fans pointed out, he was able to read Castiel’s mind.

6 Castiel’s Reason For Caring About The World

One user remembered that Castiel was only supposed to be on Supernatural for one season. He did well and was such a fan favorite that he returned as a full-time cast member and fans believe that part of the reason for this has to do with the trends surrounding Destiel at the time. This makes Dean literally Castiel’s reason for being and in his goodbye speech, he made that known.

“I cared about the world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”

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5 Dean’s Reaction Satisfies Destiel Shippers

Some fans wanted to know after watching “Despair”, “well, how can we be sure that Dean felt the same way?” and Destiel shippers had the answer. Dean’s own reaction to The Empty taking Castiel was a show of emotion that Destiel fans expressed as extreme loss. They saw Dean crumble to the floor after it all happened and he broke down. Dean has seen Sam die several times, his father, his mother, and many others that he cared about like family but this scene was different for Destiel shippers.

4 Tearful Fans Are Vindicated

Destiel fans have waited for this moment for twelve long years and now that they’re vindicated, they can’t get enough of Castiel’s speech and him telling Dean “I love you.” This user talks about watching the clip over and over again and the replies show that they’re not the only one. After years of context clues and hoping for something that makes it real for them, they finally get it in Castiel’s last moments. It’s real for them and this speech, in particular, is what makes that so.

3 Destiel Fans Are Not Happy With The Timing

After the shock wore off, many Destiel fans expressed their sadness over the timing of this revelation. The writers waited until the last minute to make this happen and the fans want more. Other fans believe this is the ultimate proof that Destiel is real because Castiel knew he couldn’t have Dean and his declaration of love was his absolute last resort. His speech at the end was so full of emotion that fans can’t believe it means anything other than the truth they hoped for.

2 Dean Kept His Character Until The End

While some fans talk about the way Dean broke down after Castiel’s final death, others pointed out his stoic expression while the goodbye was happening. The discussion following these tweets shows that fans believe this solidifies Destiel as canon because Dean didn’t react out of character.

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Destiel shippers may have wanted a more emotional response but that wouldn’t have been the real Dean for them. The fact that he kept his character until the very end makes this more real for Destiel fans than ever.

1 The Look Of Sheer Emotion On Castiel’s Face

After everything Castiel said, after Dean crumbles to the floor, what really did it for Destiel fans was the look of sheer emotion on Castiel’s face when he spoke to Dean. When he told Dean that he loved him, he did it to experience his moment of true happiness. His eyes shone and tears fell while he smiled. The Empty was summoned and took Castiel while that smile remained on his face. He never took his eyes off Dean even when he was being devoured by all that darkness. Destiel fans will never forget that moment, or that look.

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