With the official launch of Cyberpunk 2077 players will need to quickly learn how to invest in their attributes. There are five attributes available for players to invest in. They include Body, Intelligence, Reflex, Technical, and Cool.

Each of these attributes also break down further into skills that a player might find worthy of investing in. Depending on the player’s choice of playstyle, this will change which skills are worth investing in. In this article, we’ll cover each of the skills to invest in early on for each of the attributes.

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes and Which Skills are Worth Investing In

When starting, all of their attributes are set to three, with players having seven points to add into any of the pools, building up the attribute to a max of six points. However, after this, players will gain points to invest both in the attributes themselves, up to 20, and into skills related to those attributes.


Body – Body, much like it sounds, is the attribute that decides how much health, and stamina V has as well as how much damage V deals with melee attacks. If the player wants to build V as a sort of tanking barbarian-like character similar to the Animals, this is the attribute worth sinking points into. Body is broken down into three sub-sect skills: AnnihilationAthletics, and Street Brawler.

Among these three, the best options for players to take early on are Regeneration from AthleticsFlurry, and Crushing Blows from Street BrawlerRegeneration is good for any player as it simply allows the player to regenerate their health while still in combat. Flurry and Crushing Blows are better for a more barbarian-like player. Flurry increases the damage dealt by combo attacks with blunt weapons by 30%. Crushing Blows causes Strong Attacks with blunt weapons to deal 30% more damage.

Intelligence – Intelligence is the attribute players who want to build V as a Netrunner type similar to the Voodoo Boys. Intelligence affects how quickly and effectively the player can hack into something. Hacking is useful in several ways, from creating distractions to crashing enemies’ implants, dazing them, or worse. Intelligence is broken down into two sub-sect skills: Breach Protocol and Quick Hacking.

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Among these two, the best options for players to take early on are Mass VulnerabilityBig Sleep, and Advanced Datamine from Breach Protocol, and Bloodware, Hacker’s Manual, and Biosynergy from Quick HackingMass Vulnerability reduces the physical resistance of all enemies on a network for three minutes. Big Sleep turns off all cameras on a single network for three minutes. Advanced Datamine collects 10% more money from Access Points. These are best for a stealthy hacker. Bloodware deals 10% more damage with Quick Hacks. Hacker’s Manual gives V access to crafting rare Quick Hacks. Lastly, Biosynergy allows the player to regain their RAM over time in combat.

Reflex – Reflex works similarly to Dexterity in other RPGs. It affects how agile and quick V can be. Investing in this attribute will make V have a higher chance of dealing critical damage, especially with faster weapons. Pairing this with Cool can make V similar to a Rogue in other RPGs. Reflex is broken down into the three sub-sect skills: AssaultBlades, and Handguns.

Among these three sects, these are the best early game options for perks: Eagle Eye from AssaultHigh Noon from Handguns, and Roaring Waters as well as Sting Like a Bee from BladesEagle Eye reduces the time it takes to aim down the sight of rifles and submachine guns by 10%. High Noon increases the critical chance of pistols and revolvers. Roaring Waters causes strong attacks with blades to deal 30% more damage. Lastly, Sting Like a Bee increases the attack speed of blades by 10%.

Technical – The other side of Intelligence is Technical. This affects V’s crafting ability and their ability to use higher-tech weapons. This could be useful in conjunction with Intelligence or Reflex, making the character a quick thinker who is light on their feet. Technical is broken down into the two sub-sect skills: Crafting and Engineering.

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Among these two sub-sects, the best perk options are True Craftsman, Mechanic from Crafting, and Mech Looter, and Can’t Touch This from Engineering. True Craftsman grants the player more rare crafting items. Mechanic grants the player more components when they disassemble something. Mech Looter increases the chance a player has of grabbing weapons, mods, or attachments from dead mechanicals by 25%. Can’t Touch This grants V immunity from the effects of their own grenades.

Cool – Cool works as a sort of mixture of V’s charismatic nature, their ability to stay calm in stressful situations, deal more critical damage, and their ability to sneak around enemies. It is worth noting that players can get through the game without ever fighting or killing anyone. Though it can be a more challenging playstyle, it may be worth it for players looking to take their time. Cool is broken down into two sub-sect skills: Cold Blood and Stealth.

Among these two, here are the best perk options for early on in the game: Will To Survive from Cold BloodCrouching Tiger, and Silent and Deadly from StealthWill To Survive increases all of V’s resistances by 2.5% per stacked Cold Blood. Crouching Tiger increases V’s sneaking speed by 20% while Silent and Deadly increases the damage dealt by silenced weapons by 25% while sneaking.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Google Stadia.

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