Every paranormal romance has a protagonist, but Bella Swan isn’t the most popular. Twilight was told from her point of view, but some fans maintain she fell flat in comparison with other lead characters. She was smack in the middle of one of the most controversial love triangles, so it’s not surprising that people don’t always agree with her choices.

Many fans share the same viewpoints on Bella, but due to the saga’s popularity, there are plenty of differing thoughts regarding her character. Fans of both the books and movies have taken to Reddit to express their unpopular opinions about Bella and her relationships.

10 Bella Isn’t A Mary Sue

Fans apply the term “Mary Sue” to characters who are written with no faults. They’re perfect in every sense, making it easy to understand why so many people in the story are infatuated with her. Bella had two supernatural creatures who would die for her, and people call her a Mary Sue because they don’t believe she’s worth the hype.

A Reddit user doesn’t feel that Bella fits this trope and argues that she’s not perfect by any means. She has obvious faults and strengths, and everything she got she worked hard for. The user went on to say that because Bella was a new student in a small town, it makes sense that people took notice of her.

9 Bella Is A Good Role Model

Books are often targeted towards a specific age group, but Twilight became popular among all ages. It was a series that some parents were hesitant to let their children read, but one Reddit user argues that Bella is a great influence on preteens.

They pull quotes from the series to describe Bella through Edward’s eyes. They also emphasize how Bella constantly sacrifices her life and puts others before herself. When she was afraid, she always had courage, and she’s a better role model than those presented to kids today.


8 Vampire Bella Is Underrated

The audience got a few brief glimpses of what the Cullens looked like before they turned into a vampire, but watching Bella go through the transition was different. Bella was always beautiful, but vampirism enhances a person’s features and makes them unnaturally stunning.

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A Reddit user starts a discussion about how Bella gets even more gorgeous after becoming a vampire, and not enough people talk about it. Whoever did Bella’s makeup did a fantastic job at showcasing the supernatural changes her body underwent. Her eyes are red as a newborn, but they turn golden later on.

7 Bella Is The Only Teenager With A Personality

Bella is often picked on by fans, and one Reddit user doesn’t understand why. They state that Bella has the most personality out of all the teenagers, with the exception of the vampires. One of the biggest things Bella’s criticized for is a lack of personality, so this is definitely an unpopular opinion.

Many fans find her dull and boring and feel as if she’s not worth the amount of attention she receives. However, there’s a noticeable difference between Bella’s book and onscreen versions, and much of the disapproval is aimed at the movie character.

6 Bella Should Have Chosen Jacob

Although it was labeled as such, this actually isn’t a very unpopular opinion. When it comes to Edward vs. Jacob, there are plenty of people in both camps. In fact, some fans believe that Edward got worse and worse throughout the Twilight series. A Team Jacob fan posted a Reddit thread explaining why Bella should have chosen the werewolf.

They point out that, unlike Edward, Jacob didn’t withhold information from her. They had things in common and they had a strong friendship. A major downside to turning into a vampire was that Bella wouldn’t be able to see her family anymore. If she’d ended up with Jacob, it wouldn’t have been a problem.

5 Bella Gets Too Much Hate

Out of all the characters in the franchise, Bella gets the most hate. Most fans dislike her for the same reasons, and that doesn’t seem to change much as the series goes on. But one Reddit user disapproves of the amount of hate Bella gets and feels it’s undeserved.

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They argue that while Bella may be indecisive, she cares about the people around her. She hasn’t done anything wrong in the broad scope of things and she’s a person anyone would be lucky to have as a friend.

4 Bella And Jacob Wouldn’t Have Made It With Or Without Edward

It seems to be the general consensus that if Bella didn’t end up with Edward, she would have ended up with her best friend. There are even arguments why Bella should have been with both Edward and Jacob in Twilight. However, a Reddit user claims that Edward isn’t the only reason Jacob and Bella didn’t end up together.

The two only became close because of reasons relating to Edward and the supernatural. Jacob was also younger than Bella, and she probably would always associate him with Forks. If not for Edward, there’s a good chance that Bella would have moved away for college. Another user attempts to contradict this by pointing out something Jacob said to her. He tells Bella that he was the natural path her life would have taken, and she doesn’t deny it.

3 Bella’s Ending Is Disappointing

There are plenty of things wrong with Bella that people choose to ignore in Twilight. The entire series was building up to her transition into a vampire, and a Reddit user feels as though the reality of it was disappointing.

They were looking forward to Edward helping Bella through all the issues they warned her about in the series, but she ended up becoming an extremely powerful vampire with “super self-control.” Bella’s vampire storyline turned into a new mother storyline, and the ending felt detached as a whole.

2 Bella Was Too Young To Make The Choice To Transition

Not everyone was happy with Bella’s decision to become a vampire, and Rosalie was especially upset about it. Rosalie would do anything for her mortality back, and Bella was giving it up freely. Some fans aren’t fond of Rosalie, and there are many ways that Rosalie got worse and worse throughout the Twilight saga.

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While she has no right to tell Bella what to do, a Reddit user understands why Rosalie is so passionate about the subject. They argue that 18 is too young to make such a life-altering decision because vampirism is something that can’t be taken back. The user continues on to say that Bella should have given it a few more years to see if she still felt the same.

1 Bella’s Character Sends A Bad Message

Fans make plenty of points about why they dislike Bella, but they also give her credit where it’s due. A Reddit thread discusses a list of reasons why Bella is such a bad character, and many of the comments jumped to her defense.

Among other criticisms, the original post states that Bella sends the harmful message that a woman needs a man in order to be happy, and she doesn’t represent the average teenage girl. There were many people who disagreed, and a Reddit user went into an in-depth explanation of why that specific argument against Bella is superficial.

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