Fans eagerly awaiting news about how many parts FF7 Remake will have could be getting that information, as game director Tetsuya Nomura states in an interview that the team at Square Enix is hoping to officially announce the game’s next installment and release it as soon as possible. FF7 Remake is the complete reconstruction of one of Square Enix’s most iconic JRPGs, and despite some bold design choices that were divisive among fans, the game was a resounding success both on a financial and critical level.

That success isn’t necessarily a direct influence on how many parts FF7 Remake will have, however, as the remake was always planned to span out across multiple sequels as the developer took its time with each location. The entirety of FF7 Remake, for instance, takes place in the city of Midgar, a location that originally only took up roughly one-tenth of the game’s narrative. FF7 Remake takes that location and its story beats and stretches it into a full-length game while making some truly groundbreaking changes, so how much of the story is left to tell is a surprisingly murky proposition even for diehard fans.


In an interview with Famitsu (posted by Japanese blog Ryokutya2089 and translated by Twitter user Audrey), Tetsuya Nomura discussed his plans for the upcoming FF7 Remake sequel, stating that he believes the development team needs to push the sequel out in a timely manner while maintaining or surpassing the first game’s level of quality. Nomura then made another intriguing statement, suggesting that the team would be able to “clearly convey the direction” of FF7 Remake when the game’s next part is officially announced.

Conventional wisdom suggests that the announcement of FF7 Remake Part 2 will also confirm how many parts will be involved in the project, since Nomura believes that the game can convey what direction its heading in more clearly. Nomura also mentioned that Roche, a popular character unique to FF7 Remake‘s interpretation of events, could return in the next game, which would certainly please the many fans who felt his character was one of the most fascinating ones despite receiving very little screen time.

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Of course, it’s possible that even with the announcement of the next part of the game, how many parts FF7 Remake will be won’t be made abundantly clear by Square Enix and Nomura. With that said, though, the opportunity for clarification – and tempering fan expectation for how long the series of sequels will be – seems like one that should be used to make sure there aren’t any misunderstandings, and Nomura’s tantalizing suggestion that clarity is soon coming suggests that will be the case. For now, though, the number of FF7 Remake parts remains a mystery – except for the fact that FF7 Remake Part 2 is a very real title already in development.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now on PlayStation 4. A sequel is currently in development.

Source: Famitsu (via Ryokutya2089; translation via Audrey/Twitter)

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