Nathan Fillion trends on Twitter as fans react to the new Uncharted movie trailer. The classic video game is finally becoming a feature film with Tom Holland as treasure hunting Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as his mentor Sully.

Of course there has already been some outcry from Uncharted fans over the movie’s decision to portray a younger version of Drake than is featured in the games, with many decrying the move to cast Spider-Man star Holland instead of someone older and more appropriate. Indeed, that outcry has been fueled in large part by the fact that an ideal Nathan Drake actor had seemingly already been found after Fillion starred in an Uncharted fan film alongside Stephen Lang as Sully. But Fillion ultimately didn’t get the role in the real Uncharted movie despite fan lobbying, a fact Fillion himself indicated he was OK with.


Fillion may be over it but Uncharted fans are clearly still not OK with Holland beating him out for the role of Nathan Drake. When the new Uncharted trailer debuted on Thursday, social media was quickly flooded with reactions from angry Fillion boosters, leading to the Firefly actor trending on Twitter. See a sampling of pro-Fillion Uncharted tweets in the space below:

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There is of course recent precedent for fans loudly championing a movie-related cause and being met with a positive result by studio brass. As as been well-documented, unending and sometimes obnoxious calls for the release of the Snyder Cut of Justice League eventually resulted in Warner Bros. relenting and allowing Snyder to finish his extended and de-Wheedonized version of the movie, which was finally dropped on HBO Max. Going back a few years earlier, fans can pat themselves on the back for their enthusiastic reaction to some leaked Deadpool test footage, and how that reaction allegedly led to Fox finally making a Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds.

But of course in the majority of cases fans do not decide things for studios, highly-paid executives do. When it came to Uncharted, fan calls for Fillion fell on deaf ears as the decision was made to go with a younger Nathan Drake with Holland in the part. Holland of course is a bankable star thanks to the Spider-Man movies, but it still remains to be seen if the right decision was made to alter the character of Drake as video game fans had come to know and love him. Fillion of course is not as big a name as Holland and would have been unlikely to be cast in Uncharted even if the movie had gone with an older Drake. Indeed, Wahlberg seems a more likely choice to have landed the role of older Drake, and one can only imagine the backlash that casting would have caused. Hopefully moviegoers will give Uncharted a chance even if a lot of them are not happy with Holland leading the film instead of Fillion.

Source: Various/Twitter

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