How many times has Sam Winchester been possessed by another entity in the world of Supernatural? It’s no secret that Supernatural‘s Winchester brothers put their lives on the line every day in order to save people and hunt things, and this occupation is just about as dangerous as it sounds. The Winchesters have more combined deaths than Sean Bean’s acting resume, and have been subjected to the nastiest torture hell has to offer. But one of the worst fates that can befall a hunter is possession – being hijacked by something evil and used as a weapon against the ones you love.

There’s a concerning array of monsters capable of possession in Supernatural, with demons and angels sitting pretty at the top of the list. Both Winchester brothers (and any hunter worth their rock salt) have tattoos that are designed to prevent demonic possession, and the symbol can also be worn as a pendant. Alas, enemies of both the demonic and angelic variety seem to find a way into their hunter meat suits one way or another, but it’s curious that one Winchester brother is far ahead of the other on the possession leader board. Dean Winchester actor Jensen Ackles was delighted when the archangel Michael finally possessed his character in season 13, claiming that his co-star, Jared Padalecki, had been having all of the possession fun. Here are the characters who have possessed Sam Winchester in Supernatural.


Meg Masters – As one of the first demons the Winchester brothers encountered, tangling with Meg taught Sam and Dean a lot about the forces of Hell, but some lessons had to be learned the hard way. With Bobby Singer’s help, the Winchesters exorcised Meg from her original vessel, but the demon returned to Earth with a vengeance in Supernatural season 2, possessing Sam and forcing him to commit despicable acts. Over a period of days, Meg made Sam kill fellow hunters, capture Jo, and tried desperately to make the Winchesters murder each other. After causing untold havoc, Meg Masters was forcibly ejected from Sam’s body, but only via burning his arm with a poker to undo the spell.

Lucifer – After the Meg incident, Sam and Dean wisely decided to get their matching anti-possession tattoos, and while these would prove effective against your run of the mill demon, they meant nothing to the archangel Lucifer. Sam Winchester had been primed as Lucifer’s ideal vessel since birth, and Hell would freeze over before the Devil let that effort go to waste. Lucifer possessed Sam towards the end of Supernatural season 5. As an angel, Lucifer needed Sam’s permission, and this was tentatively given after the Winchesters gambled on Sam being able to overpower Lucifer and throw himself into the cage. Sam failed on the first try, and was inhabited by Lucifer for a brief time until a climactic showdown with Dean allowed Sam to reassert control and drag Lucifer and Michael both into the cage.

Gadreel – You’d think after Meg and Lucifer, Dean would be wary of letting his brother get possessed a third time. Completing a series of magic trials designed to seal the gates of Hell leaves Sam on death’s door, and with options limited, Dean allows “Ezekiel” to possess his brother, believing the angel was wounded in Metatron’s fall and needed his own place of recovery. Unlike previous possessions, “Ezekiel” largely sat dormant in Sam Winchester until being outed as the impostor Gadreel. Predictably, this led to tragedy as Gadreel used Sam’s body to kill the Winchesters’ friend and everyone’s favorite prophet, Kevin Tran.

Crowley – Thanks to the angels’ pesky rules of vessel consent, Dean couldn’t forcibly eject Gadreel from his brother since Sam was now able to give his own permission. Instead, the Winchesters’ demonic frenemy Crowley offered to jump inside Sam and kick Gadreel out. The ploy largely worked, as Sam was alerted and rescinded his permission, making Gadreel vacate his host. Proving he wasn’t a total villain, Crowley voluntarily left Sam’s body once the job was done.

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The Wicked Witch – Angels and demons don’t have a monopoly on possession, apparently. In Supernatural season 9’s divisive “Slumber Party,” the Winchesters accidentally free Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz. The witch’s possession doesn’t follow the standard rules. Instead, she simply touches her target and is then able to puppeteer them, speak through them and use them as soldiers. The witch actually takes over both Winchester brothers, and the spell is broken when Charlie manages to kill the villain with a shoe.

Supernatural season 15 is currently in hiatus.

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