Men fell in love with Rachel Green on Friends for her looks. Women fell in love with her for her hair. Many fans went to hair salons with photos of Jennifer Aniston, who starred as Rachel, saying, “I want a hairstyle like this one.” But on the series, Rachel showed she was so much more than just her hair.

Years after the show, fans still love her for so many reasons. Here are 10 reasons why Jennifer Anniston’s character Rachel Green still rocks.

10 She’s Funny

This point is hard to argue: Rachel is hilarious. She’s funny, in a Bridget Jones kind of way. It’s not that she is an airhead, but rather that her thoughtfulness and witty comments speak to what many of the other characters don’t know how to say.

She represents so many women of today who try to get it right but slip up in funny, unexpected ways – but who manage to retain their composure and get back on their feet. This is the reason all fans of the show laugh with her.

9 She’s A Good Friend

Rachel is really a friend, staying true to the show’s name. She continuously shows her colors as someone who is dependable and provides a good shoulder to cry on. She gets out her tissues and prepares a cuppa for any friend who needs someone to hear them out – and she gives quite good advice (even though she doesn’t always follow it herself).

She’s the one who helped Chandler give up smoking and she stood with pals Phoebe and Monica when they went through their own respective break-ups.


8 She Has Her Priorities Straight

Remember when Rachel got off the plane, so she could be with Ross? For her, this meant leaving her dream job in Paris, but she was prepared to do it for love. As many mistakes as she made in her life, she definitely made up for it with moments like these.

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She teaches audiences that anyone can put their life back on the right track in a moment if they have their priorities straight.

7 She Takes Risks

Love her or hate her (which is quite hard to do), Rachel Green knows how to take risks. In fact, the story of Friends begins with her giving it all up for her freedom.

She went from being filthy rich to being dirt poor. Fortunately for her, she had the support of her friends to strengthen her, as she rebuilt her life. And it seems like the risk was in her favor because what an adventure she had pursuing her freedom.

6 She’s ‘Real’

Rachel has her quirks and foibles and, through it all, is just herself and this makes audiences love her all the more. She can be a little mean, even catty at times. She messes up and she goes through rough patches where she eats ice cream straight out of the tub.

Women can relate to her and love that she goes through the same things as them and doesn’t have it all figured out all of the time.

5 She Puts Her Heart Into What She Does

Rachel is the woman so many other ladies can relate to. She doesn’t always get it right, but she does give it her best shot. An example would be her attempts to be ‘domesticated,’ especially in the kitchen. Now Rachel isn’t the best cook, but she does give it her best shot. Audiences won’t easily forget the Thanksgiving trifle she concocted: Jam, custard, and yes, meat.

4 She’s Clever (When It Counts)

Some of the friends have a few qualifications under their belt. Take Ross, who is a qualified and recognized doctor of paleontology. Many people could never dream of even achieving such an accolade, not to mention know what a paleontologist even does.

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Then there’s Chandler, intelligent and somewhat cynical. However, Rachel’s observations often beat the other friends’ smart moments. For example, when daughter Emma spoke her first word, ‘Gleba,’ it was Rachel who recognized this as being an actual word.

3 She Embraced Motherhood With Open Arms

Rachel might not have planned her pregnancy, however, on finding out she was pregnant with daughter Emma, she saw to it that she would be the best Mom she could be.

Previously, she had not shown any interest in being a mother, but she made sure she would be the best single mother on the planet. She showed she really does have a big heart, despite rumors of her being a shallow, stuck-up high school cheerleader.

2 She Admits Her Mistakes From Her Past

Rachel’s ability to look back on her former ‘mean girl’ days, recognize her faults as a younger woman, and remain open to changing less desirable aspects of herself, makes her a woman one can look up to.

She’s open to personal transformation and works hard to be the best person she can be. She’s willing to work on herself and listen to the feedback of others – even when this leaves her in tears and reaching for the tissues (and a tub of ice cream).

1 Her Hair

An article on Rachel has to include her hair because it deserved its own special place on the show. The layers, the highlights, the dazzling golden tones. .. Rachel made many women envious of her great hair and showed that a woman’s hair is her crowning glory.

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This is possibly how this character will be best remembered and one of the many reasons Rachel Green continues to hold onto fan’s hearts, years after they said farewell.

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