Harry Potter is the main protagonist of the Harry Potter series, and, in many ways, he is a character that exemplifies what it means to be a hero. He goes through a quite archetypal hero’s journey throughout the books, but it’s his concern for others and bravery that really makes him a hero.

From a young age, he’s willing to put himself at risk to save other people. Here are his most heroic moments from the series.

10 Going to save Sirius from the Ministry

This is one moment that frustrated many fans because Harry isn’t necessarily thinking things through when he does this. But, he really does believe that Sirius is in danger, and in true Harry fashion, he’s willing to drop everything and risk everything to save the people that he cares about.

While he might have made a mistake here, his thinking behind this action was heroic.

9 Saving Hermione from the troll

While Harry has some pretty big moments of heroism, he also has some smaller ones throughout the books. When Harry and Ron realize that Hermione doesn’t know about the troll in Hogwarts, they go right away to warn her.

Even though they aren’t friends at this point, Ron feels guilty and Harry wants to do the right thing. This shows that Heart will try to help others even if they aren’t his closest friends.


8 Growing up to be a good person despite an awful childhood

One of the most heroic things about Harry is that he’s a good person in many ways. While big chivalrous moments of bravery are admirable, there are other quieter ways to be a hero such as rising above what you’ve been taught.

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Harry’s choices to be a good person are a central theme of the series, and the fact that Harry has such a good heart despite losing his parents and his abusive aunt and uncle is impressive.

7 Saving Sirius and Buckbeak

When Heart is only 13 years old, he learned the truth about Sirius and finally has his godfather back. However, when that’s about to be ripped right out from under him, Harry and Hermione do everything they can to save Sirius and Buckbeak from horrible fates.

They are both really heroic at this moment, and they are willing to risk their own safety and even possibly being expelled or put in jail to do the right thing.

6 Teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts under Umbridge’s eye

While it was Hermione’s idea to start Dumbledore’s Army, Harry is willing to be the one to teach everyone. Everybody involved in Dumbledore’s Army has a heroic side to them as they are willing to risk severe punishment and expulsion in order to keep themselves and others safe.

Umbridge is a terrifying and cruel person, and standing up to her definitely takes a lot of strength and courage.

5 Trying to save everyone during the second Triwizard Tournament task

This is another moment where Harry didn’t have a lot of common sense, but the intent behind it was heroic.

While it didn’t make much sense that the other companions taken to the bottom of the lake would be killed if their champions didn’t reach them, the fact that Harry was so worried about them showed how much he cared about the well-being of others.

4 Going into the Chamber of Secrets to save Ginny

Even at a very young age, Harry has bravery in spades. He, along with Hermione and Ron, are doing everything they can to try to learn about the Chamber and how to protect people from Slytherin’s monster.

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But, one of the most heroic things Harry ever does at Hogwarts is to go with Ron into the Chamber itself to try to save Ginny from dying down there.

3 Facing Voldemort when he was only eleven years old

When Harry is only eleven years old, he faces Voldemort for the first time since he was a baby. While Harry is barely more than a child, he doesn’t hesitate to go to try and reduce the Sorcerer’s Stone even though he suspects that Voldemort could be there in some way.

He doesn’t have the skills to go up against an adult wizard, but he does what he can because he believes it’s the right thing.

2 Giving up everything to commit to hunting the Horcruxes

When Harry is only 17, he decides the only thing he can do to try and defeat Voldemort and save people from him and his followers is to go on the run to try to hunt Horcruxes. Harry has to give up his entire way of life, partially for his own safety, in order to try to defeat Voldemort once and for all.

He doesn’t cower or try to make someone else do this, and it’s very heroic.

1 Sacrificing himself to defeat Voldemort

One of the absolute bravest and most difficult things Harry ever does is to sacrifice his own life in order to kill Voldemort. Harry lets Voldemort kill him because he knows this is the only way to eliminate the Horcrux placed inside of himself.

This would take so much courage and selflessness, and it’s this act that allows Harry to survive in the end and take Voldemort down.

NextFantastic Beasts: The 8 Best Easter Eggs & References To The Harry Potter Series In The Secrets Of Dumbledore

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