When Gilmore Girls fans think about Lindsay Lister, they can’t help but have a negative picture of her thanks to her sad marriage to Dean. While many would say that the two should never have gotten together in the first place, and while fans don’t like that Dean and Rory have an affair, several viewers think that Lindsay makes a lot of mistakes during this time.

While many viewers have a lot of problems with Lindsay, some see her situation from another perspective. Fans of this popular mother/daughter drama have shared their unpopular thoughts about this character in several Reddit threads.

10 Lindsay Puts Effort Into Her Marriage

There are many reasons why Dean and Lindsay fail on Gilmore Girls. But the majority of fans don’t like Lindsay and don’t think that she has many redeeming qualities.

Reddit user Brilliant-Help6543 said that they “feel really bad” for Lindsay because “everything he wanted like the whole come home to a cooked meal thing. She tried so hard to make a perfect life.”

9 Dean Treats Lindsay Badly

The most popular opinion about Dean and Lindsay is that they’re not well-matched and that Rory and Dean have a much better love story. Many fans think that Dean is trapped in a bad marriage, but it’s possible to view this situation from Lindsay’s POV.

One Redditor doesn’t like how Dean treats Lindsay during their relationship and wrote, “the poor girl is learning how to cook for him, accidentally answers the phone…”


8 Fans Don’t Learn Much About Lindsay

Many Gilmore Girls fans dislike Lindsay and think that she and Dean are a terrible couple, but is it possible that the show doesn’t delve deeply enough into her story?

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For Reddit user me1ris, “We don’t know enough about her” and Lindsay “deserved better.” It would definitely be interesting for viewers to hear more about Lindsay’s background. Maybe if Rory and Dean had never actually reunited, Rory and Lindsay could become friendly and that would allow the show to focus on her more.

7 Lindsay Is Right To Be Wary Of Rory

When looking at Rory and Dean’s Gilmore Girls relationship, some fans love when the couple gets back together in season 5, and others believe that things are much smoother and happier the first time around. No matter where viewers fall on this debate, many feel that Lindsay is harsh and mean to Rory.

Reddit user mroocow has the unpopular opinion that Lindsay has reasons to dislike Rory. The fan wrote, “Her major flaws in earlier episodes seem to be that she doesn’t really like/trust Rory.”

6 Lindsay Just Wants A Happy Marriage

While Lindsay is presented as a demanding person who asks too many things of Dean, Reddit user AliceInWeirdoland doesn’t think that she’s “extreme” because “asking your husband to go out with you and your friends” is totally normal.

Several viewers think that Lindsay is always in the right and that she doesn’t do anything to deserve such contempt and anger from Dean.

5 Lindsey Is A Good Fit For Dean

Many Gilmore Girls fans feel that Dean and Lindsay are poorly matched, but Reddit user Santiago_Velazquez thinks that they are actually good for each other.

The fan wrote in a Reddit thread that Lindsay was “appropriate for Dean (since he always liked the ‘traditional house wife’ role).” It’s definitely interesting to think about the ways that Dean and Lindsay could get along if things were different for them.

4 Lindsay’s Mom Is Definitely To Blame

While Rory and Lorelai fight sometimes, fans love the relationship that they have, and Lindsay seems to have the opposite kind of bond with her own controlling and tough mom.

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Reddit user huffgill11 shared their opinion that while Rory judges Lindsay for not working or going to school, she thinks that Lindsay’s mom encourages her to get married and doesn’t think about what life will look like for Lindsay. The fan wrote, “What mother happily marries off her 18 year old daughter to the boy she’s dated for less than a year, and doesn’t encourage said daughter to work or go to school.”

3 Lindsay’s Mom Should Get Mad At Rory

When Lindsay’s mother blames Rory for breaking up Lindsay and Dean’s marriage, it’s possible to think that she’s too harsh because Dean is just as responsible as Rory is.

Reddit user LumosFiatLux has the unpopular opinion that Lindsay’s mom should feel this way because “Rory was a homewrecker who played a role in destroying her daughter’s marriage.”

2 Lindsay And Dean Would Stay Together If He Didn’t Cheat

Gilmore Girls fans love Dean, although they don’t agree with his decision to sleep with Rory while still married to Lindsay. The popular opinion about Lindsay and Dean is that they were always going to break up.

Several Reddit users think that Dean and Lindsay would remain married if Dean and Rory didn’t get back together while he was married. Reddit user lomoliving said, “The only reason they divorced was because Lindsey found out about their affair.”

1 Both Lindsay And Dean Look Bad

For Reddit user crittab, both characters are in the wrong and they both look bad on the show. The fan wrote, “Lindsey and Dean were kids trying to have an adult relationship and it didn’t show either of them in a good light.”

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It’s interesting to view Dean and Lindsay’s situation from this lens and to think that they both mess up. If Lindsay was married to someone else, it’s possible that she would be much happier and things would be very different.

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