Rockstar fills all of their games with an abundance of intricate little details that most players wouldn’t notice. Red Dead Redemption 2 is no different in that regard. However, the game’s story is so engaging that most players want to rush through it to see how everything unfolds.

So to truly appreciate the title, another full playthrough is necessary. As on the second run, players can slow things down a bit and pay extra attention to all the little things in the game. Plus, there’s a litany of hints and foreshadowing at certain moments that make the narrative even better.

10 Friends In 1907

Most epilogues are short sequences without much to them. Thus, it’s understandable that some players in Red Dead 2 didn’t spend significant time roaming around during that part of the game.

On the second playthrough, though, they know that there is still a lot of the game left once Arthur perishes. So, they’re more inclined to search around the world a bit. And they should, as there are multiple hidden interactions to find as John. Players can locate and talk to the likes of Tilly (in Saint Denis near the tailor shop), Mary-Beth (train station in Valentine), and more, to see how they’re doing.

9 Lightning Strike

One of the things players do notice during their first run-through is the game’s incredible weather effects. Not only do they look beautiful, but they can affect Arthur, John, and their horses in certain ways.

However, what players very likely don’t encounter is that same weather turning against them, as it is possible to get struck by lightning in the game. And much like in real life, it’s a very rare occurrence. Naturally, though, the more time players spend in the game, the more likely it is to happen.


8 Arthur Insults Himself

This hidden bit of dialogue is easily missable in both the first and second playthroughs. While playing as Arthur, interacting with a mirror makes the Outlaw start to criticize himself, particularly the way he looks.

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It’s a funny yet sad couple of lines that are more noticeable during a replay. This is because players are more willing to search for everything the second time around instead of focusing on the story.

7 Meeting Thomas Downes

Thomas Downes is known as the guy who infected Arthur with TB. This occurs when the Outlaw confronts Downes about the debt he owes. But while on the second run-through, players might notice that the debt collection scene isn’t the first time Downes appears in the game.

He can be found earlier trying to receive charity donations. And he also breaks up the fistfight Arthur has with Tommy in Valentine. A nice extra detail is that Downes is coughing during these scenes, indicating that he is already sick.

6 Shopkeepers’ Injuries

In RDR2, Arthur and John can interact with virtually every NPC. Although, the ones they probably talk to the most are the shopkeepers. And if those conversations don’t go well, players can choose to inflict punishment on the poor business owners.

5 Construction

Not everything in the Red Dead Redemption 2 world is there from the start. Certain train tracks and buildings are under construction in the early days of the story. Players can even go to the locations to see people working on them.

It’s difficult to notice this on a first playthrough because it happens gradually. But upon starting a new game, it’s surprising to see unfinished versions of familiar areas.

4 Spirit Animals

Arthur’s level of honor alters several things throughout the adventure. One of the more subtle changes is his spirit animal. An honorable player will see bright images of a deer at certain moments during the story. Whereas, those who act immorally will witness dark scenes of a coyote instead.

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Which animal the player sees can change throughout the game, but on a first playthrough, it easy to mistake it as simply part of the narrative. Only in subsequent run-throughs do players realize it’s affected by their own actions.

3 Different Dialogue

Another thing that changes depending on a player’s honor is the dialogue in certain missions. An Arthur with high honor is noticeably warmer than the low honor version. Even the way others talk about the Outlaw changes depending on how noble he’s been.

Obviously, nobody can’t hear every single line of dialogue the first time they play through the story. So it’s a nice incentive to replay the game as a better or worse person.

2 Micah’s Hideout Is Visible In Chapter One

Not only does this detail take a second playthrough to spot, but an eagle eye is required too. In chapter one, when the gang is heading to do the first train robbery, it’s possible to catch a glimpse of Micah’s hideout from the end of the game.

It’s only really visible in one shot of a cutscene, but it’s a nice little nod to the game’s ending that doesn’t give anything away. And it’s something cool to look for while replaying the story.

1 Foreshadowing During Camp Conversations

Unsurprising for a title as well-written as RDR2, there’s an abundance of foreshadowing in the game. A lot of it takes place during the random conversations Arthur comes across around camp. But it’s very subtle, and not something players will pick up on during their first time through.

For instance, in one discussion, Mary-Beth says, “One day, I’d love a beautiful fountain pen and a… great desk in a quiet room and… to write the most beautiful stories.” Later, when John finds out her wishes came true, few players will remember the original conversation. This is just one of many foreshadowing conversations that occurs at the Van Der Linde Gang’s camps.

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