Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla drops players off just as Nordic Viking tribes are gearing up to invade Britain at the top of the 9th century. It’s not going to be an easy task by any means. Not only do they have local groups of bandits and Saxons to deal with, but also a secret society known as The Order of the Ancients to vanquish. Then again, what would an Assassin’s Creed game be without some form of cultist secret society?

Eivor is a mighty warrior by default, but they will have to become even mightier if they plan on bringing down The Order. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla takes a unique approach to its skill tree that future open-world RPGs should highly consider adopting. Players have the ability to completely respect themselves as they become accustomed to different weapons and abilities. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla strays away from the classic stealth mechanic and allows players to charge in with a head of steam for a more melee centered approach. This is where the skill tree helps players decide which style of gameplay they’d prefer. This guide will focus on some quick ways to earn skill points in the early stages of Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.


Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla – Earning Skill Points (The Fast Way)

Skill points are directly tailored to Eivor’s overall Power Level and will be the deciding factor on which enemies they’ll be able to best. Different regions in the game will display a ‘Suggested Power Level’ to let players know when they should attack, and when they’ll most likely be sent to Valhalla. Player’s won’t be barred from these high-level areas should they venture into them, but they’ll soon find out when one-shotted by a spear-wielding Saxon. This is why it is imperative to stick to areas of the map that are suited to the player’s power level. There are handfuls of side objectives and raids players can go on to boost their overall XP and gain easy skill points. Know the difference between Skills and Abilities. Skills are most often passive boosts to Eivor’s overall stats with a few combat tricks in between. Abilities such as ‘Man’s Best Friend’ are discovered via Knowledge and slotted to the Left and Right triggers.  

When the opportunity to Raid approaches, don’t pass it up. There are valuable items in these Raid areas and plenty of Saxon enemies to slay. Combat will level Eivor up rather quickly and players will be stunned to see they’ve amassed 4+ skill points without even realizing it. Completing main quests will also award players with skill points, but that was obvious. Everything in the game will earn Eivor XP in one way or another. Yes, even drinking games. 

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Another quick way to earn skill points is to go after members of The Order as they unlock. Players can ‘Mark’ a target to reveal their location on the map. They’ll be marked by the gold symbol of the Order, as not to be lost among many different map icons. These assassination targets will be heavily guarded so combat is guaranteed. Be careful not to venture into overwhelming territory though. Pay attention to the world map.

As mentioned, players are free to respect Eivor at any time depending on their style of gameplay. The skill tree branches off from the center in different colors/directions:

  • Yellow (lower left) – Way of the Raven – Stealth
  • Red (up) – Way of the Bear – Melee
  • Blue (lower right) – Way of the Wolf – Ranged

In the early stages of the game, players will be engaging in lots of head-on combat making the melee skill tree far more useful. The ability to completely respect will help Eivor when venturing out on her own to assassinate high-level targets. So far, Archery leaves much to be desired in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla and players are better off sticking to stealth and melee skill trees. There will be opportunities to buffed ranged attacks without focusing primarily on them.

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Next-Gen

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