Unquestionably, The Clone Wars is one of the finest pieces of content in the entire Star Wars franchise. Not only does it stand on its own as a phenomenal show, but it also adds so much to the wider Star Wars lore, particularly in terms of the prequels and the deep cut lore.

Alongside Dave Filoni and George Lucas’ expert storytelling, the characters are perhaps the best thing about The Clone Wars. Whether it be original characters like Ahsoka or those from the movies, they are more often than not excellent, and their big personalities mean they fit well with the Hogwarts houses from the wizarding world.

12 Cad Bane – Slytherin

Cad Bane is a standout original character from the series, and one of the finest bounty hunters in the franchise. He is also a Slytherin.

He is ruthless, cunning, and will do anything to reach his target and get paid, no matter the odds. His resourcefulness is outstanding, and the Sorting Hat would have no trouble with this Duros.

11 Satine & Bo-Katan Kryze – Gryffindor

The Kryze sisters do not agree when it comes to their ideology on Mandalorian life, but they are both still Gryffindors, even if Satine, in particular, displays big tendencies of other houses.

Yes, Satine was a pacifist, but she stood up for her beliefs in a culture of war and battle and went toe-to-toe with anyone who tried to get in her way. As for Bo-Katan, she did the exact same for her beliefs, despite how different they were, both acting as heroes to Mandalore.


10 Asajj Ventress – Gryffindor

One may assume Asajj to be a Slytherin, and while she displays some Slytherin qualities and perhaps starts the series as a Slytherin, she ends it as a Gryffindor.

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Her fall to the Dark Side came to be from the death of her master with the pair aiming to make their planet a better place. She is extremely determined in everything she does and displays immense courage and sense of adventure in the series, in Dark Disciple, and in complete arcs.

9 Count Dooku – Slytherin

Count Dooku embodies a true Slytherin. Stereotypically, villains are Slytherins, but in Star Wars, that really cannot be helped.

Not only is Dooku cunning and secretive, but he is also immensely ambitious, planning on having a place in ruling the Galaxy alongside his master for generations to come.

8 Padmé Amidala – Gryffindor

Throughout the prequels, Padmé is more of a Ravenclaw with her brains, wit, and status as a Queen turned politician. While she retains this title in The Clone Wars, her character is far more fleshed out, and she becomes a Gryffindor.

Not only is her bravery and passion evident in her secret relationship with Anakin, but there are so many situations where Pamdé finds herself in trouble, and she daringly solves these problems head-on, fearless in the face of adversity.

7 Most Clones – Hufflepuff

Fives is a Gryffindor, and Rex will be mentioned later. There are a couple of other exceptions, but for the most part, the clones fans have come to love are Hufflepuffs.

Their loyalty is incomparable, and they work harder than anyone in the aid of the Republic and its people. They do it all while staying modest, perhaps too much so, not understanding their importance.

6 Yoda – Ravenclaw

Yoda displays a lot of Hufflepuff traits, but his immense wisdom and eccentricity make him a perfect Ravenclaw candidate.

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Grandmaster Yoda is as wise and original as they come, with an underrated wit, sharpness, and sense of acceptance that makes him a perfect fit for Ravenclaw.

5 Obi-Wan Kenobi – A Massive Tossup

Obi-Wan Kenobi – in The Clone Wars – would give the Sorting Hat an impossible task as he embodies so much of three houses, and his priorities in terms of these qualities changes on an episodic basis.

Obi-Wan is extremely wise, intelligent, with a legendary wit, fitting well with Ravenclaw. But, he also is daring and brave, willing to do whatever is required of him to achieve peace. On the other, third hand, he is immensely loyal to Anakin, to the Jedi, to the Republic, and does everything in the hope of peace with diligence, using his lightsaber only when required. In terms of the series, Obi-Wan probably fits most in Hufflepuff, but it is an immense tossup.

4 Maul – Slytherin

When Maul returned to Star Wars in this series, it was a surprise many thought could not work. Maul has since morphed into one of Star Wars’ best characters.

Of course, Maul is a Slytherin. He is cunning and vengeful; in fact, vengeance is his entire purpose. On top of that, his ambition cannot be understated, aiming to take control of the crime in the Galaxy and amass all the power he could opposite Palpatine – another Slytherin far too obvious to put on this list.

3 Anakin Skywalker – Gryffindor

The Sorting Hat would have zero trouble putting Anakin into Gryffindor, especially in terms of Clone Wars Anakin, who completely bodies the ideals of Godric Gryffindor.

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Brave but rash, daring and determined, adventurous and arrogant, Anakin is the quintessential Gryffindor, and it shines throughout the show, making him both a central character and a brilliant one.

2 Captain Rex – Gryffindor

Like the other clones, Rex is insanely loyal and hard working for the Jedi and the Republic, but throughout the show, Rex grows and develops and ultimately embodies a Gryffindor far more.

Perhaps due to the influence of his two generals, but Rex valued friendship a lot, and grew to a point where he questioned authority if need be and thought on his own. He was brave and determined in battle and an unbelievable leader, embodied when he went to save Echo, when Order 66 hit, Rex did all he could to fight it, and in the end, when he was saved had to kill his own brothers. He has nerve like no other.

1 Ahsoka Tano – Gryffindor

A true hero who learned from her master before forging her own path, Ahsoka is the series’ main character alongside Rex, and similar to the Captain, she is a Gryffindor.

Ahsoka loves adventure, but more importantly, loves helping people no matter how dangerous it is. She is stubborn, can be hotheaded and rash, but that just means she was an apprentice to Anakin. She is a wonderful character who embodies every good characteristic of a Gryffindor.

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