Throughout the Harry Potter films, Ron Weasley is one of the most consistently charming characters. Between his ability to make anyone laugh or cry, there’s definitely more than meets the eye to Ron, and long-time fans of Harry Potter would agree. When Ron is sorted into Gryffindor, it’s done because the Sorting Hat recognizes him as a Weasley and says, “I know just where to put you … Gryffindor!” So, there wasn’t much thought into sorting Ron in Gryffindor other than his lineage.

Looking at Hufflepuff’s as a whole, they are known for having a strong sense of justice, being loyal, patient, and hard-working. They are also known for being nice, almost to a fault. On the surface, Ron may not appear to be all of these things, but he’s arguably much more like a Hufflepuff than he is a Gryffindor, whose characteristics are bravery and chivalry. And although Ron does show great courage at times, Hufflepuff may suit him best.


When He Iconically Tells Harry How It Has To Go Down

“Harry, it’s you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione, you.”

Starting at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron makes a tough decision and tells Harry how they will make it through to the end of the life-size chess game. This is a moment where we see Ron showing extreme loyalty and patience. He is sacrificing himself for The Chosen One to go on because he knows that’s what he must do.

It also shows that he has a strong sense of justice and must sacrifice himself in order for Harry to live. Although one might argue that this is Ron being brave, and he is, the major driving factor in his bravery is his loyalty to Harry.

When He’s Scared Of Hairy Three-Headed Animals

“I wasn’t looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads… or maybe you didn’t notice? There were three!”

This is one of those moments where it’s clear that Ron is anything but a Gryffindor. Because of his fear of hairy animals, he allows himself to get distracted and not notice something that someone else might (like a Ravenclaw).

Here he’s anything but brave, courageous, or even chivalrous, and he’s showing that he doesn’t belong in Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor because he doesn’t have any of their traits. So what does that leave? Hufflepuff.

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When He’s Scared Of Hairy Eight-Legged Animals

“Why spiders? Why couldn’t it be ‘follow the butterflies?'”

Another moment where the audience sees Ron absolutely terrified by a hairy animal is in this quote. This is a moment, again, where rather than outright proving that Ron is a Hufflepuff, it shows that he can’t be anything other than a Hufflepuff by the process of elimination.

In this quote, he isn’t brave, ambitious, or deeply intellectual — he just doesn’t want to follow the spiders. But, what is extremely Hufflepuff about this quote is that despite his fear, because of his loyalty to Harry, he will follow the spiders anyway. Like a true Hufflepuff, despite being terrified, he will do anything for those he loves.

His Response To His Dress Robes

“Traditional? They’re ancient! I look like my great aunt Tessie! [sniffs armpit] Smell like my great aunt Tessie!”

This is one of Ron’s most famous quotes and lives on today in memes and on TikTok. This is a moment where Ron’s strong sense of justice comes out. He believes that he doesn’t deserve to be humiliated because of his hand-me-down robes that kind of look like a dress.

However, he will absolutely wear the robes because his mother gave them to him and his loyalty to her. He also knows how hard-working his mother and father are and that it isn’t their fault that they can’t afford something nicer. So, in Hufflepuff fashion, he bravely wears the robes anyway.

When He Tells Hermione That She’s Scary But Brilliant

“You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant… but scary.”

Another moment where Ron acts like anything but a Gryffindor is when he’s slightly scared of Hermione for being so brilliant. Rather than being excited about her intelligence or ready to bravely fight with her, he’s scared, something a little more in line with how a Hufflepuff would feel.

Even though Ron isn’t always kind, this is a moment where it’s possible to sense that he’s trying to be kind at this moment, in his own way. It is actually meant as a compliment, and while Ron doesn’t have her spell and wand skills, it’s good to know that when things go down, he will always be on the sidelines, ready to cheer Harry and Hermione on.

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When He Expresses His Distaste For Draco & Blaise

“If we die for them, Harry, I’m gonna kill you!”

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two, Ron, Harry, and Hermione find themselves in the Room of Requirement, attempting to find one of the final Horcruxes. While doing so, they run into Draco, Blaise, and Goyle, who are there to stop them from doing so.

After Goyle has already died from the fire he created, Draco and Blaise attempt to climb to the top of a mound of chairs to escape it. Ron isn’t too pleased. His strong sense of justice comes out, making him not want to save them, but his loyalty to Harry outweighs this desire, and he saves them anyway.

When He Gets Back At Malfoy, But It Backfires

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy! Eat slugs!”

Ron attempts to put a slug curse on Draco Malfoy during The Chamber of Secrets film, but because his wand is broken, it backfires and curses him. This is another moment where Ron’s Hufflepuff sense of justice comes out.

Rather than getting a teacher and waiting for them to handle Draco, he takes matters into his own hands and, because of his loyalty to Harry, comes to his defense. Even though it backfires, it’s still another moment that proves Ron is a Hufflepuff.

When He’s Under The Spell Of A Strong Love Potion

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The moon.”

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, a movie full of hilarious quotes from scenes like these, Ron accidentally eats chocolates meant for Harry and finds himself under a potent love potion.

By doing this, the audience sees that Ron’s kind and unsuspecting nature has backfired once again, and he gets himself into more trouble than he could have ever realized. Luckily, Harry, being the true Gryffindor he is, comes to the rescue and saves his unsuspecting friend.

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When He Warns Hermione About Crookshanks

“I’m warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I’ll turn it into a tea cozy!”

The ever eloquent speaker, Ron yells at Hermione in The Prisoner of Azkaban to keep her cat away from Scabbers. This is all because Ron doesn’t realize that his extremely old rat is actually a Death Eater who betrayed the parents of his best friend.

In this, his loyalty is driving his actions, and while it generally helps Ron to make some of his best decisions in Azkaban, he’s not being particularly nice to Hermione at this moment. But he’s defending his rat, Scabbers, and staying true to the one he has known the longest, in this case, a rat.

When He Agrees With Professor McGonagall

“Believe me, Professor. I’ve been asking myself that same question for the past six years.”

Ron delivers this quote in response to Professor McGonagall’s question, who asks the Golden Trio, “Why is it always you three?”  Here, it’s clear that Ron doesn’t want to be the center of attention and he doesn’t want to be a fearless Gryffindor who is constantly getting into trouble.

Sometimes, he just wants to hang out with best friends and eat candy. But fate has other ideas and his loyalty to the Golden Trio is what leads him, making it clear that Ron is most definitely a Hufflepuff.

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