Warning! Spoilers for Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #5!

DC Comics’ Batman is known for utilizing any number of efficient and effective strategies when it comes to fighting crime, but now in a game of Fortnite gone wrong he’s just admitted to being a dirty, stinking cheater when it comes to his nightly escapades! Just don’t let the rest of the Bat-Family know what he’s been up to.

Revealed in the newest issue of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point by Christos Gage and Christian Duce, Batman has his hands full leading a team of players deep into an underground base beneath Fortnite Island to once and for all leave a place that has been their prison for some time now. Consisting of Catwoman, Deathstroke and a bunch of well-known Fortnite players, Batman’s crew is met with heavily armed resistance as they infiltrate the base to get some answers.


Beating back wave after wave of guards, Batman and Catwoman fight side by side to push back their captors to the best of their abilities before more can jump into the fray. Thinking out loud to anyone within earshot range, Batman says, “Don’t let your guards down. Their hand-to-hand skills are impressive,” giving pause to a group of players that might have thought these enemy combatants would go down much easier than what they’re currently experiencing.

Responding to Batman’s observation, Catwoman says, “So cheat,” a halfway decent strategy to apply at the moment not only for herself, but also for a crew of players that are clearly outnumbered. Grabbing a nearby baddie and ripping a tube from his armored outfit, Batman says, “I prefer to call it…asymmetrical warfare,” basically implying that he cheats all the time and just simply uses a fancier terminology for it.

Always prepared and usually one step ahead of his adversaries, Batman is no stranger in ensuring he has the upper hand when it comes to his nighttime adventures; most of the time even winning the battle before it’s even occurred. And now that he’s more or less admitted to being a dirty cheat when it suits him, it makes a whole lot more sense as to why he always seems to come out on top in any given situation regardless of who he’s facing.

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So although Batman and his ragtag group of Fortnite players are nearing the end of their nightmarish journey, Batman will now and forever be known as a cheater when it comes to crime fighting. And to think, all it took for him to admit it was a trip to a mystical island where people shoot each other and build forts for fun.

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