Out of all the characters in The Vampire Diaries, Caroline was the most relatable. Although she was chastised for it, she always spoke her mind and let others know when they were doing something wrong. Her lack of a filter made her an open book, and in a town as dangerous as Mystic Falls, Caroline’s honesty was a blessing.

With a new supernatural threat to face every day, sugarcoating is a luxury that the characters can’t afford. Caroline tells her friends how it is, even if it’s difficult for them to hear. Viewers might not be able to join in the conversation, but there are several times Caroline said what they were thinking.


“Why Am I Not A Part Of This Conversation? You Guys Do This To Me All The Time.”

Later down the line, the series attempted to make it seem as though Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline had always been an inseparable trio. Yet, the first season told a different story. Elena and Bonnie were condescending towards Caroline and always left her out of important conversations.

Despite being the protagonist, Elena isn’t very beloved in The Vampire Diaries because of the way she talks down to others. No one enjoys being treated like a third wheel, and Caroline called her friends out on it.

“I Don’t Need To Be Fixed.”

It was difficult to see a character as optimistic and loving as Caroline go through so much at the hands of her own father. Not only did Bill refuse to accept her as a vampire, but he used exposure therapy to torture Caroline, hoping it would fix her.

Yet, being a vampire is the best thing that ever happened to Caroline, and she evolved into a strong and self-assured person. Bill was so set in his ways that he wouldn’t listen to reason, but Caroline never stopped declaring that she didn’t need to be fixed.

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“You Found A Way To Make This About You? God, You Truly Have A Gift, Elena.”

Elena being the center of attention became a running joke in The Vampire Diaries. No matter what was going on, everything always seemed to come back to her. In Elena’s defense, Damon and Stefan were more at fault for this than she was.

They went out of their way to keep her from being inconvenienced, even if it meant putting other people on the line. The Salvatores would do whatever it took to keep Elena happy, and she didn’t fight it as often as she should have. With her humanity off, Caroline was even more honest than usual.

“How ‘Come You Don’t Sparkle?”

Given that the show was airing while Twilight was popular, the question had to be asked. Damon was seen reading the book on Caroline’s bed and even commented on how “Edward is so whipped.”

Only a handful of episodes were out at the time, and there were still several things that viewers didn’t know about vampires. However, the answer Caroline got from Damon reinforced that The Vampire Diaries would not be taking anything from Stephenie Meyer’s books.

“It Reeks Of Awkward Subtext!”

There are several reasons why Matt could be considered Caroline’s worst love interest in The Vampire Diaries, and the main one is that he consistently wrote her off. They never seemed to have a particularly deep relationship, but when Caroline gets drunk and asks Matt to stay until she falls asleep, there’s a clear shift between them.

He refuses to address what happened and won’t say more than “hey,” every time they come into contact. Viewers could feel the awkwardness in the air, but Caroline broke the ice with this comment.

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“Do You Think That You Guys Are The Only Ones Who Get To Escape Grief?”

When it came to Caroline turning off her humanity, the majority of her friends were hypocrites. On one hand, it’s understandable that they didn’t want her to make the same mistakes that they did. But, on the other, they didn’t have the right to tell her not to do it.

The other characters all flipped their switch to escape their grief, yet expected Caroline to be better than them. It’s especially ironic because Caroline has more control of her vampirism than any of the other characters have combined.

“Stefan Is Your Soulmate!”

Caroline isn’t the only one who believes that Stefan and Elena are soulmates in The Vampire Diaries. She was representing all of Team Stefan by campaigning for the two of them to get back together. It’s likely that Caroline was projecting her own feelings for Stefan onto Elena, but she was still the couple’s biggest supporter for many seasons.

Anytime Elena leaned towards choosing Damon, Caroline attempted to talk her out of it. When taking all the horrible things Damon did to Caroline into consideration, her animosity towards him makes perfect sense.

“Being Here And Feeling What You’re Feeling Proves That A Love That Deep Can Win Over Anything.”

Caroline also threw a bone to Team Damon fans when she came around to supporting Damon and Elena’s relationship. Sybil made The Vampire Diaries Season 8 especially hard on Delena shippers, and it was incomprehensible that their love was gone for good.

Thankfully, Caroline felt the same way and she came to the rescue. What Damon and Elena have is more powerful than Sybil’s mind control, and Caroline took it upon herself to help restore Damon’s memories.

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