The sign of Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and in many ways that means it is the sign that is the most connected to mysticism and the world that exists beyond our own. And that magical connection is reflected in a lot of ways. Pisces has a tendency to be very creative, imaginative, emotional, and empathetic to the point that they almost seem psychic.

And as a sign that is so deeply connected to the otherworldly, it comes as no surprise that Pisceans love many aspects of fantasy. So with that in mind, which DCEU characters can Pisces relate to, and who don’t they understand?

10 Relate To: Martha Kent

One of the most obvious personality traits of any Pisces is their ability to experience empathy and compassion for others. They are a water sign, and water is the element of emotion, so they are very in touch with their own feelings as well as the feelings of others.

A loving and understanding mom like Martha Kent is easy for them to relate to, and her willingness to accept her otherworldly son is very Piscean.

9 Won’t Understand: Amanda Waller

On the opposite end of that empath spectrum is someone like Amanda Waller, a no nonsense government agent who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she needs to do done.

The notion of creating a “suicide squad” that puts the lives of the team and the world at large at risk is a line that a Pisces would never be willing to cross.


8 Relate To: Cyborg

As a sign that is so deeply connected to their own emotions and the emotions of others, it comes as no surprise that Pisces can tend towards the melancholy.

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Ironically their ability to feel the pain of others makes them feel even more isolated from the world, so the experiences of someone like Victor Stone will move them and feel familiar to them in a way that most character arcs in the DCEU will not.

7 Won’t Understand: Wonder Woman

Pisces is many things, but aggressive is not one of them. They are the type to ameliorate instead of argue, and they would rather convince everyone to work together than to go off on their own mission.

Wonder Woman’s ideals will definitely speak to Pisces, but her way of accomplishing things will seem self-defeating in the eyes of the fish sign. Not to mention, her lack of perceptiveness when it comes to the hiding-in-plain-sight Ares is something that Pisces would not understand.

6 Relate To: Batman

Although Pisces is not known as an aggressive sign, their ability to imagine new things and come up with ideas no one would ever conceive of or attempt is one of the hallmarks of their zodiac.

Bruce Wayne is a character they can understand in that sense, because if a Pisces had billions of dollars to spend, they’d likely spend it on inventing unimaginable things and helping as many people as they could.

5 Won’t Understand: Billy Batson

As a sign, Pisceans can be quite serious, and if they were ever gifted with extraordinary superpowers, they would understand what that responsibility truly meant.

While they would enjoy exploring everything that they were capable of, they would never goof off or act as childishly as Billy Batson did when he got Shazamed. Billy’s attitude is far too lighthearted and fluffy for someone like Pisces to understand.

4 Relate To: Superman

Of course, someone like Clark Kent is a character that Pisces can deeply relate to. Pisces feel like they go through a magnified version of the human experience, just like Superman does.

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And like Clark, they would feel the enormous responsibility that went along with their powers, and they would try to use them to do as much good for the world as they could (without letting the world in on their inner life).

3 Won’t Understand: The Flash

Pisces spends a lot of time thinking over their decisions, and they always have to process their feelings before making any significant choice.

So a character like the Flash would be extremely difficult for them to relate to, because they would be innately uncomfortable with the idea of having to do everything at the speed of light. Plus, Flash is a little too happy go lucky for Piscean tastes.

2 Relate To: Aquaman

It should come as no surprise that the most relatable DCEU character for Pisces is Aquaman. Not only is he the personification of water, just like Pisces, but his indecisiveness and difficulty coping with the responsibility he was born with is easy for a Piscean to understand and relate to.

Like Arthur, they will always ultimately do the right thing, but they will emotionally torture themselves over it first.

1 Won’t Understand: Ares

Pisces are empathetic, emotional, caring, and have a deep connection to the mystical. So a character like Ares will baffle them. The god of war is something that the Pisces would never want to relate to, and the idea of intentionally sowing discord in the world is very off putting to them.

If a Pisces were ever blessed with literal mystical powers, the last thing they would do is use them to damage the world.

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