Pokémon Legends: Arceus is the most exciting thing to happen in the Pokémon franchise in years. A complete revitalization of the old-school formula, the game takes players back to the Sinnoh of old, a harsh and still unknown world where they’ll attempt to create the region’s first Pokedex.

Since the game’s announcement during the last Pokémon Direct, many theories have surfaced about the nature and plot of Legends. Fans flooded internet forums like Reddit with their own opinions and ideas about this mysterious new chapter in Pokémon history. And while some theories are too far-fetched, others seem like real possibilities, further increasing the excitement about the upcoming game.

10 The First In A Trilogy

The trailer for Legends opens with a shot of three books, one of which opens and begins telling the tale of the game. Reddit user Abertemmer proposes that Arceus will be the first game in a planned trilogy. Comments under the original post range with different suggestions, with some thinking the next two will also be set on Sinnoh, while others claiming the sequels will deal with other Pokémon in other regions.

If this is indeed Game Freak’s plan, then it’s incredibly ambitious, considering Legends is an untested formula that’s also taking considerable risks. Only time will tell if there’s more to these three books than meets the eye.

9 Not Feudal Japan

When Legends announced its past setting, many believed the game would take inspiration from Feudal Japan. The trailer seemed to fuel these speculations by showing the character’s clothing and the ancient-looking houses. However, many fans believe the game is inspired by an entirely different era in Japanese history.

Reddit user McManGuy theorizes that Legends is inspired by the Meiji period, which took place between 1868 and 1912. The presence of a steam-based Pokéball could also confirm this time period, considering Japan opened its trade with the West, thus beginning its journey to becoming a global power.


8 Are The Unown Involved?

The Unown are letter-shaped Pokémon introduced in Generation II. Currently, there are twenty-eight different designs, one for each letter in the alphabet plus two for the exclamation and question marks. Reddit user Spectral-Umbra thinks these mysterious Pokémon will play a prominent role in the game.

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In his theory, the town shown in the trailer, which acts as the player’s base according to the official game site, is Solaceon, one of Sinnoh’s most ancient settlements. In the original Diamond & Pearl, the Solaceon Ruins are the only place in Sinnoh where Unown is found in the wild, suggesting a deeper relationship between these creatures and the region. Many Unown also appear next to Arceus in many canonical instances, further supporting this user’s theory.

7 Colonization Will Be A Key Plot Point

As many fans know, the Sinnoh region is based on a real-world place, the Hokkaido province in Japan. Hokkaido has an interesting story that some believe will be the basis for Legends‘ plot. In real life, Japan colonized Hokkaido in the late 1860s in an effort to become a global superpower in the pre-WWII era.

Reddit user SternMon suggests that Legends will follow a colonization plot. The presence of Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott suggests a push from the Alola, Johto, and Unova regions to colonize Sinnoh. The story will center on the conflict between the Sinnoh natives and the foreign colonists and might even tie into the origins of Team Galactic. It’s an ambitious theory, one that would certainly inject some cultural relevance to the franchise.

6 Time Travel Is Involved

The Pokémon franchise could incorporate some sci-fi elements into the games, according to Reddit user Efe_erten. It is well-known that Pokémon Diamond‘s mascot, the Legendary creature Dialga, is the representation of time within the Pokémon world. Efe_erten proposes that Legends will feature a time-travel plot in which Team Galactic boss Cyrus goes back in time to create a new universe.

Diamond & Pearl‘s protagonists, Dawn and Lucas, infiltrate the team and travel to the past to ask for Arceus’ help in stopping Cyrus’ plans. The idea sounds far more elaborate than anything Pokémon has ever done but with Legends already being a step out of their comfort zones, who says this wild idea isn’t possible?

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5 A Giratina Origin Story?

Giratina, the Renegade Pokémon, is one of the most fascinating creatures in the franchise. Although some insights into its backstory are given in Pokémon Platinum, not much is known about how or why it was banished to the Distortion World. All that could change in Legends.

As suggested by Reddit user KorbenL14, Legends may feature two warring factions, each one controlling a Legendary Pokémon. Arceus is on one side and Giratina on the other, with the two eventually battling. The former would win, thus banishing Giratina to the Distortion World. The idea is quite ambitious but Pokémon games hardly ever focus on violent aspects (even Kalos’ great war is only hinted at in X & Y). Still, an origin story for Giratina would be cool.

4 Why Is Sinnoh So Different?

Reddit user TheRealOriginal31st has three theories about why Sinnoh is still a “vast wilderness” in Pokemon Legends. One is that Arceus changes the region’s land, either as the result of a conflict or intentionally. The second involves Regigigas, the Colossal Pokémon depicted in Sinnoh lore as pulling continents with ropes.

The third and most likely according to the poster is that humans will do what they always do and alter the land to build modern-day Sinnoh. This will undoubtedly alter the region’s original harsh environment, leading to the world found in the original Diamond & Pearl and the upcoming remakes.

3 Gotta Catch Them All

Most main series Pokémon games focus on the player’s journey to becoming the League Champion of the region, give or take a villainous team and a couple of Legendaries. Indeed, the main storyline usually ends once the player becomes the Champion.

With no Gyms or Pokémon League on sight, Reddit user toutoune134 suggests that Legends will switch the franchise’s direction to the original motto, “Gotta catch ’em all.” The user argues that all Pokémon battles will most likely take place between the player and wild Pokémon exclusively, and the entire focus of the game will be on exploration and research. A Pokémon game where the player is basically a Pokémon Professor instead of a trainer does sound like an interesting idea!

2 Pokémon Breath of The Wild?

Many fans have theorized that Legends is directly influenced by the critically acclaimed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The trailer definitely shows Zelda‘s influence in Legends but that doesn’t mean it will be a direct carbon copy. Reddit user MayUrHammerBeMighty reckons these comparisons are a tad unrealistic.

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The user states that the main changes will occur in the battling system, which will feature a player-control camera and improved animations, and the Sinnoh map, which will be 100% open. Keeping realistic expectations might be the way to go.

1 Pokémon Meets Assassin’s Creed

Many fans became hyped after the game’s announcement because of the new games that could come out of the Legends series. Most suggested sequels taking place in other regions and with other Legendary mascots, and Reddit user FranticMongoose117 further adds to this theory by proposing the Legends series go the Assassin’s Creed way.

This would mean new games set in defined time periods instead of just a vague idea of the past. This could open the door to a Unova story set during the American Civil War or a game exploring the Kalos great war, which is clearly inspired by the French Revolution. The possibilities are endless and fans can’t wait to see if Legends lives up to the hype.

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