Warning: spoilers ahead for Deadpool #9!

In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ DeadpoolWade Wilson officially has his own kingdom as King of the Monsters, and he’s finally chosen a name for the Island formerly known as Staten. While becoming a king wasn’t exactly his intention, Wade has become determined to do his best ruling the plethora of monsters who seem him as their ruler. However, that doesn’t mean he’s become any more sober or serious. King Deadpool is still the same Deadpool fans know and love, he just has some more power behind him now. Additionally, the new name for his kingdom is quite fitting for Wade’s personality, even if – as the comics’ own captions note – it has “way too many O’s to be a reasonable word.”


When Wade first became King of the Monsters by killing the previous Monster King in this new series from Kelly Thompson and Gerardo Sandoval, he got right to work on making sure his priorities were out of whack. One of the first things he focused on was creating a poll for his subjects to choose a new name for his kingdom (all while Captain America tried reasoning with him about the volatile situation his rule is creating). They couldn’t very well keep calling it Staten Island, after all. However, the leading name at the beginning of the series was “Islandy McIslandface,” much to Wade’s dismay.

Now, Deadpool #9 finally reveals the name that was eventually agreed upon. While Deadpool is trying to save his new flame Elsa Bloodstone (the infamous monster hunter), he comes face to face with the frightening Bone Beast Queen, who wishes to use Wade as her new host. During their battle, Wade is all super-powered up with the Bloodstone that was killing Elsa. The Bone Beast Queen taunts DP, sharing her plans to take over his kingdom, confirming the new name is “Deadpoolopolis” and sharing her plans to rename it “the Bone Zone” after her horrifying monster race.

Obviously, the Bone Zone would be much worse than Deadpoolopolis, so there’s no way Wade is going to let the Bone Beast Queen defeat him and take over his body. Eventually, Wade is able to kill the Queen and purge the Bloodstone of its infection, causing him to explode in the process, and leaving him as a talking head in the aftermath. At the end of the issue, Elsa kisses Wade, and the pair head out in search of a portal to get them back to Wade’s magnificent kingdom of Deadpoolopolis in order to continue his rule.

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The fact that Deadpool, of all the characters in the Marvel Universe, has become royalty is pretty wild. Even so, becoming the King of the Monsters seems to be pretty fitting for the Merc with a Mouth so far, and he really seems to care about his monstrous subjects, despite having them live in a kingdom name in such a self-aggrandizing way. Here’s hoping Deadpool‘s time as the Monster King of Deadpoolopolis continues for a while longer.

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