The world of Wonder Woman in the DC universe is filled with magic and wonder, as seen in the recently released Wonder Woman 1984; from lightning-grabbing lassos to suspicious stones that can grant wishes. While Diana Prince grew up and learned her powers on the already pretty magical island of Themyscira, if she had been born in the regular World of Men she may have been inducted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry instead.

Most of the characters in Wonder Woman’s world have some aura of magical ability to them, even Steve Trevor as of Wonder Woman 1984, so it’s high time they had the Sorting Hat plopped on their heads and their appropriate Hogwarts houses assigned.

10 Diana Prince/Wonder Woman: Gryffindor

Diana Prince is the Harry Potter of the Wonder Woman movies, and not just because she’s the main character. Diana is the child of parents (Hippolyta and Zeus) who defied the Dark Lord (Ares), and at least one paid for it with their life. She has innate magical powers, but is brave and just beyond all else, so she would be a natural for Harry’s own Gryffindor house.

That said, with the power Diana has at her fingertips, she is still tempted to use it in selfish ways, as seen in Wonder Woman 1984. The Sorting Hat probably tried to put her in Slytherin too, but she’s strong (and selfless) enough to resist the temptation.

9 Steve Trevor: Gryffindor

On the surface, Steve Trevor doesn’t have much going for him. He may have been magically resurrected in Wonder Woman 1984 but it didn’t really do anything for him other than gave him the experience of sleeping on a futon. He’s not particularly bright, nor does he seek to make himself better, so that’s both Ravenclaw and Slytherin out.

Fortunately, however, Steve is incredibly brave, perhaps more so than Diana since he’s often first into action with no powers at all. He’s ready to confront the wrongness in the world head-on, even if it costs him his life – which it ultimately does, twice – so he’s a natural for Gryffindor.


8 Maxwell Lord: Slytherin

The tragedy of Max Lord, whose real name is Maxwell Lorenzano, is that he’s not evil or out to hurt people, he just wants his son to be proud of him and have a good life. However, he pushes to get fame and power through selfish and irresponsible means, which deposits him straight into Slytherin house.

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Max even hires thieves to retrieve the Dreamstone, not to mention financially destroying his former investor, Simon Stagg, to get his shares. He steals wealth, influence, even health from people who just want a better life. In the end, Max Lord is prepared to sink to any depth to get the power he believes he deserves, just like Voldemort.

7 Barbara Minerva/Cheetah: Ravenclaw

Slytherin is the house that all the cool villains get assigned to. Nothing’s more evil than craving power at any cost and not caring about your fellow humans. The problem with Barbara Minerva, then, is that while she ends up as Wonder Woman’s main adversary the Cheetah, she doesn’t really fit into this personality at all. She helps out a homeless person and offers to help her terrible boss with a thankless task.

While she becomes addicted to the power of the Cheetah, Barbara never wished for that power, she just wanted to be confident like her friend Diana. She’s not really a Slytherin candidate, but she’s definitely smart, so Barbara Minerva would probably be better off in Ravenclaw. She’d probably excel in Care Of Magical Creatures class, too.

6 Etta Candy: Hufflepuff

The first and best friend Diana Prince made after leaving Themyscira, Etta Candy grew up in an era when women weren’t supposed to be warriors, much to the shock of Diana.

Nonetheless, Etta probably would’ve preferred not to do any of that fighting stuff anyway. While she helps Steve out a lot and is fairly handy with a sword, Etta isn’t among the bravest or cleverest people around. She doesn’t have an evil bone in her body either, so the Sorting Hat would have no trouble putting her in Hufflepuff. She’s also probably a Squib, too.

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5 Sir Patrick Morgan/Ares: Slytherin

Once upon a time, the God of War would probably have ended up in Gryffindor, like Diana. While he hated Zeus’s creation of humanity, he still fought alongside them to protect the Earth from Steppenwolf’s armies of Apokolips.

Eventually, his hate boiled over and he turned on his family, destroying the Old Gods and corrupting humanity into embracing war. He also was prepared to do anything to further his goal of wiping out the humans, even attempting to using Diana’s power to do it. Ares is a perfect fit for Slytherin, and with his immortality and love of disguises, he could have actually been Salazar Slytherin in the first place.

4 Hippolyta: Gryffindor

Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, mother of Diana and lover of Zeus, is a cinch for Gryffindor house. After fighting alongside the Old Gods, Atlanteans, Tribes of Men, and even Green Lanterns against Steppenwolf, she leads the Amazons to freedom from slavery to their paradise island of Themyscira.

She was even forced to let her daughter go out forever into the world of men to help stop Ares, and personally took charge of getting the Mother Box away during Steppenwolf’s return, nearly taking her life. Hippolyta is one of the bravest women in the DC universe, so perfect for Gryffindor. Like mother, like daughter.

3 Dr. Isabel Maru/Dr. Poison: Slytherin

Dr. Isabel Maru, commonly referred to as Dr. Poison, is a tougher candidate to sort into a particular Hogwarts house than it would seem on the surface. Maru is more dedicated to science and experiments than war and power. She is an expert in toxicology who finds a partnership with Ludendorff useful to achieve her ends.

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She might do well in Ravenclaw, except for her total lack of morals, scruples, or humanity, which inevitably makes her better suited to Slytherin house. Plus, anyone who’s that good at Potions must be a favorite pupil of Professor Snape.

2 General Erich : Slytherin

This general in the German army was addicted to war, and victory at any cost in lives. While Dr. Maru may have created deadly weapons, it was Ludendorff who fired them on a nearby village.

He was so desperate to keep his power that he was prepared to commit treason and kill his fellow generals rather than relinquish that power. He uses magic gases to increase his strength, a clear violation of Magical Decrees. General Ludendorff may not have been the actual God of War, but he craved it as well as power, and that would make him be sorted immediately into Slytherin house.

1 Charlie: Hufflepuff

While fans don’t know Charlie’s last name, they do know he’s gone through some bad times. He may have been lucky enough to see the end of the war, but he experienced some terrible things during it, which causes him severe PTSD.

While purportedly an expert marksman who Steve Trevor is desperate to have by his side, Charlie doesn’t really do anything during the first Wonder Woman movie. He’s a bit of a coward even without the PTSD, and he’s certainly not clever. He is generally good, though, and still up for a fight, making Charlie ideal for Hufflepuff. He’s a good singer too, so he’ll probably end up on the Frog Choir too.

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