Since Robyn was introduced as Kody’s new girlfriend during season 1 of Sister Wives, viewers have felt she was Kody’s clear favorite. Kody doted on Robyn, earning the jealousy of all of his other wives. But after more than 10 years, Kody’s feelings for Robyn seem to have diminished and viewers are seeing the cracks develop in the relationship. While Robyn’s marriage to Kody isn’t yet as bad as Kody and Robyn’s marriage, it seems like the natural progression for all of Kody’s marriages.

Kody was Robyn’s second husband. She divorced her original husband, David Jessop, after he became abusive. Kody married Robyn and adopted her children, providing her with not just a husband but also three sister wives and children she became a fourth mother to. Sister Wives fans couldn’t help but notice that Robyn was Kody’s clear favorite. She grew up in a polygamous family and seemed to be excited about having sister wives of her own. However, the ideal of one big, happy family is not the reality of what it’s like to share your husband with other women, especially not with a husband like Kody.


While Robyn obviously entered this marriage expecting to be an equal partner, Kody expects to be the unquestioned king. All of the wives seem blindsided when Kody makes decisions that are all about his own happiness, ignoring the well-being of his children and wives. As it turns out, Robyn isn’t willing to sit back and let Kody do whatever he wants, causing problems in the Sister Wives relationship. A fan on Reddit has pretty clearly identified the problem, saying, “Kody does not know how to be happy. He looks to others to MAKE him happy and that never works long term.”When his relationship with Robyn was in the honeymoon phase, it was easy for them to be happy. But a long-term relationship takes hard work and maturity, things Kody fails to achieve at every turn.

Some people blame Robyn, saying she is high-maintenance, but most people on Reddit seem to blame Kody. One fan said, “The relationships only work for him until the other party wants more than fluffy words from him…I think he’s in personal crisis because he’s incapable of genuine relationships with all these people. And he’s deluded himself into believing he’s so awesome and enough.”It takes two to tango, so blame probably lies on both sides, as well as with the flawed dynamic of an unequal relationship inherent in polygamy.

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Rumors have been swirling about Sister Wives‘ Robyn being pregnant again, which only adds to the idea that Kody isn’t happy in the relationship. Another fan pointed out, “Christine had stated before that she did not want any more children, then Robyn came in and low and behold, Christine is pregnant. She definitely tried to use her pregnancy as a sort of claiming/revenge (fill in every wrong emotion/intention).” Rumors are always rampant that Kody is after a new wife, so if Robyn is pregnant, it might be more of a sign that things are going wrong than a sign that their relationship is being worked on.

Robyn was once the shiny new relationship for Kody to enjoy. But as the shine wears off, no one will be surprised if Kody brings in a new, younger wife, repeating the same mistakes again and again. Sister Wives‘ Kody even threatened to dissolve his partnership with Robyn at one point. Sadly, while he didn’t follow through with it, many viewers of Sister Wives agree that getting out of these unhealthy marriages would be the best thing for everyone.

Source: Reddit

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