Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #10

In the latest issue of DC’s Green Lantern, Hal Jordan finally returns to save the surviving members of the Corps. After the massive attack on Oa and the destruction of the Central Power Battery, very few Lanterns were left with charged power rings. While Hal Jodan’s ring is special and still holds power, he was told by the Corps’ acting captain Jo Mullein to stay away, being held in reserve. Now, the time has finally come for Hal Jordan to come back into the light to back up the Corps (and he’s also brought some friends along for the ride).

Previously in Green Lantern, Oa was attacked in a major offensive that resulted in the explosion of the Central Power Battery, depleting nearly every Lantern’s ring of its willpower with the Guardians of Oa being caught in a state of quantum suspension as well. With John Stewart being far away in the regions of space known as the Dark Sectors, Jo Mullein stepped up to lead the Corps with her own unique ring that still has a charge. She’s also managed to uncover the truth behind Oa’s attacker: a Guardian gone rogue named Koyos seeking to restore magic to the cosmos (seeing as how the Guardians apparently limited its strength when they harnessed willpower).


Now, Green Lantern #10 from Geoffrey Thorne, ChrisCross, Juan Castro, Marco Santucci sees Koyos revealing himself as a major threat, looking to finish what he began with his first Oa attack. While the Guardians are revived, not even they can stop Koyos and his new magical power. Even with Jo, soldiers of the United Order, and the surviving Lanterns wearing armored mech suits instead of rings, Koyos still has the upper hand. However, this is when Hal Jordan gets his moment just like Marvel’s Falcon in Avengers: Endgame, showing up to save the day with the surprise calvary of several super friends.

Thankfully, it looks as though Jo’s plan to keep Hal back until the right time was the perfect call. Joined by members of the Justice League, it’s possible that they’ll be able to help tip the scales and defeat Koyos once and for all. It’s also just a truly cool moment to conclude this issue in particular, teasing an epic battle in the issues to come that will decide the fate of the Green Lantern Corps (regardless of the ultimate victor).

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Hal Jordan’s absence in this new Green Lantern series has certainly been felt with so many Lanterns losing their rings. However, it only makes it more exciting now that he’s back to provide some much-needed backup. Here’s hoping one of the greatest Green Lanterns and the Justice League have what it takes to save the rest of the Corps in the issues to come.

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