The unstoppable and recently confirmed immortal Hulk has instilled as much fear into the world through his rampages as he has instilled hope by working with the Avengers, and one demographic of Earthlings who fear the Hulk the most are vampires. When the Hulk became even more powerful with the help of Asgardian weaponry, he was an unstoppable tornado of destruction and the vampires experienced the brunt of his mayhem. The death and destruction the Hulk brought upon the vampires during one brief period of his Marvel Comics history made him a better vampire hunter than Blade

In Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #1-3 written by Victor Gischler with art by Ryan Stegman and Michael Babinski, the Hulk acquires an enchanted Asgardian warhammer gifted to him by the Serpent, who gives similar hammers to other brutes around the world in an effort to create as much mayhem as possible. With the newfound power and a thirst for blood like he’s never experienced before, the Hulk decides to go after the world’s vampires, with even their leader Dracula shaking in his boots at the thought of the Hulk attacking his kingdom. 


The Hulk is relentless in his mission to exterminate vampires, killing any he sees without a moment’s hesitation. Throughout the three-issue arc, Dracula tries time and again to stop the Hulk either through force or by trying to reason with him, but the Hulk only answers his pleas with violence of the highest degree. In the end, the Hulk nearly dismantles Dracula’s empire with the countless vampires that lie dead at the Avenger’s feet, but the sheer number of vampires he kills isn’t what makes him a better vampire hunter than Blade. It is because of the fear the Hulk instills in not only low-level vampires, but in Dracula himself as the King of Vampires doesn’t know if he is going to make it out of his war with the Hulk alive. 

As opposed to the Hulk, Dracula has never been afraid of Blade. In fact he actually likes him and actively roots for his continued existence. Blade makes low-level vampires afraid, which only gives higher-up vampires more of a platform on which to rule with a common enemy to unite them that isn’t actually a major threat in the eyes of Dracula or other vampire royals. Hulk, on the other hand, is a loose cannon and with the Asgardian power-up, every vampire is very afraid of what that green monster might do to them and their organization. 

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Fear and body count is what makes the Hulk a superior vampire hunter than Blade, but one thing Blade has that Hulk does not is commitment. Blade’s whole mission in life is to rid the world of vampires and he is incredibly efficient in that task. The Hulk only had a short stint as a vampire hunter, it was just in that short period of time that he overshot Blade, though Blade could use what seems like a weakness to his advantage. Dracula survived his battle with the Hulk because he feared him, and the lack of fear he feels for Blade may be his undoing as that gives the Daywalker the advantage of being underestimated. Hulk proved to be a better vampire hunter than Blade, but only time will tell if that remains true.

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