It’s clear in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier that Bucky Barnes still has a lot weighing him down. Between his guilt and not wanting to get close to people, fans have definitely had exposure to a lot of Bucky’s personality traits in the latest Disney+ series.

Even though some of his personality traits may not be his best qualities, there are a lot of physical traits that make Bucky a great soldier and that have helped him be a hero on a number of occasions, such as fighting against Thanos’ army, and most recently, the Flagsmashers. However, Bucky’s bravery and his loyalty to Steve will always be his most admirable attributes.

10 BEST: Speed

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier fans got a glimpse of how fast Bucky Barnes is as he ran at a similar speed to Captain America and Black Panther. Obviously, this is one of the effects of Hydra’s experimentation but this trait has come in handy for Bucky on more than one occasion.

Bucky’s speed has allowed him to almost evade being captured and killed by Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War and also more recently allowed him to catch up with the Flagsmashers truck in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier.

9 WORST: Vibranium Arm (In Everyday Life)

Fans saw Bucky obtain a new Vibranium arm courtesy of King T’Challa in Avengers: Infinity War, which has proved useful in battle on many occasions. But what about Bucky’s everyday life? He has to walk around wearing gloves and a long-sleeve jacket most of the time.

Also, as seen on his date in episode 1 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Bucky has to lie to the girl from the bar about why he wears gloves. Marvel could focus slightly on a love interest discovering his Vibranium arm but it must be hard for Bucky having to hide it every day, worried that he will be seen as a kind of monster.


8 BEST: Winter Soldier Training

Bucky’s combat skills were more predominantly shown in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War compared to the following two Avengers movies, and at first glance, being trained by Hydra might seem like it was a bad thing.

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However, Bucky’s training as the Winter Soldier has allowed him to take on Outriders, Henchmen, and Flagsmashers, who are the current threats to the world on Disney+.

7 WORST: Disloyalty To Sam

Bucky and Sam have certainly had arguments and disagreements in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and while the former’s loyalty to Steve is great, the other side of that coin is his disloyalty to Sam.

There is no doubt that the friendship will evolve as the show progresses but as it currently stands, Bucky’s unwillingness to see Sam as a true friend is stopping them from becoming one of the most powerful duos in the MCU.

6 BEST: Bravery

Even before Bucky had enhanced strength, speed, and an almost indestructible arm, he joined the army back in the 1940s to go overseas and fight Nazis even without all his physical enhancements.

Even more recently in the MCU, Bucky doesn’t hesitate to fight the battles that need to be fought, such as against Thanos’ army, in order to save the world.

5 WORST: Impulsivity

In a recent episode of The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, Bucky and Sam are pinned down in the shipping yard and both of them assume control. Bucky believes that he should take charge due to his training as the Winter Soldier whereas Sam thinks with his military training he should be calling the shots.

While Sam is very much the same, Bucky assumes control and does things his own way, partly causing himself, Sam, and Sharon to be pinned down under a shipping yard container. With better communication, this situation might not have required Zemo to save them.

4 BEST: Vibranium Arm (For Battles)

Even though Bucky’s Hydra-gifted metal arm did give him an advantage in battle, his new Vibranium arm is definitely an even bigger upgrade, with it being a combination of the strongest metal on Earth and originating from the most technologically advanced nation on Earth.

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Fans still haven’t witnessed the full capabilities of his new arm and should expect to see what other tricks it has in store in upcoming episodes of The Falcon And The Winter Soldier.

3 WORST: Distance From Others

One of Bucky’s most notorious traits in the MCU is his distance from others. He has been a lone wolf assassin for Hydra before realizing his true identity. Even after discovering who Steve was, Bucky did not go and seek him out.

As seen on The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Bucky doesn’t jump at the idea of asking the girl at the bar out on a date and Yori must do it for him. Bucky and Sam are also still fairly distant from each other and Bucky only attends therapy as it is a condition of his pardon. If Bucky let people get close to him, he could potentially heal a lot quicker.

2 BEST: Loyalty To Steve

If there’s one person to be loyal to, it’s Captain America. Bucky has been Steve’s best friend since childhood and their strong friendship can be seen in every movie that they appear in together.

Even after Steve is gone, Bucky is angry at Sam for giving up the shield, mostly because it scares him that Steve was wrong about them both, but also because Steve believed and trusted Sam.

1 WORST: Guilt

Bucky’s guilt is certainly his strongest personality trait that he is still dealing with to this day. With now 70-80 years of committing murderous acts for Hydra, Bucky has a lot of self-loathing built up in his head. Guilt is not his worst trait in the sense that it’s something fans hate about him, but it is his worst trait in the sense that it’s the darkest part of his soul.

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However, through this guilt, he has now made a list of the people he needs to make amends with, such as Yori, as Bucky killed his son while he was working for Hydra.

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