The Sims franchise gives the players a unique opportunity to create their own characters whose life they will control. This is one of the major reasons why The Sims franchise is so popular and continues to evolve over time. But the characters who already live in the neighborhoods in the game are just as important. After all, playing in an empty city wouldn’t be so interesting.

Of all the characters residing in the neighborhoods and worlds, some of them naturally draw more attention to themselves. Either because of their unique skills or personality. Whoever the fans prefer then can reveal a lot about their personalities.

10 Miss Crumplebottom

Miss Crumplebottom rarely appeared in the games but she still left an impression. She usually showed up when a Sim wished for love via the wishing well. If their wish went wrong, Miss Crumplebottom showed up, beat the Sim up, and left.

Those who like Miss Crumplebottom might not let others mess with them. They have a rather dark sense of humor, see the world for what it is, and don’t have the time to fill their heads with nonsense.

9 Don Lothario

Don Lothario is one of the most charming characters in the game, at least judging by the reaction women have to him. However, he’s also a troublemaker as he sees it fit to date two sisters at the same time.

Fans of Don Lothario might have a strong charisma, just like he does. People feel naturally drawn to them. They like to enjoy life, sometimes no matter what it takes.


8 Judith Ward

Judith Ward is one of the biggest stars in The Sims 4. As an acting legend, people both love her and fear her. She’s fulfilled her dreams and now lives in a beautiful big house. However, she’s difficult to get along with, and befriending her might prove a real challenge for the players’ Sims.

Those who like Judith might aim high in life. They know what they want and aren’t afraid to pursue their goals. They’re ambitious and intelligent people but might sometimes struggle with connecting to others.

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7 Vlad Straud

This vampire is the founder of Forgotten Hallow where vampires reside. He’s also one of the oldest vampires alive, presumably. Vlad is a music lover who likes to spend most of his time alone in his mansion. He doesn’t seem to get along with people very well as his long years as a vampire made him removed from humanity.

Those who like Vlad might be more on the introverted side. They enjoy the occasional meeting with their friends but also love their quality alone time. They might also be artistically gifted and devote a lot of time to their hobby.

6 Bob Pancakes

Bob Pancakes personifies the ultimate relatable guys in The Sims 4. He works as a caterer but has a big dream of becoming a chef. He also lives in a romantic relationship that’s not so ideal. He’s a calm man who tries to make the best of his life.

Fans of the game who like Bob might also prefer not to have a big drama in their lives. They’re calm, maybe quiet people, who have something they want to achieve but know that hard work and patience are the way to go. They’re relatable and make good friends even though they might never be the heart of a party. However, they’re the type of people others can rely on.

5 Bella Goth

The mysterious disappearance of Bella Goth is one of the many things that kept the players invested in The Sims gaming franchise. Nowadays, in The Sims 4, Bella is present and is the mother of two children, but those who have been playing the games for a while know that there’s more to her than meets the eye.

Those who like Bella might be equally mysterious. They’re charismatic but like to keep to themselves. People feel drawn to them but they can be hard to read. They’re brave in the face of adversities and overall, despite not being so approachable, make for good friends if one manages to break through their barriers.

4 Nalani Mahi’ai

Nalani likes to hide it at first but she belongs among The Sims 4’s rich family of supernatural creatures. Nalani is a mermaid who lives on the beautiful isles of Sulani. She’s an optimistic, cheerful person many players like to befriend via their Sims.

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People who like Nalani might have a similarly sunny disposition. They realize that life isn’t without difficulties and dangers but at the same time, they believe they will be able to overcome any challenges they face. They’re kind people and make great friends since others can rely on them.

3 Morgyn Ember

As one of the three sages of magic who reside in the magic realm, Morgyn Ember is a fan favorite. Not only thanks to their kind nature but also the fact that it’s easy to befriend them and convince them to teach new Sims magic. This non-binary Sim possesses the art of untamed magic and is almost always in a good mood.

Those who like Morgyn might be similarly open to forging new friendships and meeting new people. They’re intelligent and well-read, have a strong sense of humor, and like to use their skills to make their lives better as well as the lives of their loved ones. They can always be relied on in a crisis.

2 Caleb Vatore

Just like the above-mentioned Vladislaus Straud, Caleb is a vampire and resides in the Forgotten Hallow. But that’s when their similarities end. Caleb is a much friendlier and younger vampire who’s usually quick to welcome new residents of the Forgotten Hallow after they arrive. And since he rejects feeding on humans, the players don’t have to fear Caleb hurting their Sims, drinking their blood against their will (like Vlad does from time to time, usually under the cover of darkness).

People who have Caleb as their favorite character are social and kind individuals who enjoy the company of others. They might have strong moral principles and can clearly see the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong. They enjoy helping others and don’t like to be alone for too long. They’re the proverbial shoulder to cry on when things get rough.

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1 Erwin Pries

Erwin Pries doesn’t play a major part in The Sims 4 but he still manages to leave an impression. Erwin resides in Strangerville where he has his little stall and he helps the players discover what is happening in the city, why are the local people acting so strange.

The players who like Erwin might also pride themselves on seeing the world for what it is. They’re both cautious and intelligent. It might take them a while to begin to trust others but once they do, they make for loyal friends and allies. They can come across as quirky and it’s hard to forget them since they leave a strong impression.

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