The magical Land of Oz has more in common with you than you might imagine. Thinking back to the wonderful cast which includes James Franco as Oz and Mila Kunis playing as the wicked witch of the West, one can only question what they could possibly have in common with these characters.

Let’s talk astrology! Zodiac signs relay personality traits based on one’s birth constellations. Find your zodiac sign to know which movie character from Oz the Great and Powerful you are.

12 Aries: Evanora (The Wicked Witch Of The East)

Evanora (Rachel Weisz) is the sister who pretends to be good while devising evil plots behind everyone’s back. What helps her achieve her aim is that she is bold, ambitious, and blunt. Still, at the first sign of trouble, when the wizard was “too powerful” she ran away!

The Wicked Witch of the East is an Aries. It is difficult for an Aries to be tricked or manipulated as they are the one’s usually timing every move and seeing the bigger picture. Aries are determined to win but move with extreme caution and can usually tell when someone is being ingenuine.

11 Taurus: Winged Baboons

The winged baboons in this movie were changed from the original story of feathered monkeys. Baboons are aggressive and relentless and cause mayhem and intimidation wherever they go. Of course, they are under the instructions of the wicked witch but they seem to just be following their nature. Monkeys in movies truly add a new dynamic to film drama.

Being bull-headedly persistent and following a comfortable routine makes the winged baboons fit right into the sign of Taurus. Taurus are also considered to possess a list of positive attributes including being dedicated, focused, and dependable.


10 Gemini: Munchkins

The munchkins from the Kingdom of Oz ruled by Glinda, are adorable! What they lack in height they make up for in creativity. They stay busy and full of energy and just like the munchkin people in the 1939 MGM Musical, they put on a show of song and dance as a greeting.

Munchkins match up with Gemini because of their great ability to stay involved in stimulating activities and find joy in keeping a balanced lifestyle. Gemini’s symbol is a pair of twins full of self-expression, energy, playfulness, and intelligence. A creative and exciting lifestyle makes Gemini feel fulfilled and positivity is key.

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9 Cancer: The Wizard, Oz

The Wizard of Oz is a smooth-talking con man at the beginning of the film. After some time, Oz realizes that he is truly a good person who is admired for his values and selfless heart. He thinks he is alone in the world and so he puts too much value on material things but soon realizes that the whole kingdom and friends he makes along his journey are the making of his happiness.

Oz is definitely a Cancer. Cancers balance themselves between the material world and the emotional and psychic realm. Those under this sign can easily pick up on energies and adapt to environments. Compassion and a protective tendency are the core of Cancers, making them relatable and popular.

8 Leo: May

Though May does not play a long role in the movie, she does play an impactful one. She has the passion to be a performer and would love to be in the spotlight. Even with her almost non-existent role in Oz’s show, she bounces with joy and can’t wait to show her talent.

May is the perfect match for a Leo because of her fiery personality. Leos always give their full energy and attention to their pursuits. They will never settle for being average and this makes them go over and beyond to stand out. Leos also have a caring nature, high self-esteem but their jealous rage and stubborn pride can cause some drama.

7 Virgo: Glinda (The Good Witch Of The South)

The good witch of the South, Glinda (Michelle Williams) is a genuine and considerate person who can see the truth in others and always keep a gentle composure. She instantly knows that Oz is not a real Wizard, but she kindly takes him into her care and uses him to make thousands of others happy.

Just like Glinda, Virgos will always choose the logical and practical route. Setting emotions and self-desires aside, they will know what is best for any situation. A quality of Virgos is that they are perfectionists, so everything they do must be to the utmost standards. Apart from this, they also have a highly creative side. Searching for the meaning of life and feeding their soul with positive energy is a must.

6 Libra: Theodora (The Wicked Witch Of The West)

Starting as a kind and gentle person, Theodora meets Oz and immediately takes to him and falls in love. She is full of joy, hope, and expectations. Sadly, after Oz breaks her heart, she makes a complete turn-around and her wicked and vile side takes over.

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Libras are thought to be diplomatic, considerate, and try to be balanced in their feelings. They can socialize well and adapt to different people. On the opposite end of the spectrum, they can suddenly become extremely insecure and hard-headed. Because of this extremity in their character, many consider them to be dishonest.

5 Scorpio: Finley

Finley (Zack Braff), the winged monkey, is a talking animal who through misfortune happened upon Oz. After Oz saves him, he takes it upon himself to promise his undying loyalty to him and for the duration of the movie, he holds true to that promise. He proves himself to be a good friend and often helps Oz contemplate decisions.

Scorpios get a bad rap for being aggressive and obnoxious but those aren’t exactly the traits of a Scorpio. Scorpios enjoy power and independence. They want to be free to choose their own path but will most likely stay committedly loyal to those they deem worthy. They are also brave, resourceful, and innovative.

4 Sagittarius: Master Tinker

Master Tinker is a man of many fine talents. He is an inventor and an innovator. His creativity helps Oz get out of some seriously sticky situations and he is always happy to gain new knowledge and put it to use. He even plays a major role in saving the good people of Oz.

Always on a quest for new adventures and new skills, Master Tinker is obviously a Sagittarius. People under this sign are ready to take on any task head-on and push through all obstacles. Their creativity and ingenuity make them artists and inventors that everyone can easily admire.

3 Capricorn: Annie

Annie is the one that stole Oz’s heart or as she calls him, Oscar. At the start of the film, she breaks the news that she might soon be married to another man. Looking for Oscar to fight for their love, she soon realizes that he is not the settling man and although they might love each other, their paths lead them in opposite directions.

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Annie is a Capricorn. Known for favoring stability and permanence in their lives, Capricorns are looking to settle into a patient and disciplined life. Being tenacious and sometimes too stubborn about their ideals will sometimes cause them to clash heads with others but they are clearheaded and can solve issues rather quickly.

2 Aquarius: China Doll

China doll is found broken and hopeless after the wicked witch sends an army of winged baboons to destroy her village. But that doesn’t stop her! After being put back together with superglue by Oz, she demands to tag along to defeat the witch.

Aquarius can be uncompromising and more often than not are rebellious against authority. Their creative edge, loyalty, and originality make them popular with many people. Still, they are mostly self-focused and spend their time finding new adventures and discovering new passions.

1 Pisces: Knuck (Sourpuss)

Knuck (Tony Cox) is the most down-to-earth character in the movie. He immediately displayed his feelings about Oz and almost mocks his wizard claims. He is aggressive towards anyone who questions him and he demands respect.

Knuck’s traits definitely make him a Pisces as he is always fighting between his positive and negative feelings and he is the only character whose survival instincts kick in every moment. Like other Pisces, flexibility is a plus but easily forming habits can be a concern.

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