Fire Emblem Three Houses are the latest entry to the overall Fire Emblem universe. Playing as the Mercenary teacher Byleth Eisner, players get to decide which house they would like to teach in order to go through their routes and having radically different outcomes.

As such the classes that are available to the player are Black Eagles, Blue Lions and Golden Deer. Many players have their own preferences but it would be interesting which would be in one house based on their zodiac. As such, here are the zodiacs that will go into the four houses based on their traits and personalities.

12 Aquarius – Blue Lions

Aquarius is the zodiac sign that takes place between January 20 to February 18. Keeping a cool head and often thinking progressively, they love to help their friends and allies whenever they can as well as maintain strong conversations.

Within the Blue Lions, everyone is treated with a lot of firm respect and greatly value the bonds they share. What’s more that level of respect often allows them to think far ahead even when things seem dire. Showing a great amount of bravery.

11 Pisces – Golden Deer

Showing up between February 19 to March 20, Pisces are often quite intuitive with their thinking while also having a penchant for the arts. They are also very open as they can get along with virtually anyone and be friends with a variety of people.

This essentially fits the status quo of the Golden Deer house, as they are often quite chill and are praised for their ingenuity. Something that is quite renowned for those of intuitive thinking like Pisces.


10 Aries – Blue Lions

Aries are known for their courageous spirits. Showing up between March 21 to April 19, they often love to take leadership roles and are determinist when it comes to problems. However, this could occasionally be their downfall due to being a little short-tempered.

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However, for Blue Lions, it greatly fits them, as it not only shows the firm leadership they hold as shown by their leader, but it also delivers on the fact that they refuse to be taken down by those that oppose them.

9 Taurus – Blue Lions

Taurus is arguably the most patient earth sign out of the zodiacs. Showing up between April 20 – May 20, they are greatly renowned for their reliability and love to do more peaceful tasks.

These can include gardening and often loving the romance of life. This reliability also makes them quite stubborn within friendships and they like to be as supportive whenever they can. To be completely steadfast with their friends.

8 Gemini – Golden Deer

Gemini is one of the most expressive zodiac signs. Known for their two different personalities, they primarily show up between May 21 and June 20. They are quite gentle people who are very curious and love exchanging ideas.

However, they are also a sign that can be indecisive at times and hate being alone as they like being with their friends. This comradery can be found in any house, but nothing can be more tightly-knit than Golden Deer who have more common folk than nobles.

7 Cancer – Black Eagles

Cancer’s are known for their sheer tenacity and being incredibly loyal. Cancer’s are the zodiac sign that appears between June 21 and July 22, they can be quite sentimental but they do have their weaknesses at points. Mainly they can at times be manipulative and a little moody.

However, they often mean well in the grand scheme of things and they really only do it for the benefit of their friends and loved ones. That fits in with some of the ideals of Black Eagles, although they are known for their shady dealings, they always mean well when thinking the bigger picture.

6 Leo – Golden Deer

It’s a little surprising to put Leo on Golden Deer. After all, their sign is known for being the Lion and they are also natural-born leaders. However, there is a reason for this. Leo’s take place between July 23 to August 22 and they are known for their passionate and creative personalities.

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However, they can also sometimes be a little too laid back, whether out of laziness or in the hopes that they are being treated like a king or queen. It is this nature that makes them fit Golden Deer just a little bit more.

5 Virgo – Black Eagles

Virgo’s are another zodiac sign that is known for their loyalty. Although they don’t often show it due to being incredibly shy, they are respected for their hardworking nature as well as being quite practical. However, this can lead to Virgo often being quite self-critical, whether it’s with other people or with themselves.

Which means that Virgos can sometimes place a lot of faith on those that might not be worth it. This fits Black Eagles quite well, as they are often self-critical about their choices.

4 Libra – Blue Lions

Libra’s are arguably the most coolheaded zodiac signs, often known for their fairness and diplomatic nature. Showing up between September 23 to October 22, they can be gentle but also firm with their beliefs.

They can also be insecure and prefer to avoid confrontations. However, they can’t stand injustice, which is something that the Blue Lions pride themselves in. As they too cannot stand injustice and will only use violence if they have to.

3 Scorpio – Black Eagles

Scorpios are known for their assertive nature. They are quite straightforward with their thinking and prefer to be decisive with their actions.

Showing up between October 23 to November 21, they are known for being a true friend. However, there are some weaknesses that make the Scorpio perfectly fit the Black Eagles, for starters they are quite secretive when it comes to certain truths. This means that if it ever comes to a point that a secret gets revealed, it would be something they wouldn’t like doing.

2 Sagittarius – Golden Deer

Sagittarius is arguably the funniest of the zodiac signs. Known for their compassion and idealism, they show up between November 22 and December 21, where they are often seen either in the outdoors or just enjoying the freedom.

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What’s more, they absolutely hate being constrained as they like to enjoy the things they are given so long as it gives them the chance to breathe. What’s more, they will do anything so long as it helps them achieve their goal.

1 Capricorn – Black Eagles

Capricorn is the most responsible sign out of all the zodiacs. Known for their incredibly serious nature, they typically show up in between December 22 to January 19. They are incredibly disciplined and have inner independence within them.

However, a consequence here is that they can be condescending at times and when their abilities begin to falter, they could lose their way while expecting the worse. However, they try their hardest to ensure that their dreams become a reality. Just like the Black Eagles.

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