Here’s are the basics of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s hacking minigame explained. The original Deus Ex was released in 2000 and was acclaimed for its gameplay variety and rich story. One of the game’s defining features – which would carry on to later entries – was giving players the freedom to approach missions their own way. They could run and gun, use stealth or find another solution and it’s possible to play through the game without ever killing anyone. Deus Ex: Invisible War followed in 2003 and while it’s a solid title, it’s considered the black sheep of the franchise.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution arrived to acclaim in 2011 for its gameplay and art direction, and some consider it to be the franchise’s pinnacle. The game put players in the shoes of Adam Jensen, who is extensively augmented when the game begins following a brutal attack. Human Revolution took the core elements of what worked in the first game and refined them, and again gave players the freedom to approach its futuristic world as they saw fit.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was released in 2016 and again followed Adam as the lead character. While reviews were overall positive it didn’t receive the same amount of love as its predecessor. The future of the series is currently unclear, with Mankind Divided’s sales proving disappointing; a Deus Ex movie has been in development for years with Sinister’s Scott Derrickson once attached to direct, but that seems to have stalled. One very useful skill in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is hacking, which comes in the form of an elaborate minigame.

Throughout Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Adam will have to bypass keypads, terminals and other obstacles via hacking. This minigame takes the form of a map where the start point is Adam’s I/O node, which is represented by a blue crystal. The objective is to capture all the green nodes so players have to map out the best route. This is done by capturing directories along the way, but the issue there is each one has a unique security rating; the higher the rating, the longer it takes to capture.

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The biggest challenge in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s hacking minigame is the Diagnostic node, which is symbolized on the map by a red crystal. Once Adam is detected doing a hack this node will start a trace and a countdown will begin. Once this trace hits Adam’s I/O port the minigame will end in failure. A good tip to start out is to fortify the I/O port and while it’s often best to take the shortest route possible, the map also contains datastores that can yield bonus XP or credits. Going for these is a calculated risk, however.

Hacking isn’t the most exciting of abilities in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided divided, but it’s a good idea to invest in skills like Hacking: Capture and Hacking: Stealth. The latter is one of the most useful since it lowers the risk of a hack being detected. There are also various hacking software that can prove useful when a hack is discovered; Overclock increases capture speed, Datascan reveals what lurks inside datastore nodes and Stop! pauses the countdown for 5 seconds at a time. Capturing a spam node also slows a trace down. Hacking is relatively straight forward when the game begins but gradually becomes more complicated, so it’s a good idea to level up hacking abilities early on.

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