Spoilers for King in Black: Gwenom vs Carnage #1 ahead!

Knull, the King in Black, is a terrifying villain capable of enslaving dieties and slaying Celestials, and he has unleashed a wave of chaos on the Marvel Universe like few before him. So far, Knull’s crusade has been solely limited to Earth-616, the designation for the mainline Marvel Universe, but now Knull might be setting his sights on the rest of Marvel’s multiverse. In King in Black: Gwenom vs Carnage, Knull learns of alternate Earths, and may be targeting those next. The issue, the first of three, is written by Seanan McGuire with art by Flaviano and colors by Rico Renzi, is in stores now.


Gwenom is actually Gwen Stacy from an alternate Earth. On her world, she was in an accident similar to Peter Parker’s—she was bit by an irradiated spider and gained super powers. She loses these powers eventually but gains new ones thanks to a derivative of the Venom symbiote on her Earth; she then adopts the moniker of “Ghost Spider.” She also hops through the multiverse (much like her counterpart in the animated Into the Spider-Verse) and when the issue opens, is on Earth-616, just in time for Knull’s attack.

On the run from various symbiotes, including large dragons, Gwen activates her teleporter necklace to escape. At the same time on her Earth (Earth-65), Miles Warren, aka the Jackal, is covering Mary Jane Watson with spiders that are specially bonded to Gwen. The combination of these two events results in Mary Jane being pulled to Earth-616, much to the surprise of Gwen. Once she makes her way to Earth-616, MJ is instantly bonded with a symbiote. Knull, who can see through his symbiotes, notices Gwen and her Earth-65 symbiote. He is intrigued by this symbiote that is so similar to his, and goes on to say “everything is mine. And now I shall acquire it.” With Gwen now firmly in his sights, Knull turns MJ into a new Carnage, and unleashes her on Gwen.

Knull’s line about “everything” and wanting to acquire it can be read on the surface to mean Gwen’s alternate-earth symbiote. Yet, could Knull’s attack on Gwen be the first step in an attempt to conquer her Earth as well? And if he was successful there, what is to say he would not try to conquer the rest of the Multiverse and plunge it into darkness?

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For all of his power, Knull has never seemed interested in the larger Marvel multiverse; he seemed content to focus his efforts on Earth-616, but now that might be changing. The King in Black is powerful enough to tear through and enslave Earth’s most powerful heroes, so spreading his darkness through the multiverse is not out of the realm of possibility.

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