There have been many great LEGO video games over the years, spanning franchises such as Batman, Marvel, and Harry Potter, but Star Wars always seems to release the best. The newest and by far the biggest installment of LEGO’s video game catalog is now out for players to enjoy, and LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has improved on so many elements of LEGO games gone past.

From tweaks to the gameplay to the overall look and feel, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga may just be the best LEGO game ever and the effort gone into improving features from older games is a big reason why.

10 Boss Fights

LEGO video games are hardly known for their difficulty, and so boss fights even in this game are nowhere near anything like Dark Souls level. With just an overall better experience, though, this game offers better boss fights than any other LEGO game.

This has been more of a feature in the most recent LEGO games, but it is explored the best in this one thus far. There is simply a bit more depth and detail in these fights. It is not just button mashing. Bosses will send enemies the player’s way and counter-attack easily if the player does not get creative. Overall the bosses in this game seem much more focused on staying in one piece than in past games.

9 Space

The vastness and brilliance of this game spread far beyond the various iconic planets in the Star Wars saga, stretching out to the wonders of space in which players can fly around, run into enemies, and explore better than in any other LEGO Star Wars game.

Many Star Wars fans have always had a softer spot for pilots, ships, and space compared to ground combat and adventures, and for those players, this game is great fun. With an expansive map, Kyber Brick Comets, random side missions, and fun combat, space allows for an entertaining break from the relentless destroying of LEGO for studs on the ground.


8 Character Selection

There are well over 300 playable characters, including those from DLC and exclusive unlock codes in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. There are over 800 unique characters throughout the game overall, with more on the way via other DLC packs.

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It is not just this huge roster of characters that makes the game’s character selection so exciting, but it is the quality of the characters themselves. Excluding characters from Rebels and The Clone Wars, everybody’s favorite characters are in this game, from Obi-Wan Kenobi to Dexter Jettster, from Din Djarn to a variety of droids, from Rey Skywalker to Ratts Tyerell.

7 Puzzles

LEGO games have never been, nor are they supposed to be, overly difficult. However, there should be a bit of diversity and a smidgen of depth to the puzzles that are common throughout the games, and this game offers that.

The player is required to think on their feet and even be creative; many puzzles offer multiple ways of getting things done. Almost all of them offer an enjoyable bout of problem-solving, which is another fresh element of the game that is especially welcome amidst a lot of stud collecting and action.

6 Detail

The level of detail in this game is utterly outstanding. So much care has gone into every aspect of it, from the design of the levels to the design of each and every iconic character to the feel of every map. There is so much for the players to absorb and love.

It was built entirely from the ground up, which can clearly be seen when playing the game. There is so much to find in every nook and cranny of every map and so much to adore in the way everything has been designed with the love and care of a team of people that love Star Wars.

5 Humor

This game is funny. Not just in a silly child-centric way, but in a way that both children and adults can enjoy, with so many little easter eggs and bits of dialogue that will have players laughing out loud.

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The way in which real dialogue is adapted to be more LEGO-esque is so often hilarious, and there are numerous cut-scenes in the campaign that are just great to watch on a comedic level. Both the campaign and the free play will have players laughing at something or another, whether it be Kylo wearing an ‘I *heart* Vader’ Tee or Grievous commenting on wanting Maul’s lightsaber.

4 Immersive Experience

LEGO games are usually great fun, but none of them have offered the experience that this one has. In every aspect the player becomes engrossed in the game, whether it be in completing each level or 100%-ing each part of the map.

The levels of the game are never focused on one aspect of gameplay too heavily, and players have the freedom of choice on how to navigate missions, taking different approaches to action or literally different paths around the map. This adds massively to the experience. On top of that, the levels are paced brilliantly, and there is not this overwhelming need to spend an insane amount of time breaking everything in one room to get the coveted ‘True Jedi,’ it feels more of a natural thing in this game, getting players more invested overall.

3 Character Classes & Upgrades

There are ten classes of characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which separate the beloved characters from the Galaxy far, far away, with unique abilities and upgrades available for all of them except the ‘Extras.’ It is a brilliant element of the game.

There have been unique abilities, etc., for characters before in LEGO games, but never like this. It is not just the depth that is so admirable about this feature either, but the quality. Players can feel the effects of the upgrades, particularly the core ones, and it makes the game a better experience.

2 Combat

The combat in this game got a complete overhaul, and it is without a doubt the best combat system a LEGO game has ever seen. It is genuinely enjoyable to fight off hoards of enemies in this game.

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The new camera movement combined with lightsaber combos that incorporate the Force and reward players for quickly defeating enemies with unique bombardments of attacks is fantastic. Blaster combat also got redone entirely, with new elements such as taking cover, shooting off helmets, and a new targeting system all making it phenomenal to play through.

1 Open World

The open-world that this game has at its core is unlike anything in a LEGO game before. It is not just the immersive experience offered by the levels and campaign missions but the insane amount to do outside of the story too.

There are mysteries, side missions, complex and enjoyable puzzles, random encounters, fun conversations, easter eggs, and a wealth of exploration ready and available for the player to enjoy on every map, on every planet. It is astounding and fulfills the LEGO dreams of every fan.

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