BioWare’s Legacy of the Sith expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic returns to popular planets in the Star Wars galaxy and introduces new activities and worlds to explore. The SWTOR team at BioWare continuously chooses meaningful locations hidden within the depths of the franchise’s lore to extend the in-game universe. Legacy of the Sith is no exception, taking players to new planets and hidden locations to uncover dark secrets about the galaxy.

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s newest expansion explores several new chapters in the Old Republic universe, including the invasion of Manaan and more of Darth Malgus’ plans. Several characters from previous expansions such as Onslaught and the Eternal Empire saga are returning as continued supporting characters. Additionally, Legacy of the Sith updated the Advanced Class systems of every SWTOR class, meaning Force users and non-Force users can share skill trees and abilities previously unavailable to their faction. While these additions are sure to pique players’ interests, the locations Legacy of the Sith is where players spend most of their time in-game.


Like most expansions, Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Legacy of the Sith contains a story campaign, a Flashpoint, and an Operation. Each of these activities takes place in different locations, but Manaan is a revamped, returning location. Legacy of the Sith’s Flashpoint and Operation both explore new planets within the Star Wars galaxy, never-before-seen in the franchise’s collection. While Star Wars: The Old Republic is currently free-to-play, only active subscribers can access Legacy of the Sith content at launch. BioWare’s official SWTOR website offers plans spanning a month to a year, with automatic renewal available for all players.

SWTOR Legacy Of The Sith Returns To Manaan

Manaan first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Shadow of Revan expansion, which also appeared in KOTOR. The ocean planet’s beauty captured players’ imaginations, eventually encouraging BioWare’s SWTOR team to create a Manaan Stronghold. Though the world has rarely appeared throughout Star Wars movies and shows, its importance to the Republic and Empire cannot be overstated. Its primary export is kolto, the primary medical chemical used in all medical treatments within the Star Wars galaxy. Legacy of the Sith begins with a sudden invasion of Manaan by the Sith Empire, desperate to gain complete control over kolto production and restrict Republic access to life-saving medicine. Imperial players report for duty on the front lines in claiming the ocean planet for the Empire, while Republic players partner with the locals to secure their side’s kolto supply.

Manaan’s role in Star Wars: The Old Republic and KOTOR storylines began with the discovery of a Star Forge and remains an important location in BioWare’s Star Wars universe. However, Legacy of the Sith introduces some exciting changes to the usually peaceful planet. Due to the Imperial invasion, players won’t see the pristine laboratories or calm beaches associated with Manaan. Instead, wanton destruction and military weaponry litter the landscape. Additionally, Imperial players can explore an underwater forcefield base created by Darth Norok and act as a forward operating military base. Meanwhile, Republic players can explore more of Manaan’s infrastructure while working with the local security forces.

SWTOR Legacy Of The Sith’s New Flashpoint Takes Place On Elom

Since BioWare first launched the game, Darth Malgus has been SWTOR’s most consistent villain, appearing in the famous Deceived trailer and his own Operation: “The False Emperor.” Imperial players can explore their relationship with Malgus through Empire-specific Flashpoints, but Republic players often find themselves at odds with the intimidating Sith Warrior. Malgus made a triumphant return as Empress Acina’s Wrath during SWTOR’s recent Onslaught expansion but soon defected to pursue his own plans. Though the Empire and Republic pursue Darth Malgus throughout the galaxy, players have little information about his ultimate goal. The newest Legacy of the Sith trailer suggests Malgus may attempt to the universe free from the Jedi and the Sith. Though Legacy of the Sith’s story initially focuses on Manaan, Malgus’ receives more focus in the Elom Flashpoint.

Star Wars: The Old Republic often explores lesser-known planets in Star Wars lore, but Elom is one of the most remote. Aside from occasional mentions in Canon and Legends, Elom hasn’t appeared in any game or movie before Legacy of the Sith. From early screenshots, Elom appears to have a temperate climate with rocky terrain and red trees. While the new Elom Flashpoint allows players to explore above ground, it also ventures into a mysterious Sith Temple. Both Imperial and Republic intelligence agencies discovered Darth Malgus’ presence on Elom, investigating Darth Null’s hidden Sith Temple. Unfortunately, Darth Null’s rivals wiped them from history for unknown reasons, leaving both Sith and Jedi perplexed about Malgus’ motives. Both the Republic’s archaeological team and the Empire’s Commandos went missing shortly after exploring the planet, leaving the player (and their companions) to finish the job.

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SWTOR Legacy Of The Sith’s Operation Takes Players To Deep Space

While players can access SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith story campaign and Flashpoint on Update 7.0’s release date, the new Operation isn’t available at launch. Like most MMOs, BioWare allows players to level up and obtain powerful gear before entering the raid. Legacy of the Sith’s Operation is titled “The R-4 Anomaly” and continues the storyline of previous Star Wars: The Old Republic Operations. However, unlike the Flashpoint and campaign, Operations follow their own unique storyline to prevent solo players from missing vital story details. The R-4 Anomaly pits players against an extremist Sith Cult known as The Unmasked. This cult appeared in previous Operations, where several members attempted to split the Dark Side of the Force with technology to create the perfect living weapons.

The R-4 Installation is a unique Operation that doesn’t occur on any set planet in the Star Wars galaxy. Instead, SWTOR’s new activity takes place on an asteroid installation hurtling through space. The Sith Empire used the secret lab before their initial exile, but its technology (and secrets) have now fallen prey to the Unmasked. According to Creative Director Charles Boyd, SWTOR’s R-4 Installation adopts a sci-fi horror theme that eight players can venture through. Enemies twisted by the Dark Side of the Force stand between players and their valuable loot. It’s unknown whether the Unmasked will meet their end in the R-4 Anomaly, but the next chapter of SWTOR’s Operations is sure to be a terrifying one.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Legacy of the Sith expansion promises to pave the way forwards for the game’s next decade of live service. The SWTOR team at BioWare has continuously provided Star Wars fans and SWTOR players with exciting content, exploring outside Disney’s new canon for the franchise. Star Wars: The Old Republic Legacy of the Sith releases December 14, 2021, for all current subscribers.


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