Aang and Katara were two of the main characters that established the entire essence of Avatar: The Last Airbender. They marched bravely into the unknown and fought to make their world a safer and more harmonious place to live. However, their actions were often frustrating to watch, especially in season one when they were both fresh off the ice.

Even though their choices sometimes led to vital discoveries that changed the course of a certain character or the story as a whole, it was still annoying for the audience to witness. From getting themselves wrapped up in superfluous dangers and extremely avertible situations, here are 5 times that Katara was the most annoying character in season one (and 5 times it was Aang).

10 Aang: “The World’s Greatest Super Slide”

Amongst the many times that Aang’s excitement ended in chaos was when he took Katara and Sokka to the city of Omashu, where his earthbending friend Bumi lived. It was fine that he wanted to relive some of the days before responsibility fell heavy on his shoulders, but it resulted in unnecessary destruction.

When things were getting out of hand while riding through Omashu’s delivery system, he used his airbending abilities to make them go faster, which caused damages to a lot of property in the city.

9 Katara: “Sokka Who?

Sokka had his faults as a character, and they were overwhelmingly obvious in season one. If anyone was aware of his true nature beyond his shortcomings, it’d be his family, which would include Katara. As his sister, she knew his personality and what kind of person he was more than anyone.

Despite that, she chose to ignore him and listen to Jet, a guy that she just met. She most likely didn’t even know his full name, let alone what kind of person he was.


8 Aang: Riding Koi Fish & The Wave Of Popularity

Aang was in a block of ice for a century so it’s understandable that after getting out he was still a kid at heart and wanted to do things like ride koi fish, even though he was on a mission that involved the future of his world. But after he was captured–thanks to his fish-riding desires–and revealed to be the Avatar, he ditched Katara for other girls and special treatment.

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Not only that, but the city of Kyoshi was almost destroyed because he chose to make a stop on the map that wasn’t even necessary, and then stayed long enough to attract attention from the Fire Nation.

7 Katara: “This Is The Avatar!”

On more than one occasion, Katara volunteered the fact that Aang was the Avatar, even when he was unsure if he wanted people to know. Sure, it was necessary for him to step up in many cases, but as Aang’s friend, she should have checked first.

Right after he told her that he was uncertain about the Zhangs, the Gan Jins, and their long-time feud, she told everyone that he was the Avatar and that he would help. It’s like she didn’t listen to her friend at all.

6 Aang: Firebending, Shmirebending

Sometimes Aang’s carefree attitude spilled over into being careless. One of these times was when he wanted to learn firebending and was tired of learning small steps from Jeong Jeong. It was like in The Karate Kid when Daniel LaRusso was frustrated with Mr. Miyagi for only teaching him “wax on, wax off.”

Despite Jeong Jeong’s strict instructions and Katara’s warnings, he kept on pushing until he burned Katara. His impatience and refusal to listen caused harm and it was 100% avoidable.

5 Katara: The Unfortunate Fortune-Teller

Katara remained a thorn in Aunt Wu’s side from the moment they met. She kept bothering her multiple times a day, despite the obvious signs that the fortune teller was tired of her asking several questions.

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Some of the questions that Katara asked were beneath Aunt Wu’s expertise, as could be seen when she asked about what clothes to wear or what food to eat. It seemed like Katara was unable to pick up on social cues.

4 Aang: Where’s The Map?

Aang’s misguided reaction to the idea that Sokka and Katara would leave resulted in him hiding the map that led to their father’s location and lying to his friends. If he had listened properly, he would have heard that they had no intention of leaving him, and he could have avoided lying to his friends and feeling guilty for it.

This is just one example of the many things that could have been sidestepped in season one, had the characters made better choices.

3 Katara: The Forbidden Ship

Katara went on the booby-trapped ship with Aang and led the Fire Nation to the village of the Southern Water Tribe. Despite being the only waterbender of her tribe and fully knowing that the ship was believed to be unsafe, she followed Aang and walked right into danger. What protection did the tribe truly have other than Katara? Sokka and his baby soldiers?

The tribe relied on her for years, and her tribe’s only hope could have perished. Even after all of that, she was angry at her grandmother and her brother Sokka for banishing Aang from their land. Sometimes it seemed that Katara only cared about herself and Aang in season one. Thankfully her character developed as the show progressed.

2 Aang: “Hello Fire Nation, It’s Me”

After the trio made the less than smart decision to attend a Fire Nation festival with poor disguises, Aang revealed his identity in front of everyone. Of course, this revelation caused them to be chased by several villainous firebending soldiers, which could have ended terribly if they didn’t have outside help.

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There were a number of other ways to protect Katara that didn’t include exposing himself and his friends to even more danger. It wasn’t a good idea to attend the festival in the first place, but in the end, it was advantageous to the progression of the show.

1 Katara: Release The Thing In The Ice

When Sokka and Katara happened upon Aang in the ice in season one they had no idea who or what he was. On Katara’s part, there was no wondering of how he got in the ice, what kind of abilities he had, or the type of person he was to have been trapped in a block of ice, or what the marks on his face were. He could have been a danger to the entire world instead of its savior, and it would have been her fault.

Sure the action of breaking him out of the ice after realizing that he was alive could be seen as compassion, but it can also be seen as naiveté and ignorance. She ignored Sokka’s plausible warnings. What excuse would she have had if it turned out all wrong?

Next10 Spinoffs That Lasted Longer Than The Original Show

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