Humankind relies on the strength of all its persons to build better civilizations and defend them, which is why it’s important to know how to heal army units. While the nomadic beginnings of the underdeveloped world don’t call upon the need for attack too often, it won’t be long before each unit will need to be fighting fit at all times. That, and it’s easy to forget dismiss the need to heal units as the A.I. mismanages its own troops when attacking. Although they don’t do too much damage, it would be dreadful to run into a competent opponent and underestimate their army just because nothing beforehand proved to be a challenge.


The best way to prevent units from being damaged in Humankind is to make sure that all units attack as one. Pick specific targets, and use the strength in numbers to decimate the opposition. Additionally, make sure that all units are stacked behind cover as often as possible when fighting an opponent. Unfortunately, damage to army units can also come from the environment itself as the civilization continues to expand.

To heal an Army Unit in Humankind, locate the damaged unit and bring up their party stats. Click on the heart icon that is located on the right side of the Army Actions menu. Once healing begins all units will wait in their current position until the entire party is healed. This can be done at any location on the map.

Humankind: How to Heal Army Units

One of the best Humandkind strategies is to keep units at full health while recognizing that there is a time and a place to heal. In the middle of a fight, it may become impossible for the lead units to have a chance to heal properly. Consider cutting the losses with that specific unit, and allow another unit that may be damaged behind them to regain their health. This will help retain some of the strength of the Army while enduring minimal casualties while e.

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Once a unit is finished healing, they can resume exploring the map. Humankind allows the units to move earlier, but this will interrupt the healing before its finished. If multiple units are critically injured it might be best to use those army units to cover a retreat for the ones who remain with full health. The critically injured troops may be lost, but the remaining army units may be able to reposition for a stronger outcome in the next fight.

Humandkind is available on PC, macOS, and Google Stadia.

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