Mass Effect: Legendary Edition brings back the original classic trilogy with new improvements and quality of life features. While some of the old downloadable content wouldn’t be included, there are rumors that some missing features will be reinstated as a content update. Still, if that patch is far off there is still plenty of gameplay to tide over any player.

Mass Effect’s Citadel main hub is full of all sorts of colorful characters. One of the biggest standouts is Conrad Verner, a man who idolizes Shepard to almost a detrimental level. By interacting with him multiple times, players can decide his fate throughout the whole series. However, since so many choices have long-standing repercussions, players can ruin (or even end) Conrad’s life if not careful.


Finding Conrad Verner in Mass Effect

Conrad Verner is Shepard’s self-proclaimed biggest fan, but will mostly cause problems for the Spectre. Conrad will often break the fourth wall, making remarks about the series’ mechanics and Shepard’s mannerisms. Conrad will first be encountered in the Upper Market of the Citadel Wards (note that if all planets were already cleared, the scene will not happen). He will ask for Shepard’s autograph. Players can agree or decline at this point, causing Conrad to leave either ecstatic or upset.

After completing a major story mission on Noveria, Feros, or Therum, return to the Wards to encounter Conrad a second time. He will now ask for a photo of Shepard. His connotation will slightly change depending on if Shepard is male or female. To continue the mission players should oblige; refusing his request will cause Conrad to permanently exit the trilogy (it will be later revealed he perished picking a fight with a group of Turians).

Players will now need to clear another one of the story missions and go back to the Wards. This time, Conrad suggests that he should become the next human Spectre and asks Shepard to help him. Players can now end the assignment with a Charm to convince Conrad to go home or an Intimidate to scare him away.

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Paragon Oversight

Despite players being able to choose between Charm and Intimidate, Mass Effect 2 will always erroneously mark only the Intimidate option. This results in Conrad claiming Shepard pointed a gun at him, even if players did not. However, this will later be corrected in Mass Effect 3, with Conrad acknowledging that he was under a lot of stress and will apologize.

Empowering Conrad in Mass Effect

While Conrad himself is only involved in one side quest during the first Mass Effect, multiple other quests need to be completed during the game for Conrad to show off his true gifts and purpose later in the trilogy. Players who find Conrad more of a nuisance than an endearing fan may actually want to avoid these, as they all lead to him being very successful.

Waitress Jenna

Players will first need to stop by the bar Flux and speak to Rita. She is concerned with her sister Jenna, who is a C-Sec agent working undercover at Cora’s Den. Head to the other bar and speak to Jenna directly, but she will refuse to quit. Leave, and talk to the Turian Chellick right outside. Follow him to C-Sec and the traffic control zone. A high enough Charm or Intimidate will convince Chellick to remove Jenna from her role. Those that lack these scores can do a favor for Chellick: deal with the arms dealer Jax.

Jax is waiting in the Lower Markets. Shepard can either play along with the ruse and willing to buy smuggled weapons, or attack Jax outright. Either way, Chellick will be satisfied. Players will need to speak to Rita again to end the assignment.

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ExoGeni Data

While on Feros, players will encounter scientist Gavin Hossle hiding away from the danger of Zhu’s Hope. He will ask Shepard to recover some data being protected by Geth. Players will need to drive the Mako to the ExoGeni Headquarters and battle through several rooms of Geth, all of whom have converted the building into a sort of religious site. The data itself is on the second floor, guarded by some tough Krogan warriors. The data must be obtained before killing the Thorian, as that will close of the area. Once the data is recovered, players can give it directly to Hossle or wait until he heads to Zhu’s Hope at the conclusion of the mission.

Asari Writing

Scattered across the universe are sixteen passages penned by the Asari Matriarch Dilinaga. Despite the large amount, Shepard only needs to actually collect ten of them to finish the assignment. Some can be surveyed while on the Normandy, while others involve going down to the planet itself. They are located at various planets:

  • Argos Rho Cluster, Phoenix System: Tuntau
  • Armstrong Nebula Cluster, Gagarin System: Junthor
  • Armstrong Nebula Cluster, Grissom System: Solcrum
  • Armstrong Nebula Cluster, Hong System: Matar
  • Artemis Tau Cluster, Macedon System: Porolan, Sharjila
  • Gemini Sigma Cluster, Han System: Paravin
  • Hades Gamma Cluster, Antaeus System: Ploba
  • Hades Gamma Cluster, Cacus System: Chohe (three scans)
  • Hades Gamma Cluster, Plutus System: Nonuel
  • Horse Head Nebula Cluster, Pax System: Veles
  • Kepler Verge Cluster, Newton System: Klencory
  • Maroon Sea Cluster, Vostok System: Pataiton
  • Styx Thea Cluster, Acheron System: Altahe
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Armory License

Throughout the game, Shepard can purchase armory licenses for credits from several different merchants. The one important to Conrad Verner is the Elkoss Combine. Besides the armor and weapons, Conrad likely needs the company’s specific omni-tools. Players can acquire the license from either Opold the Hanar on Noveria or Expat the Volus in the Citadel Wards. Both sell it for just 100 credits.

While none of these will appear to be related or do anything during Mass Effect, players will see a nice payoff during Mass Effect 3. Conrad and Gavin Hossle will put all of that Asari writing to use and create a boost in War Assets. Jenna and Conrad will also hit it off and form a bond over their mutual connection with Shepard. Without these friends, Conrad will end up on hard times or possibly die for a cause.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

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