Aquaman got their own standalone live-action movie in 2018 and it introduced a lot of very powerful characters to the DCEU. Some of them were much more powerful than others, however. The strongest characters from Aquaman 2018 come from a variety of backgrounds and aren’t all Atlanteans, though most of them are.

From heroes to villains, the movie’s most powerful characters possess incredible fighting skills and hold positions of immense authority in many instances. Their abilities, backgrounds, and motivations are all worth diving into in one way or another with each of them bringing something significant to the wider story.

10 Jesse Kane

Jesse Kane is an experienced pirate and the father of Black Manta. His son praises his father’s fearsome reputation at the beginning of the movie and their team seems very powerful until Aquaman shows up.

Though he does manage to get the drop on Arthur and hit him directly with a grenade launcher, he’s hardly a threat and actually traps himself in a grave position after trying to hit Arthur a second time and missing. Though Arthur is blamed for his death, he really does it to himself, and most of his power comes from his influence over his son, even if it’s a bad thing overall.

9 Captain Murk

Captain Murk is one of King Orm’s most trusted soldiers and for good reason. He’s a strong fighter who mages to knock out Arthur and arrest him.

The character is fully put in their place by Mera later in the movie, however, when he shows up in Sicily with other Atlantean soldiers and Black Manta to try and assassinate her and Arthur. Mera not only cuts off one of his hands but then humiliates him by disabling the breathing apparatus on his suit, forcing him to seek refuge in a toilet bowl.


8 Nuidis Vulko

Most of Vulko’s power is derived from his position as a trusted adviser not just to the movie’s hero but also its villain. Even when in his more duplicitous mode as Orm’s vizier, he still gives good and honest advice but he’s mostly a very wise ally to Arthur throughout the story.

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In terms of fighting prowess, the audience doesn’t see Vulko actually engaged in combat much. He’s clearly brave, leading the charge against Orm’s orchestrated submarine attack at the beginning of the movie, but his most notable contribution to battles is the combat training that he gives to a young Arthur in flashbacks. Considering how effective of a fighter Arthur is, it can be assumed that Vulko really does know how to handle himself.

7 King Nereus

The ruler of Xebel, the next most powerful of the seven kingdoms of Atlantis after Atlantis itself, King Nereus is no fool himself and quite easily sees through King Orm’s lies, even if he does end up siding with him anyway.

With Xebel’s army being established early on as its most valuable asset, it makes Nereus seem like more a military general than a ruler or diplomat, and his quick actions in battle back that image up. He’s shown to be an excellent shot in situations that require quick reflexes though most of his authority stems from his overall commanding demeanor rather than his actual skill in battle.

6 King Orm

Orm has clearly been trained by the best for underwater combat and it’s possible that he’s second to none in terms of fighting capability under the waves. He defeats Arthur fair and square in the Ring of Fire when his claim to the throne is challenged and makes quick work of both the king of the Fishermen and the Brine king.

His major fault is his purist approach to Atlantean culture, however, meaning that he’s simply not as powerful whenever oxygen is thrown into the equation. Mera quickly incapacitates him, if only momentarily, by placing him in an air pocket and Arthur defeats him above the waves in their second bout.

5 Black Manta

David Kane the pirate isn’t much more powerful than his father, Jesse, and isn’t much of a match for Arthur Curry in a straight-up fight either. However, with Atlantean technology at his disposal, he truly transforms into the supervillain Black Manta and severely wounds Arthur during their rematch.

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Manta retrofits an Atlantean energy beam weapon into the character’s iconic helmet, allowing him to shoot powerful explosive beams from the helmet’s eyes. Simple Atlantean steel also makes his decent fighting skills much more effective against Arthur. Still, he loses to Aquaman again but it should also be noted that this doesn’t deter him from wanting to hunt down the hero to exact his revenge. It currently remains to be seen if he can be as effective against Aquaman underwater too.

4 Princess Mera

Princess Mera possesses a lot of the highly-trained fighting skills that King Om does, having spent a lot of time around both Queen Atlanna and King Nereus during her formative years. She also has her powers of manipulation over water, meaning she can subdue and attack others with great efficiency by simply using a humble and readily available element.

Extra fight footage of her in Zack Snyder’s Justice League shows that she has enough control over this power to extract blood right out of her enemies in the heat of battle and her impressive performance in Sicily shows her improvising and turning a large rack of wine into a cluster of flying spears. Her powers, however, do leave her without the need for a primary weapon that could serve her quite well in battle. Every other fighter seems to have one and she can often be left scrambling to find a weapon in tough situations, though she appears to rectify this by taking Arthur’s trident in the Knightmare future shown in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

3 Queen Atlanna

Arthur Curry and King Orm’s mother, Queen Atlanna is a very powerful Atlantean who’s shown to be a formidable warrior. She survives being sacrificed to the creatures of the Trench and defeats a whole squad of Atlantean soldiers sent to return her to her arranged marriage.

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Atlanna also survives on her own for decades in the Hidden Sea at Earth’s core, saying that she attempted to face the Karathen several times, even if she couldn’t make it past the monster. Still, surviving the beast is impressive enough. Her real power, however, is the high degree of influence that she can assert over other characters, particularly her sons.

2 King Atlan

It’s not known exactly how powerful the DCEU’s version of King Atlan is but, knowing that Aquaman himself is the character in the movie who resembles him most places him quite highly in the rankings.

Atlan’s reputation as a great ruler was so strong that it echoed across history, being passed down through epic legends that all appear to be true. Next to Arthur, he’s the only other character established as being considered worthy by the fearsome sea beast the Karathen. His trident, said to be forged by the greatest weapon masters in history, also no doubt made him a force to be reckoned with in battle.

1 Arthur Curry

Arthur had already been established in the DCEU as a character powerful enough to effectively fight side by side with the likes of Wonder Woman and Superman through the original 2017 cut of Justice League. His solo movie debut, however, delves much deeper into his capabilities as a fighter.

Though he ultimately defeats all of the foes put in front of him in the movie, arrogance does appear to be somewhat of a problem for him in battle and he does suffer some losses. His real power is derived more from his status as the one true king of Atlantis, allowing him to wield King Atlan’s trident and command the full power of the creatures of the sea.

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