Like the actor who plays him, the ancient vampire Eric Northman from HBO’s True Blood is a tall, seductive Swede. Alexander Skarsgård plays Eric, the Sheriff of Area 5, for the supernatural series’s entire run, which lasted seven seasons between 2008 to 2014. The 1,000-year-old bloodsucker is a wise and guarded immortal who doesn’t let anyone get too close to him.

As True Blood progresses, though, Eric displays more compassion, humor, and affection – shedding his tough exterior. He proves himself to be a loyal, dedicated companion and ally to those who gain his trust. Eric also has a propensity for shedding his clothes, as do all the other True Blood characters in the sultry otherworldly drama set in muggy Louisiana.

10 When He Loses His Memory

While trying to defeat the necromancer and witch Marnie, Eric is cursed by his adversary and loses his memory. Stripped of his consciousness, Eric acts like a playful child, one who possesses a dangerous bite.

Sookie Stackhouse, True Blood‘s human-faerie protagonist, agrees to let Eric stay at her house, which he purchased while she was in Fae. As he does his best to resist her sweet faerie blood, Eric and Sookie develop a jittery, consummated romance.

9 Swimming In The Daylight

It turns out that drinking enough faerie blood allows vampires to walk in the sun. After the recently memory-stripped Eric, unaware of his power, drains Sookie’s faerie godmother Claudine of her blood, he runs away into the woods.

The sun rises, and Sookie finds a naked, drunk Eric swimming in a nearby pond. She tracks him down just in time to get him inside before the blood wears off.


8 Killing Talbot

True Blood is rife with memorable villains, but few compare to Russell Edgington, the vampire king of Mississippi. As the deranged Edgington works on taking over the vast vampiric empire, he blackmails Eric into working for him.

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Eric, fearful for his life and for the life of his progeny Pam, discovers Edgington (who is 2,800 years old) is responsible for killing Eric’s human father. Eric gets his revenge by seducing and then killing Edgington’s progeny and lover Talbot.

7 Saving Pam’s Life By Turning Her Into A Vampire

Eric has a special relationship with his progeny Pam, a sarcastic lesbian vampire who Eric turned in 1905. Through flashbacks, it’s revealed Eric first met Pam when she was the madam of a brothel in San Francisco.

Eric saves Pam from a serial killer, only to find her dying by her own hand due to her shameful feelings about her own profession. To save her life, Eric turns Pam into a vampire.

6 Reading Naked In The Snow

The season six finale finds Eric again enjoying the daylight courtesy of Warlow’s faerie blood. However, the sweet elixir wears off after Jason Stackhouse kills Warlow, bringing Eric’s naked mountaintop vacation to an end.

As Eric’s skin starts to burn, he must put down his book and use his vampire super speed to find shelter. Fortunately, Eric recovers from his injuries and returns for the final season.

5 Turning Willa Burrell Into A Vampire

Eric kidnaps the daughter of Louisiana Governor Truman Burrell, who is causing trouble for vampires, as leverage in season six. Eric decides to turn Willa in a vampire, his second progeny.

Eric instructs Willa to return home, hoping her father will end his campaign against vampires. Governor Burrell uses Willa’s turning as an excuse to go after vampires even more viciously than before.

4 The Death Of Godric

Godric is Eric’s maker, a 2,100-year-old vampire who rules over a part of Texas. Unlike many other vampires his age, Godric believes in a peaceful co-existence with humans.

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In the second season, Eric finds out Godric intends to kill himself, as he is wary of his long life and unhappy with the lack of progress between humans and vampires. Eric tearfully watches on as Godric ends his life by meeting the sun at dawn on the roof of the Hotel Carmilla.

3 His First Kiss With Sookie

All of the sexual tension between Sookie and Eric pays off in season three, when the two finally share a passionate kiss. After Eric kills Talbot, Sookie visits him at his nightclub Fangtasia.

Worried he will face the true death because of Russell Edgington’s deranged plot, Eric makes his movie, telling Sookie he would regret dying without ever kissing her. Sookie falls for it hook, line, and sinker.

2 Daywalking With Russell Edgington

Eric sacrifices himself in order to trick Russell Edgington in season three. After drinking Sookie’s blood, Eric and Edgington walk out into the sun, where Eric shows off the faerie blood’s power to his nemesis.

Eric, Bill, and Sookie are able to bury the disoriented Edgington under concrete, but he returns in season five after being released by Salome. Eric eventually takes Edgington out once and for all at the end of the season by staking him.

1 When He Contracts Hep V

The human engineered Hep-V is a deadly disease that attacks vampires in True Blood. Eric catches it in season seven; instead of letting him give up, his progeny Pam forces him to fight.

Created by Dr. Overlark, head doctor at the Vamp Camp research prison, Hep-V is a vicious infection that ultimately leads to true death. Eventually, a cure is discovered: the blood of Sarah Newlin.

Next10 TV Shows Where Dead Characters Kept Coming Back

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