The newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Eternals, touts its cast as some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy, even being compared to Marvel Gods across different pantheons. But, so was Thanos and even he couldn’t stand up against earth’s mightiest heroes ultimately.

This brings up the question of whether or not the Eternals could hold their own against the Avengers. Of course, putting them up against the entire roster at once wouldn’t be fair, but looking at individual matchups against the big 3 (Captain America, Iron Man and Thor) can yield some interesting results.


Ajak (Loss)

Unfortunately for the spiritual leader of the Eternals, she doesn’t seem to offer much for any one-on-one matchup with any Avenger. Her power to heal seemingly any wound is extremely useful for helping out in a team-up, but she lacks the offense required to go toe to toe against Thor, Cap, or Iron Man. This is an out and out loss for Ajak.

Kingo (Loss)

Kingo’s cosmic energy projectiles are effective against Deviants, but probably less effective against Captain America’s shield or Iron Man’s armor. Seeing him fight Thor would be an entertaining matchup for sure though, as Kingo has claimed the god of thunder used to follow him around as a kid. If the cocksure Bollywood performer is telling the truth, it would be fun to see how his would-be mentee stacks up. However, much like his personality, his powers are flashy and cool but he comes up lacking, specifically in his mobility and durability. Kingo takes a loss here.

Gilgamesh (Loss)

In a one-on-one with Cap, Gilgamesh probably takes the win. Cap is at or slightly beyond peak human physicality, and possibly the best hand-to-hand combatant the Avengers has, but Gilgamesh wrecks house with his punches. Cap could dodge and weave for a while but if he gets hit even once, he’s out of the fight. Likewise if Gilgamesh gets close to Iron Man, even with his armor on, Tony likely goes down in one hit.

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However, Iron Man has the advantage of being able to fly and keep his distance while pelting out damage with his tech weaponry. Thor may be on equal footing with Gilgamesh, as both are adept at taking and dealing heavy hits. Thor has the advantage with his lightning however, making this a loss for the himbo Eternal.

Thena (Win)


Being the Eternals member with the highest combat prowess, Thena would definitely give Cap a run for his money. And being able to manifest any weapon, she may be able to cut through Iron man’s armor like butter, allowing her to handily dispatch him. Thor on the other hand is a competent fighter, and his weapon, whether it be Mjolnir or Stormbreaker (or both) seem to be far more powerful than any weapon Thena can conjure. With two out of three, this is called in favor of Thena

Sprite (Win)

Sprite, the Illusionist, would have to take the fight into a more psychological plane in order to get the upper hand. Thor is arguably the member most easily manipulated by illusions, despite having grown up with Loki, who has a similar power set. Although in a close quarters encounter, Cap could handle her easily, he likely would also be thrown off by her tricks. Iron Man is potentially the only one of the big three who might be able to, through some technomantic heads up display, pierce through her veil. Still, even with Iron Man potentially being able to handle her, this counts as a win for Sprite.

Druig (Loss)

Presuming there are people around for Druig to take advantage of his abilities, he may well try to overwhelm the avengers with an army of mind-controlled humans. Although, we’ve seen how the Avengers are able to fight off armies of alien warriors and killer robots, much less normal humans, coordinated as they might be. Entertaining though the fight may be, it’s easy to call this one in favor of the Avengers.

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Makkari (Draw)

The speedster of the Eternals, Makkari, could prove a threat to the Avengers. Cap at the end of the day is still only slightly superhuman and he’s been surprised before by Quicksilver in Age of Ultron. It’s likely he would be overwhelmed by Makkari’s speed.

Whereas for Thor, while it may be hard for him to land a direct hit, he could potentially strike her with a lightning blast or slam the ground in a large area to stop her. And Iron Man has the air advantage. While he may have difficulty hitting her with how fast she moves, Makkari likewise would not be able to reach Iron Man, making it a draw.

Phastos (Win)

Against Cap and Thor, the question is whether Phastos can restrain them, or whether he can construct something before they get in close and destroys whatever he’s building. Phastos battling Iron Man would be a spectacle, as both are tech-based superheroes. But, as brilliant as Tony Stark is, Phastos has the advantage of having lived for centuries and may very well have access to technologies even Tony wouldn’t understand. With two draws and a win this comes out to a Win for Phastos.

Sersi (Draw)

Sersi’s ability to manipulate inanimate matter is extremely powerful, and she uses it in creative ways. It’s up in the air what she can do to Cap’s vibranium shield if she gets her hands on it, or for that matter Iron Man’s armor or Thor’s hammer. The downside she has to contend with is that she must touch the object, requiring her to get in close. For her, both Thor and Cap are dangerous to be in close quarters with, and Iron Man is very capable of keeping the fight at a distance. With her power, Sersi could certainly clutch out a win, but it’s equally possible the Avengers keep her at bay, making this a draw.

Ikaris (Win)

Being the closest thing the MCU currently has to a Superman, Ikaris is the Eternal that could most easily potentially defeat the Avengers. He has super strength, the power of flight, and can project cosmic energy beams out of his eyes. Cap may be able to block or reflect his beams with his handy vibranium shield, but once Ikaris gets close he’ll have to contend with his super strength. He and Iron Man effectively have similar power sets, but if Ikaris gets through his armor, which he likely can, Tony Stark is just a normal human Ikaris can take care of easily. His most even matchup would be with Thor, as he is equally as durable and strong, and where Ikaris has laser eyes, Thor has lightning. It might come out to a draw against Thor, but the fact that he could easily defeat Cap or Iron Man makes this a win.

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