The latest game in the long-running Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil Village, is here at last, and players have already played through multiple times and mined all the secrets of this cursed location. There are ties to the various wider Resident Evil storylines as well as some brand new mythology-building at work.

Of course, publisher Capcom has positioned Resident Evil Village as the middle part of a trilogy, so there are many plot elements set up for the inevitable Resident Evil 9, whatever that will be called and whenever it will happen. Spoilers follow for the plot of Resident Evil Village.

10 Rose’s Special Powers

The end of Resident Evil Village skips forward several years to establish Rose Winters, last seen as a resurrected baby, as a young adult. She’s putting flowers on her father’s grave and apparently works for the BSAA security force in some capacity.

According to her antagonistic bodyguard, Rose has some special powers of an undetermined type, which aren’t shown off in the epilogue but are concerning enough to scare the Wesker-type guarding her. Judging by the words following the epilogue, in Resident Evil 9, players may end up controlling Rose, which would mean a big-time jump forward for the series.

9 Oswell Spencer

Long-term fans of the Resident Evil series were undoubtedly watching both RE7 and RE8 closely for any sign that they were connected to the wider ongoing storyline, especially as the Mold infection seemed unconnected from Umbrella, the T-Virus, etc.

Near the end of Resident Evil Village, fans received a big payoff with the revelation that Umbrella founder Oswell Spencer had a direct connection with Mother Miranda, and the Mold directly influenced the T-Virus. There’s every chance the next game will delve even further into this relationship.


8 The BSAA Using BOWs

The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance was formed in the background of the Resident Evil series to combat the rising use of Bio-Organic Weapons in the wake of the collapse of the Umbrella Corporation and the destruction of Raccoon City. It’s funded by the United Nations and boasted Chris Redfield and his team as part of them; however, the end of Resident Evil Village will change all that.

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As Redfield and Hound Wolf Squad tried to contain the Mother Miranda situation, the BSAA stormed in and made matters worse. Even more shocking, Redfield discovers that the BSAA’s soldiers are actually BOWs, contrary to the organization’s entire purpose for being.

7 Blue Umbrella

The Umbrella Corporation looms large in all the Resident Evil series, but the company has been defunct since the Raccoon City incident. However, following Resident Evil Revelations, a new, revitalized Umbrella connected with the US government was created to undo the corporation’s damage.

The new version is nicknamed ‘Blue Umbrella’ due to its logo being blue, and it works directly with the BSAA to combat BOW threats. Blue Umbrella helped rescue Ethan and Mia from the Baker House with the support of Chris Redfield and supplied a lot of Hound Wolf Squad’s gear in Resident Evil Village. With the BSAA seemingly evil now, Blue Umbrella might be reverting to its old ways.

6 The Connections

One of the biggest organizations in the Resident Evil franchise not to make any direct appearance in the games is the mysterious crime syndicate known as The Connections. They are mostly involved in bio-weapon research, trafficking, murder, and money laundering.

While first mentioned in Resident Evil 5, The Connections has been in the background of both Resident Evil 7 and Village. They helped Mother Miranda find a way to resurrect her daughter in return for the Mold, created Eveline, enlisted Lucas Baker, and told Miranda about Rose Winters. It’s a good bet hunting down The Connections will be a big part of Resident Evil 9.

5 Chris Redfield & Hound Wolf Squad

In both Resident Evil 7 and Village, while the story mostly appears separate from the rest of the franchise, the biggest and most visible connection to previous games is Chris Redfield. The series protagonist made a surprise appearance at the end of RE7 and an even more shocking debut in Village, where he seemingly kills Mia.

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The motivations of Chris Redfield and his Hound Wolf Squad team are somewhat murky in these two games, including the odd fact that they’re working for Blue Umbrella, so it’ll be interesting to see if RE9 clears things up.

4 Mia Winters

The biggest shock of Resident Evil Village, especially for any players who weren’t aware of it, is the sight of Mia Winters being gunned down by Chris Redfield in the game’s opening chapter. Given Mia’s importance in the previous game, it’s a real plot twist that fuels most of the mystery behind Village.

However, during Heisenberg’s chapter, Ethan encounters Chris, who fills him in that the person they shot was actually Miranda imitating Mia. They assume Mia is dead but later discover that’s not the case. Why was Miranda keeping Mia alive? Now that Ethan’s seemingly gone, will Mia be the protagonist of the next game?

3 The Umbrella Symbol

There are plenty of mysteries to unravel in Resident Evil Village. Still, one of the coolest and most unexplained is the Umbrella Corporation symbol at the heart of the altar, as well as on the tapestry hanging on the wall in the witch’s hideout following Castle Dimitrescu.

While the game later suggests that the symbol inspired Oswell Spencer to create Umbrella, the source of the symbol and the deeper connection to the Resident Evil antagonists is unknown and will hopefully be explored more in the sequel.

2 The Mold

The Mold, also known as the Megamycete, is the source of all the supernatural trouble in Resident Evil 7 and Village and even had a cameo appearance towards the end of Resident Evil 3. It predates the Progenitor and T-Virus from the earliest games, and it’s what kept Mother Miranda alive for centuries.

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Supposedly Ethan destroyed the source of the Mold, but The Connections and Umbrella have plenty of samples to create more of it. It’s guaranteed the Mold will be back in Resident Evil 9, and it’ll be causing even more trouble, probably on a world-ending scale next time.

1 Ethan Survives

The tragic ending of Resident Evil Village clearly shows Ethan Winters, the protagonist of this game and previous title Resident Evil VII: Biohazard, giving his life to destroy the Metamycete and Mother Miranda in a huge explosion.

At the very end of the game, there’s a message to the player stating, “the father’s story is done.” However, this may be a lie. Right before that, in the epilogue set years after the events of Village featuring the grown-up Rose, her car stops and meets a mysterious figure. Fans believe this is Ethan, alive and well. It may be that the story of how Ethan survived will strongly play into Resident Evil 9.

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