After the Dark Souls franchise concluded officially with the third game, many fans thought it would signal the end of their torment. After all, the games were known to be among the most brutal and unforgiving of all time. The hardest bosses that players needed to defeat were part of the reason for this, and some were more nightmarish than others.

Only the most patient and perseverant of gamers could hope to make it through to the end, and emerge victorious on the other side. Oftentimes, this meant coping with defeat, after defeat, until they became skilled enough to figure out effective strategies. Regardless, the worst bosses in Demon’s Souls still elicit shivers from traumatized players.

Updated on January 1st, 2022 by Derek Draven: Demon’s Souls is all about giving players a challenge, but sometimes it takes that mission statement way too seriously. The end result are some punishing boss fights that require players to get creative, and think on their feet in order to survive.

A few more bosses deserve special mention for their inventive design, their method of attack, and the bone-crushing challenge they deliver. Any one of these boss characters is enough to make players hurl their controller across the room, but only the most patient and determined will figure out the correct strategy to win.

15 Dirty Colossus

The Dirty Colossus is not the most challenging boss in the game, but it does have one trick up its sleeve that can destroy cocky players – a horde of flies that engulf and whittle down health. Once that happens, many players might think they have to kill the boss before they die from the attack.

In truth, they’ll need to banish the flies by walking into the fire on either side of the arena. Once that’s taken care of, it’s a matter of concentrating attacks, and avoiding heavy strikes. Having a solid shield can really tip the balance in favor of the player. Otherwise, it’s all about keep-away tactics and dodging.

14 Dragon God

The Dragon God from Demon’s Souls was a bit of a miss in terms of challenge factor. First-time gamers would undoubtedly get pummeled to death, but it didn’t take long to figure out this foe’s attack pattern, and react accordingly.

Still, those impatient enough would find themselves getting greeted with the death screen way too many times, especially since stealth and timing are crucial in order to defeat it. As it stands, this particular boss looks a lot worse than it actually is.


13 Leechmonger

The Leechmonger is one of the most disgusting bosses in Demon’s Souls, and it also utilizes its namesake to heal itself, which can wear down players who can’t figure out its weak point. Worse, the leeches can attack the player, making things even more difficult.

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Players using Dragon weapons have a bit of an advantage here, and if they attack quickly before retreating from the counter-strike, they should be able to win in short order. Having a Regenerator’s Ring on hand is also a solid tactic.

12 Maiden Astraea

While not the most challenging boss in the game, Maiden Astraea is one of the first bosses that will force the player to work out an effective strategy in order to beat. This boss is unique in the fact that she utilizes a guardian character to defend her from attacks.

The player can choose to kill this character before going after her, but it will affect the dialogue that follows. Therefore, she’s one of the few bosses in the game that might not be super-challenging, but should be fought twice, just to see how things change.

11 Armor Spider

Spiders and insects make for some scary horror films, since they represent one of the oldest and most common of human phobias. Demon’s Souls capitalized on that fear with the Armor Spider. Depending on which build players use in the game, the Armor Spider can either be a hurricane, or little more than a breeze.

Players who use ranged weapons should be safe, but those stuck with a blade might find the Armor Spider to be quite a challenge. Melee-focused players are more handicapped, since they have fewer dodging windows, and this boss loves to spin webs that can trip up the player at the worst of times.

10 Fool’s Idol

The Fool’s Idol is a particularly interesting fight, given how the intensity continues to ratchet up, the more players do damage. In addition to fighting the main boss, this character will also create duplicates of herself to throw the player off.

If that weren’t enough, she’ll summon hordes to attack, while tossing spells at the player from different directions. In order to locate the real Idol, players should keep an eye out for the hordes who pray to her, indicating her proximity.

9 Vanguard

The Vanguard looks like it belongs on a list of DOOM’s coolest boss characters, primarily due to its hulking appearance. It can mangle players without much trouble, thanks to its impressive stature and high damage output. It might be one of the earliest bosses in the game, but it can catch unprepared players by surprise.

The Vanguard is a good test of skill, especially for players looking to improve their split-second dodge-rolling, since one or two hits from its massive axe is enough to send them back to the respawn point. Ranged players tend to have it a little easier.

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8 Old Hero

As far as boss fights go, the Old Hero is quite a novelty. His blindness adds a layer of strategy to the fight, since players can make a lot of noise with their movements. Those who make too much noise are sure to incur his wrath, which means a lighter foot is key to winning.

The Old Hero also hits like a brick thrown at high speeds. He can even one-shot most players who forgot to apply enough points to the Vitality stat. Both ranged, and melee characters will have to be cautious if they wish to defeat this boss.

7 Old Monk

The Old Monk is a challenging fight, and it summons a phantom that will duke it out with the players. This requires a bit of skill to get the hang of, if they wish to defeat him and progress. The fight is challenging, but not nearly as brutal as others in the game.

Demon’s Souls wouldn’t be complete without an online component, so it’s better to tackle the boss that way, to get the full experience. Playing online will introduce another player’s phantom, turning the usual boss slugfest into a gripping PVP match.

6 Maneaters

The Maneater looks like it belongs on a list of The Witcher 3’s scariest creatures, and it certainly remains true to its name. It’s one of the few bosses in the game that will gang up on players, often before they get the chance to do enough damage to the first one.

The fight starts off like a standard 1v1 match, and is actually pretty easy, until a second Maneater comes to the aid of the first, once enough damage has been done. After that, all patterns that the players have memorized become rather useless, and they’ll have to rethink their strategy to account for two.

5 Penetrator

Perhaps one of the most balanced boss fights in the entire Demon’s Souls roster, the Penetrator likely served as an inspiration for future Souls bosses like Knight Artorias, Sir Alonne, and Champion Gundyr. It’s a fair match between two great warriors, and both give their best, with as few cheap shots as possible.

Not only does that make the fight more enjoyable, but also the victory more fulfilling. Of course, the Penetrator still possesses the usual qualities that make Souls boss fights tough, including a deceptive move set, a large health pool, and a high damage output. The difference is that he punishes players for fighting recklessly, or being too greedy.

4 Phalanx

Players who go up against the Phalanx will have to figure out a way to crack open its defenses, which are substantial. Essentially, the boss is a collection of entities equipped with shields and spears, as the name suggests. It’s not a game for fans of Zack Snyder’s 300, but the cultural reference is still there.

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Players who get too close will take heavy damage, which means breaking the shield defense is paramount. This can be accomplished by using fire to displace them, then moving in for a quick strike at its weakest point. The Phalanx maneuver was effective for a reason, and this creature knows it.

3 Tower Knight

There are boss fights in the game that seem impossible, until players manage to figure out a weak spot. One of these is the Tower Knight, who is just as menacing in-game as he was in the cinematic trailers that preceded its release.

The fight is also unfair, since there are also archers who will take pot shots at the player. It’s wise for players not to get too wrapped up in the fight against the Knight, as these archers can cause enough damage to give it an unfair advantage.

2 Old King Allant

Old King Allant is by far the most interesting final boss of any Souls game. He functions a lot like a final exam for players to demonstrate everything they’ve learned leading up to that point. He also has a devastating area attack, and he’s no slouch when it comes to melee combat.

Irritate him enough, and he’ll give players a taste of his most notorious ability, which is de-leveling their character, thereby nullifying their specialized builds and gimmicks. The chances of that happening are quite high, due to how much practice is needed before players can figure out an effective battle strategy.

1 Flamelurker

The Flamelurker has come to represent developer malice and sadism directed towards the players, which is both comical, and annoying at the same time. There are moments in the boss fight where the Flamerlurker feels like it almost doesn’t belong in the game.

Blocking its attacks doesn’t do a lot, due to the flame damage that ignores elemental resistance. However, once players clear the Flamelurker, the rest of the game tends to feel like a walk in the park. Plus, it’s major bragging rights for gamers who enjoy running the gauntlet, and emerging beaten, bruised, yet victorious.

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