Warning! Spoilers ahead for ‘Tis The Season To Be Freezin’ #1

In the DC Comics’ holiday special issue, it’s confirmed that Santa Claus is faster than The Flash himself. Featured in ‘Tis the Season To Be Freezin’ #1, the short story written by former SNL cast member Bobby Moynihan sees Flash and Captain Cold putting aside their rivalry to save Christmas in Central City. However, while Flash may be fast enough to give gifts to several children in need, it looks as though not even DC’s Fastest Man Alive is faster than Kris Kringle and his eight reindeer.

‘Tis The Season To Be Freezin’ #1, DC’s holiday-themed anthology issue features the short story “Christmas: Cold and Fast” from Moniyhan and artist Pop Mhan. In it, Flash comes across Leonard Snart’s Captain Cold, who’s got his hands on a truck full of toys. While he had intended to sell the toys and make a nice profit before the year’s end, Snart confesses to Flash that he was thinking about giving the toys away to all the kids in the less fortunate neighborhoods, offering them all a Christmas morning he’d only dreamed of growing up. Not only does this prove that Cold isn’t heartless, but Flash even convinces him to refreeze Central’s City ice rink after the city’s heatwave had shut it down.


As the issue goes on, Flash and Captain Cold agree to save Christmas by working together. While Cold restores the ice rink and provides snow for the holidays, he only did it under the condition that Flash would dress up as Santa and deliver all the toys. All in all, it’s a rather heartwarming story that shows how people can put aside their differences for the Christmas spirit, but the story’s ending takes the cake. Looking up into the night sky, Flash is rather surprised to see a familiar man in a red suit racing along with his sled and reindeer, appearing to have a connection to Flash’s Speed Force as a speedster himself.

According to this new story, it seems Old Saint Nick claims that he’s faster than DC’s Flash, a fact which would explain how he’s able to visit so many homes in the span of one single night on Christmas Eve. While it’s really just a funny way to end the story, one might wonder who would win if the two red-suited characters were to one day race. Furthermore, if DC is suggesting that Santa is also a speedster, does this mean he has all the same powers in the Speed Force as the Flash himself?

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In any case, while ‘Tis The Season To Be Freezin’#1 is a great issue for the holidays, this Flash story in particular is one of the more notable ones thanks to this new Santa reveal. While it’s not the first time Kris Kringle has been featured in the DC Universe (Darkseid is not a big fan of Santa), it’s certainly an entertaining issue that adds the Flash’s speed to his repertoire of abilities as he strives to bring joy to children every Christmas.

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