The results of the Big Brother 24 week 10 Power of Veto competition are in, courtesy of the live feeds, and the winner is one of the current nominees, Brittany Hoopes. After the intense double eviction during which Terrance Higgins and Michael Bruner were evicted from the Big Brother house, the live feeds revealed that, later that night, Monte Taylor won the week 10 Head of Household (HOH) competition. Monte nominated Brittany and Alyssa Snider for eviction.


This is Brittany’s second solo Big Brother 24 veto win. She won the veto at Big Brochella during week 7, but chose not to use it in order to keep HOH Michael Bruner’s nominations the same and evict Jasmine Davis. She also won the power with her Festie Bestie Michael during week 3. In week 5, Michael won the veto, but Brittany was granted the power as well because she was his Festie Bestie.

Now the live feeds have revealed that Brittany won the Big Brother 24 week 10 Power of Veto competition. She surely will use it to save herself from the chopping block and guarantee herself a place in the Final 4. The competition was a shock to the contestants who were woken up in the early morning hours to play for the veto. All the remaining houseguests (Brittany, Alyssa, Monte, Taylor Hale, and Matt “Turner” Turner) were eligible to play, but Monte was disqualified when he failed to make it to the competition within two minutes after the wake-up call. Thus, as HOH, he did not have the chance to play and keep all the power.

Monte is now faced with the decision of choosing another nominee when Brittany saves herself from the chopping block. His only choices are Taylor and Turner. On the live feeds, Monte was seen talking aloud to himself, saying that this was his diary session. He said that he will put Taylor up, but Alyssa will be evicted. He believes that there will be a tie, and he is okay with breaking the tie to send Alyssa home. Although Brittany tried to convince him to evict Turner this week, he does not want to nominate him because he feels that he needs him. Also, Monte has a Final 2 deal with Turner.

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Monte and Brittany are guaranteed their spots in the Big Brother 24 Final 4, and now they must decide which of their fellow houseguests are the most sensible choices to take with them to the end. This will be a fateful decision for them. Brittany’s Power of Veto win was crucial for her game, and she has now set a path for herself that has brought her even closer to winning the Big Brother $750,000 grand prize.

Big Brotherairs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.