This post contains SPOILERS for Alien #1

In the first issue of Marvel’s new Alien series, it’s surprisingly revealed that Xenomorphs hold the key to mankind’s survival in the galaxy. Although the aliens are the most lethal and dangerous species humanity has ever encountered during their colonization of the cosmos, they may be the only things that can save them from a massive crisis that could kill billions. As such, it looks as though Steel Team will be reassembling to face Xenomorphs once more.


In Marvel’s previous Alien series, readers were introduced to Steel Team, a squad of elite androids known as synthetics. However, this new series from Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Julius Ohta reveals that Steel Team cut ties with the government (and humans in general) to live in freedom and peace, especially after their last altercation with the deadly Xenomorphs. However, it looks as though humanity will need them to enter the field yet again.

Promising full citizenship and rights for every synthetic who wishes it in Alien #1, the United Systems government is truly desperate for Steel Team’s help after one of their biggest agriculture planets fell prey to a massive nuclear explosion that covered the world in lethal radiation, threatening a total economic collapse and the starvation of millions across the galaxy. Needing a serum developed by the Weyland-Yutani corporation that will allow humans to survive the radiation and keep food production going, the government needs Steel Team to go to Tobler-9, an abandoned WY research planet that was quarantined after it became overrun by Xenomorphs. However, it’s also revealed that the serum itself was created using alien DNA, developed within a Xenomorph egg.

Surprisingly, humanity now has no hope for survival in the galaxy without the Xenomorphs. While they may be a scourge that’s nearly impossible to defeat, the alien species is now needed in order to keep mankind alive. As such, the fact that Xenomorphs will now be responsible for saving lives rather than viciously taking them is as strange as it is intriguing. Likewise, there’s no squad more qualified to take on these dangerous creatures than Steel Team, all of whom are faster and stronger than the average human marine.

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Having begun this new series with a major bombshell reveal, it’s going to be exciting to see where Marvel’s new Alien series goes next, especially concerning the nature of synthetics who can’t help but view biological organisms in a similar light (be they human or Xenomorph). The US government long saw synthetic beings as property rather than living and free-thinking beings. As such, this valuable Xenomorph egg might also save synthetics as well by giving them a new status quo in the galaxy (provided they survive the alien-covered world in the issues to come). Alien #1 is on sale now.